Using explain plan to improve Babelfish query performance - Amazon Aurora

Using explain plan to improve Babelfish query performance

Starting with version 2.1.0, Babelfish includes two functions that transparently use the PostgreSQL optimizer to generate estimated and actual query plans for T-SQL queries on the TDS port. These functions are similar to using SET STATISTICS PROFILE or SET SHOWPLAN_ALL with SQL Server databases to identify and improve slow running queries.


Getting query plans from functions, control flows, and cursors isn't currently supported.

In the table you can find a comparison of query plan explain functions across SQL Server, Babelfish, and PostgreSQL.

SQL Server









Uses the SQL Server optimizer

Uses the PostgreSQL optimizer

Uses the PostgreSQL optimizer

SQL Server input and output format

SQL Server input and PostgreSQL output format

PostgreSQL input and output format

Set for the session

Set for the session

Apply to a specific statement

Supports the following:








  • EXEC and functions, including control flow (CASE, WHILE-BREAK-CONTINUE, WAITFOR, BEGIN-END, IF-ELSE, and so on)

Supports the following:







  • EXEC




  • USE

Supports the following:








Use the Babelfish functions as follows:

  • SET BABELFISH_SHOWPLAN_ALL [ON|OFF] – Set to ON to generate an estimated query execution plan. This function implements the behavior of the PostgreSQL EXPLAIN command. Use this command to obtain the explain plan for given query.

  • SET BABELFISH_STATISTICS PROFILE [ON|OFF] – Set to ON for actual query execution plans. This function implements the behavior of PostgreSQL's EXPLAIN ANALYZE command.

For more information about PostgreSQL EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE see EXPLAIN in the PostgreSQL documentation.


Starting with version 2.2.0, you can set the escape_hatch_showplan_all parameter to ignore in order to avoid the use of BABELFISH_ prefix in the SQL Server syntax for SHOWPLAN_ALL and STATISTICS PROFILE SET commands.

For example, the following command sequence turns on query planning and then returns an estimated query execution plan for the SELECT statement without running the query. This example uses the SQL Server sample northwind database using the sqlcmd command-line tool to query the TDS port:

1> SET BABELFISH_SHOWPLAN_ALL ON 2> GO 1> SELECT t.territoryid, e.employeeid FROM 2> dbo.employeeterritories e, dbo.territories t 3> WHERE e.territoryid=e.territoryid ORDER BY t.territoryid; 4> GO QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Query Text: SELECT t.territoryid, e.employeeid FROM dbo.employeeterritories e, dbo.territories t WHERE e.territoryid=e.territoryid ORDER BY t.territoryid Sort (cost=6231.74..6399.22 rows=66992 width=10) Sort Key: t.territoryid NULLS FIRST -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..861.76 rows=66992 width=10) -> Seq Scan on employeeterritories e (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1264 width=4) Filter: ((territoryid)::"varchar" IS NOT NULL) -> Materialize (cost=0.00..1.79 rows=53 width=6) -> Seq Scan on territories t (cost=0.00..1.53 rows=53 width=6)

When you finish reviewing and adjusting your query, you turn off the function as shown following:


With BABELFISH_STATISTICS PROFILE set to ON, each executed query returns its regular result set followed by an additional result set that shows actual query execution plans. Babelfish generates the query plan that provides the fastest result set when it invokes the SELECT statement.

1> SET BABELFISH_STATISTICS PROFILE ON 1> 2> GO 1> SELECT e.employeeid, t.territoryid FROM 2> dbo.employeeterritories e, dbo.territories t 3> WHERE t.territoryid=e.territoryid ORDER BY t.territoryid; 4> GO

The result set and the query plan are returned (this example shows only the query plan).

QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Query Text: SELECT e.employeeid, t.territoryid FROM dbo.employeeterritories e, dbo.territories t WHERE t.territoryid=e.territoryid ORDER BY t.territoryid Sort (cost=42.44..43.28 rows=337 width=10) Sort Key: t.territoryid NULLS FIRST -> Hash Join (cost=2.19..28.29 rows=337 width=10) Hash Cond: ((e.territoryid)::"varchar" = (t.territoryid)::"varchar") -> Seq Scan on employeeterritories e (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36) -> Hash (cost=1.53..1.53 rows=53 width=6) -> Seq Scan on territories t (cost=0.00..1.53 rows=53 width=6)

To learn more about how to analyze your queries and the results returned by the PostgreSQL optimizer, see For more information about PostgreSQL EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE, see EXPLAIN in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Parameters that control Babelfish explain options

You can use the parameters shown in the following table to control the type of information that's displayed by your query plan.

Parameter Description


A boolean that turns on (and off) buffer usage information for the optimizer. (Default: off) (Allowable: off, on)


A boolean that turns on (and off) estimated startup and total cost information for the optimizer. (Default: on) (Allowable: off, on)


Specifies the output format for the EXPLAIN plan. (Default: text) (Allowable: text, xml, json, yaml)


A boolean that turns on (or off) the inclusion of information about configuration parameters in the EXPLAIN plan output. (Default: off) (Allowable: off, on)


A boolean that turns on (or off) summary information such as total time after the query plan. (Default: on) (Allowable: off, on)


A boolean that turns on (or off) actual startup time and time spent in each node in the output. (Default: on) (Allowable: off, on)


A boolean that turns on (or off) the most detailed version of an explain plan. (Default: off) (Allowable: off, on)


A boolean that turns on (or off) generation of WAL record information as part of an explain plan. (Default: off) (Allowable: off, on)

You can check the values of any Babelfish-related parameters on your system by using either PostgreSQL client or SQL Server client. Run the following command to get your current parameter values:

1> execute sp_babelfish_configure '%explain%'; 2> GO

In the following output, you can see that all settings on this particular Babelfish DB cluster are at their default values. Not all output is shown in this example.

name setting short_desc ---------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------- babelfishpg_tsql.explain_buffers off Include information on buffer usage babelfishpg_tsql.explain_costs on Include information on estimated startup and total cost babelfishpg_tsql.explain_format text Specify the output format, which can be TEXT, XML, JSON, or YAML babelfishpg_tsql.explain_settings off Include information on configuration parameters babelfishpg_tsql.explain_summary on Include summary information (e.g.,totaled timing information) after the query plan babelfishpg_tsql.explain_timing on Include actual startup time and time spent in each node in the output babelfishpg_tsql.explain_verbose off Display additional information regarding the plan babelfishpg_tsql.explain_wal off Include information on WAL record generation (8 rows affected)

You can change the setting for these parameters using sp_babelfish_configure, as shown in the following example.

1> execute sp_babelfish_configure 'explain_verbose', 'on'; 2> GO

If you want make the setting permanent on a cluster-wide level, include the keyword server, as shown in the following example.

1> execute sp_babelfish_configure 'explain_verbose', 'on', 'server'; 2> GO