Using PostgreSQL hooks with your TLE extensions - Amazon Relational Database Service

Using PostgreSQL hooks with your TLE extensions

A hook is a callback mechanism available in PostgreSQL that allows developers to call custom functions or other routines during regular database operations. The TLE development kit supports PostgreSQL hooks so that you can integrate custom functions with PostgreSQL behavior at runtime. For example, you can use a hook to associate the authentication process with your own custom code, or to modify the query planning and execution process for your specific needs.

Your TLE extensions can use hooks. If a hook is global in scope, it applies across all databases. Therefore, if your TLE extension uses a global hook, then you need to create your TLE extension in all databases that your users can access.

When you use the pg_tle extension to build your own Trusted Language Extensions, you can use the available hooks from a SQL API to build out the functions of your extension. You should register any hooks with pg_tle. For some hooks, you might also need to set various configuration parameters. For example, the passcode check hook can be set to on, off, or require. For more information about specific requirements for available pg_tle hooks, see Hooks reference for Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL.

Example: Creating an extension that uses a PostgreSQL hook

The example discussed in this section uses a PostgreSQL hook to check the password provided during specific SQL operations and prevents database users from setting their passwords to any of those contained in the password_check.bad_passwords table. The table contains the top-ten most commonly used, but easily breakable choices for passwords.

To set up this example in your RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance, you must have already installed Trusted Language Extensions. For details, see Setting up Trusted Language Extensions in your RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance.

To set up the password-check hook example
  1. Use psql to connect to RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance.

    psql --port=5432 --username=postgres --password --dbname=labdb
  2. Copy the code from the Password-check hook code listing and paste it into your database.

    SELECT pgtle.install_extension ( 'my_password_check_rules', '1.0', 'Do not let users use the 10 most commonly used passwords', $_pgtle_$ CREATE SCHEMA password_check; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA password_check FROM PUBLIC; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA password_check TO PUBLIC; CREATE TABLE password_check.bad_passwords (plaintext) AS VALUES ('123456'), ('password'), ('12345678'), ('qwerty'), ('123456789'), ('12345'), ('1234'), ('111111'), ('1234567'), ('dragon'); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON password_check.bad_passwords (plaintext); CREATE FUNCTION password_check.passcheck_hook(username text, password text, password_type pgtle.password_types, valid_until timestamptz, valid_null boolean) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE invalid bool := false; BEGIN IF password_type = 'PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5' THEN SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM password_check.bad_passwords bp WHERE ('md5' || md5(bp.plaintext || username)) = password ) INTO invalid; IF invalid THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot use passwords from the common password dictionary'; END IF; ELSIF password_type = 'PASSWORD_TYPE_PLAINTEXT' THEN SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM password_check.bad_passwords bp WHERE bp.plaintext = password ) INTO invalid; IF invalid THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot use passwords from the common common password dictionary'; END IF; END IF; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION password_check.passcheck_hook TO PUBLIC; SELECT pgtle.register_feature('password_check.passcheck_hook', 'passcheck'); $_pgtle_$ );

    When the extension has been loaded into your database, you see the output such as the following.

    install_extension ------------------- t (1 row)
  3. While still connected to the database, you can now create the extension.

    CREATE EXTENSION my_password_check_rules;
  4. You can confirm that the extension has been created in the database by using the following psql metacommand.

    \dx List of installed extensions Name | Version | Schema | Description -------------------------+---------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------- my_password_check_rules | 1.0 | public | Prevent use of any of the top-ten most common bad passwords pg_tle | 1.0.1 | pgtle | Trusted-Language Extensions for PostgreSQL plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language (3 rows)
  5. Open another terminal session to work with the AWS CLI. You need to modify your custom DB parameter group to turn on the password-check hook. To do so, use the modify-db-parameter-group CLI command as shown in the following example.

    aws rds modify-db-parameter-group \ --region aws-region \ --db-parameter-group-name your-custom-parameter-group \ --parameters "ParameterName=pgtle.enable_password_check,ParameterValue=on,ApplyMethod=immediate"

    When the parameter is successfully turned on, you see the output such as the following.

    ( "DBParameterGroupName": "docs-lab-parameters-for-tle" }

    It might take a few minutes for the change to the parameter group setting to take effect. This parameter is dynamic, however, so you don't need to restart the RDS for PostgreSQL DB instance for the setting to take effect.

  6. Open the psql session and query the database to verify that the password_check hook has been turned on.

    labdb=> SHOW pgtle.enable_password_check; pgtle.enable_password_check ----------------------------- on (1 row)

The password-check hook is now active. You can test it by creating a new role and using one of the bad passwords, as shown in the following example.

CREATE ROLE test_role PASSWORD 'password'; ERROR: Cannot use passwords from the common password dictionary CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function password_check.passcheck_hook(text,text,pgtle.password_types,timestamp with time zone,boolean) line 21 at RAISE SQL statement "SELECT password_check.passcheck_hook( $1::pg_catalog.text, $2::pg_catalog.text, $3::pgtle.password_types, $4::pg_catalog.timestamptz, $5::pg_catalog.bool)"

The output has been formatted for readability.

The following example shows that pgsql interactive metacommand \password behavior is also affected by the password_check hook.

postgres=> SET password_encryption TO 'md5'; SET postgres=> \password Enter new password for user "postgres":***** Enter it again:***** ERROR: Cannot use passwords from the common password dictionary CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function password_check.passcheck_hook(text,text,pgtle.password_types,timestamp with time zone,boolean) line 12 at RAISE SQL statement "SELECT password_check.passcheck_hook($1::pg_catalog.text, $2::pg_catalog.text, $3::pgtle.password_types, $4::pg_catalog.timestamptz, $5::pg_catalog.bool)"

You can drop this TLE extension and uninstall its source files if you want. For more information, see Dropping your TLE extensions from a database.

Password-check hook code listing

The example code shown here defines the specification for the my_password_check_rules TLE extension. When you copy this code and paste it into your database, the code for the my_password_check_rules extension is loaded into the database, and the password_check hook is registered for use by the extension.

SELECT pgtle.install_extension ( 'my_password_check_rules', '1.0', 'Do not let users use the 10 most commonly used passwords', $_pgtle_$ CREATE SCHEMA password_check; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA password_check FROM PUBLIC; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA password_check TO PUBLIC; CREATE TABLE password_check.bad_passwords (plaintext) AS VALUES ('123456'), ('password'), ('12345678'), ('qwerty'), ('123456789'), ('12345'), ('1234'), ('111111'), ('1234567'), ('dragon'); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON password_check.bad_passwords (plaintext); CREATE FUNCTION password_check.passcheck_hook(username text, password text, password_type pgtle.password_types, valid_until timestamptz, valid_null boolean) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE invalid bool := false; BEGIN IF password_type = 'PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5' THEN SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM password_check.bad_passwords bp WHERE ('md5' || md5(bp.plaintext || username)) = password ) INTO invalid; IF invalid THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot use passwords from the common password dictionary'; END IF; ELSIF password_type = 'PASSWORD_TYPE_PLAINTEXT' THEN SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM password_check.bad_passwords bp WHERE bp.plaintext = password ) INTO invalid; IF invalid THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot use passwords from the common common password dictionary'; END IF; END IF; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION password_check.passcheck_hook TO PUBLIC; SELECT pgtle.register_feature('password_check.passcheck_hook', 'passcheck'); $_pgtle_$ );