Performing an incremental backup of a tenant database - Amazon Relational Database Service

Performing an incremental backup of a tenant database

You can perform an incremental backup of the current tenant database in your CDB. Use the Amazon RDS procedure rdsadmin.rdsadmin_rman_util.backup_tenant_incremental.

For more information about incremental backups, see Incremental backups in the Oracle Database documentation.

This procedure applies only to the current tenant database and uses the following common parameters for RMAN tasks:

  • p_owner

  • p_directory_name

  • p_label

  • p_parallel

  • p_section_size_mb

  • p_include_archive_logs

  • p_include_controlfile

  • p_optimize

  • p_compress

  • p_rman_to_dbms_output

  • p_tag

For more information, see Common parameters for RMAN procedures.

This procedure is supported for the following Amazon RDS for Oracle DB engine versions:

  • Oracle Database 21c (21.0.0) CDB

  • Oracle Database 19c (19.0.0) CDB

This procedure also uses the following additional parameter.

Parameter name Data type Valid values Default Required Description



0, 1



Specify 0 to enable a full incremental backup.

Specify 1 to enable a non-cumulative incremental backup.

The following example performs an incremental backup of the current tenant database using the specified values for the parameters.

BEGIN rdsadmin.rdsadmin_rman_util.backup_tenant_incremental( p_owner => 'SYS', p_directory_name => 'MYDIRECTORY', p_level => 1, p_parallel => 4, p_section_size_mb => 10, p_tag => 'MY_INCREMENTAL_BACKUP', p_rman_to_dbms_output => FALSE); END; /