You can get a list of all parameters in a DB cluster parameter group and their values.
To view the parameter values for a DB cluster parameter group
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Parameter groups.
The DB cluster parameter groups appear in the list with DB cluster parameter group for Type.
Choose the name of the DB cluster parameter group to see its list of parameters.
To view the parameter values for a DB cluster parameter group, use the AWS CLI describe-db-cluster-parameters
command with the following required parameter.
The following example lists the parameters and parameter values for a DB cluster parameter group named mydbclusterparametergroup, in JSON format.
The command returns a response like the following:
aws rds describe-db-cluster-parameters --db-cluster-parameter-group-name
"Parameters": [
"ParameterName": "activate_all_roles_on_login",
"ParameterValue": "0",
"Description": "Automatically set all granted roles as active after the user has authenticated successfully.",
"Source": "engine-default",
"ApplyType": "dynamic",
"DataType": "boolean",
"AllowedValues": "0,1",
"IsModifiable": true,
"ApplyMethod": "pending-reboot",
"SupportedEngineModes": [
"ParameterName": "allow-suspicious-udfs",
"Description": "Controls whether user-defined functions that have only an xxx symbol for the main function can be loaded",
"Source": "engine-default",
"ApplyType": "static",
"DataType": "boolean",
"AllowedValues": "0,1",
"IsModifiable": false,
"ApplyMethod": "pending-reboot",
"SupportedEngineModes": [
To view the parameter values for a DB cluster parameter group, use the RDS API DescribeDBClusterParameters
command with the following
required parameter.
In some cases, the allowed values for a parameter aren't shown. These are always parameters where the source is the database engine default.
To view the values of these parameters, you can run the following SQL statements:
-- Show the value of a particular parameter mysql
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%parameter_name
%'; -- Show the values of all parameters mysql$
-- Show the value of a particular parameter postgresql=> SHOW
; -- Show the values of all parameters postgresql=> SHOW ALL;