Granting fine-grained access for Performance Insights - Amazon Relational Database Service

Granting fine-grained access for Performance Insights

Fine-grained access control offers additional ways of controlling access to Performance Insights. This access control can allow or deny access to individual dimensions for GetResourceMetrics, DescribeDimensionKeys, and GetDimensionKeyDetails Performance Insights actions. To use fine-grained access, specify dimensions in the IAM policy by using condition keys. The evaluation of the access follows the IAM policy evaluation logic. For more information, see Policy evaluation logic in the IAM User Guide. If the IAM policy statement doesn't specify any dimension, then the statement controls access to all the dimensions for the specified action. For the list of available dimensions, see DimensionGroup.

To find out the dimensions that your credentials are authorized to access, use the AuthorizedActions parameter in ListAvailableResourceDimensions and specify the action. The allowed values for AuthorizedActions are as follows:

  • GetResourceMetrics

  • DescribeDimensionKeys

  • GetDimensionKeyDetails

For example, if you specify GetResourceMetrics to the AuthorizedActions parameter, ListAvailableResourceDimensions returns the list of dimensions that the GetResourceMetrics action is authorized to access. If you specify multiple actions in the AuthorizedActions parameter, then ListAvailableResourceDimensions returns an intersection of dimensions that those actions are authorized to access.

The following example provides access to the specified dimensions for GetResourceMetrics and DescribeDimensionKeys actions.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowToDiscoverDimensions", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "pi:ListAvailableResourceDimensions" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:pi:us-east-1:123456789012:metrics/rds/db-ABC1DEFGHIJKL2MNOPQRSTUV3W" ] }, { "Sid": "SingleAllow", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "pi:GetResourceMetrics", "pi:DescribeDimensionKeys" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:pi:us-east-1:123456789012:metrics/rds/db-ABC1DEFGHIJKL2MNOPQRSTUV3W" ], "Condition": { "ForAllValues:StringEquals": { // only these dimensions are allowed. Dimensions not included in // a policy with "Allow" effect will be denied "pi:Dimensions": [ "", "db.sql_tokenized.statement" ] } } } ] }

The following is the response for the requested dimension:

// ListAvailableResourceDimensions API // Request { "ServiceType": "RDS", "Identifier": "db-ABC1DEFGHIJKL2MNOPQRSTUV3W", "Metrics": [ "db.load" ], "AuthorizedActions": ["DescribeDimensionKeys"] } // Response { "MetricDimensions": [ { "Metric": "db.load", "Groups": [ { "Group": "db.sql_tokenized", "Dimensions": [ { "Identifier": "" }, // { "Identifier": "db.sql_tokenized.db_id" }, // not included because not allows in the IAM Policy { "Identifier": "db.sql_tokenized.statement" } ] } ] } ] }

The following example specifies one allow and two deny access for the dimensions.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowToDiscoverDimensions", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "pi:ListAvailableResourceDimensions" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:pi:us-east-1:123456789012:metrics/rds/db-ABC1DEFGHIJKL2MNOPQRSTUV3W" ] }, { "Sid": "O01AllowAllWithoutSpecifyingDimensions", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "pi:GetResourceMetrics", "pi:DescribeDimensionKeys" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:pi:us-east-1:123456789012:metrics/rds/db-ABC1DEFGHIJKL2MNOPQRSTUV3W" ] }, { "Sid": "O01DenyAppDimensionForAll", "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "pi:GetResourceMetrics", "pi:DescribeDimensionKeys" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:pi:us-east-1:123456789012:metrics/rds/db-ABC1DEFGHIJKL2MNOPQRSTUV3W" ], "Condition": { "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": { "pi:Dimensions": [ "" ] } } }, { "Sid": "O01DenySQLForGetResourceMetrics", "Effect": "Deny", "Action": [ "pi:GetResourceMetrics" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:pi:us-east-1:123456789012:metrics/rds/db-ABC1DEFGHIJKL2MNOPQRSTUV3W" ], "Condition": { "ForAnyValue:StringEquals": { "pi:Dimensions": [ "db.sql_tokenized.statement" ] } } } ] }

The following are the responses for the requested dimensions:

// ListAvailableResourceDimensions API // Request { "ServiceType": "RDS", "Identifier": "db-ABC1DEFGHIJKL2MNOPQRSTUV3W", "Metrics": [ "db.load" ], "AuthorizedActions": ["GetResourceMetrics"] } // Response { "MetricDimensions": [ { "Metric": "db.load", "Groups": [ { "Group": "db.application", "Dimensions": [ // removed from response because denied by the IAM Policy // { "Identifier": "" } ] }, { "Group": "db.sql_tokenized", "Dimensions": [ { "Identifier": "" }, { "Identifier": "db.sql_tokenized.db_id" }, // removed from response because denied by the IAM Policy // { "Identifier": "db.sql_tokenized.statement" } ] }, ... ] } ] }
// ListAvailableResourceDimensions API // Request { "ServiceType": "RDS", "Identifier": "db-ABC1DEFGHIJKL2MNOPQRSTUV3W", "Metrics": [ "db.load" ], "AuthorizedActions": ["DescribeDimensionKeys"] } // Response { "MetricDimensions": [ { "Metric": "db.load", "Groups": [ { "Group": "db.application", "Dimensions": [ // removed from response because denied by the IAM Policy // { "Identifier": "" } ] }, { "Group": "db.sql_tokenized", "Dimensions": [ { "Identifier": "" }, { "Identifier": "db.sql_tokenized.db_id" }, // allowed for DescribeDimensionKeys because our IAM Policy // denies it only for GetResourceMetrics { "Identifier": "db.sql_tokenized.statement" } ] }, ... ] } ] }