Custom data types and enumerations with RDS for PostgreSQL - Amazon Relational Database Service

Custom data types and enumerations with RDS for PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL supports creating custom data types and working with enumerations. For more information about creating and working with enumerations and other data types, see Enumerated types in the PostgreSQL documentation.

The following is an example of creating a type as an enumeration and then inserting values into a table.

CREATE TYPE rainbow AS ENUM ('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple'); CREATE TYPE CREATE TABLE t1 (colors rainbow); CREATE TABLE INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('red'), ( 'orange'); INSERT 0 2 SELECT * from t1; colors -------- red orange (2 rows) postgres=> ALTER TYPE rainbow RENAME VALUE 'red' TO 'crimson'; ALTER TYPE postgres=> SELECT * from t1; colors --------- crimson orange (2 rows)