Using the log_fdw extension to access the DB log using SQL - Amazon Relational Database Service

Using the log_fdw extension to access the DB log using SQL

RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance supports the log_fdw extension, which you can use to access your database engine log using a SQL interface. The log_fdw extension provides two functions that make it easy to create foreign tables for database logs:

  • list_postgres_log_files – Lists the files in the database log directory and the file size in bytes.

  • create_foreign_table_for_log_file(table_name text, server_name text, log_file_name text) – Builds a foreign table for the specified file in the current database.

All functions created by log_fdw are owned by rds_superuser. Members of the rds_superuser role can grant access to these functions to other database users.

By default, the log files are generated by Amazon RDS in stderr (standard error) format, as specified in log_destination parameter. There are only two options for this parameter, stderr and csvlog (comma-separated values, CSV). If you add the csvlog option to the parameter, Amazon RDS generates both stderr and csvlog logs. This can affect the storage capacity on your DB cluster, so you need to be aware of the other parameters that affect log handling. For more information, see Setting the log destination (stderr, csvlog).

One benefit of generating csvlog logs is that the log_fdw extension lets you build foreign tables with the data neatly split into several columns. To do this, your instance needs to be associated with a custom DB parameter group so that you can change the setting for log_destination. For more information about how to do so, see Working with parameters on your RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance.

The following example assumes that the log_destination parameter includes cvslog.

To use the log_fdw extension
  1. Install the log_fdw extension.

  2. Create the log server as a foreign data wrapper.

  3. Select all from a list of log files.

    postgres=> SELECT * FROM list_postgres_log_files() ORDER BY 1;

    A sample response is as follows.

    file_name | file_size_bytes ------------------------------+----------------- postgresql.log.2023-08-09-22.csv | 1111 postgresql.log.2023-08-09-23.csv | 1172 postgresql.log.2023-08-10-00.csv | 1744 postgresql.log.2023-08-10-01.csv | 1102 (4 rows)
  4. Create a table with a single 'log_entry' column for the selected file.

    postgres=> SELECT create_foreign_table_for_log_file('my_postgres_error_log', 'log_server', 'postgresql.log.2023-08-09-22.csv');

    The response provides no detail other than that the table now exists.

    ----------------------------------- (1 row)
  5. Select a sample of the log file. The following code retrieves the log time and error message description.

    postgres=> SELECT log_time, message FROM my_postgres_error_log ORDER BY 1;

    A sample response is as follows.

    log_time | message ----------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 09 15:45:18.172 2023 PDT | ending log output to stderr Tue Aug 09 15:45:18.175 2023 PDT | database system was interrupted; last known up at 2023-08-09 22:43:34 UTC Tue Aug 09 15:45:18.223 2023 PDT | checkpoint record is at 0/90002E0 Tue Aug 09 15:45:18.223 2023 PDT | redo record is at 0/90002A8; shutdown FALSE Tue Aug 09 15:45:18.223 2023 PDT | next transaction ID: 0/1879; next OID: 24578 Tue Aug 09 15:45:18.223 2023 PDT | next MultiXactId: 1; next MultiXactOffset: 0 Tue Aug 09 15:45:18.223 2023 PDT | oldest unfrozen transaction ID: 1822, in database 1 (7 rows)