Backing up an SSAS database - Amazon Relational Database Service

Backing up an SSAS database

You can create SSAS database backup files only in the D:\S3 folder on the DB instance. To move the backup files to your S3 bucket, use Amazon S3.

You can back up an SSAS database as follows:

  • A domain user with the admin role for a particular database can use SSMS to back up the database to the D:\S3 folder.

    For more information, see Adding a domain user as a database administrator.

  • You can use the following stored procedure. This stored procedure doesn't support encryption.

    exec msdb.dbo.rds_msbi_task @task_type='SSAS_BACKUP_DB', @database_name='myssasdb', @file_path='D:\S3\ssas_db_backup.abf', [@ssas_apply_compression=1], [@ssas_overwrite_file=1];

    The following parameters are required:

    • @task_type – The type of the MSBI task, in this case SSAS_BACKUP_DB.

    • @database_name – The name of the SSAS database that you're backing up.

    • @file_path – The path for the SSAS backup file. The .abf extension is required.

    The following parameters are optional:

    • @ssas_apply_compression – Whether to apply SSAS backup compression. Valid values are 1 (Yes) and 0 (No).

    • @ssas_overwrite_file – Whether to overwrite the SSAS backup file. Valid values are 1 (Yes) and 0 (No).