Performing a full backup of a tenant database - Amazon Relational Database Service

Performing a full backup of a tenant database

You can perform a backup of all data blocks included a tenant database in a container database (CDB). Use the Amazon RDS procedure rdsadmin.rdsadmin_rman_util.backup_tenant_full. This procedure applies only to the current database backup and uses the following common parameters for RMAN tasks:

  • p_owner

  • p_directory_name

  • p_label

  • p_parallel

  • p_section_size_mb

  • p_include_archive_logs

  • p_optimize

  • p_compress

  • p_rman_to_dbms_output

  • p_tag

For more information, see Common parameters for RMAN procedures.

The rdsadmin_rman_util.backup_tenant_full procedure is supported for the following RDS for Oracle DB engine versions:

  • Oracle Database 21c (21.0.0) CDB

  • Oracle Database 19c (19.0.0) CDB

The following example performs a full backup of the current tenant database using the specified values for the parameters.

BEGIN rdsadmin.rdsadmin_rman_util.backup_tenant_full( p_owner => 'SYS', p_directory_name => 'MYDIRECTORY', p_parallel => 4, p_section_size_mb => 10, p_tag => 'FULL_TENANT_DB_BACKUP', p_rman_to_dbms_output => FALSE); END; /