Requiring SSL/TLS for specific user accounts to a MariaDB DB instance on Amazon RDS - Amazon Relational Database Service

Requiring SSL/TLS for specific user accounts to a MariaDB DB instance on Amazon RDS

You can require SSL/TLS encryption for specified user account connections to your MariaDB DB instances on Amazon RDS. Protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access or interception is crucial to enforce security policies where data confidentiality is a concern.

To require SSL/TLS connections for specific users' accounts, use one of the following statements, depending on your MySQL version, to require SSL/TLS connections on the user account encrypted_user.

To do so, use the following statement.

ALTER USER 'encrypted_user'@'%' REQUIRE SSL;

For more information on SSL/TLS connections with MariaDB, see Securing Connections for Client and Server in the MariaDB documentation.