Creating and connecting to a DB instance for Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server - Amazon Relational Database Service

Creating and connecting to a DB instance for Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server

You can create an RDS Custom DB instance, and then connect to it using AWS Systems Manager or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).


Before you can create or connect to an RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance, make sure to complete the tasks in Setting up your environment for Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server.

You can tag RDS Custom DB instances when you create them, but don't create or modify the AWSRDSCustom tag that's required for RDS Custom automation. For more information, see Tagging RDS Custom for SQL Server resources.

The first time that you create an RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance, you might receive the following error: The service-linked role is in the process of being created. Try again later. If you do, wait a few minutes and then try again to create the DB instance.

Creating an RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance

Create an Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance using either the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI. The procedure is similar to the procedure for creating an Amazon RDS DB instance.

For more information, see Creating an Amazon RDS DB instance.

To create an RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.

  3. Choose Create database.

  4. Choose Standard create for the database creation method.

  5. For Engine options, choose Microsoft SQL Server for the engine type.

  6. For Database management type, choose Amazon RDS Custom.

  7. In the Edition section, choose the DB engine edition that you want to use.

  8. (Optional) If you intend to create the DB instance from a CEV, check the Use custom engine version (CEV) check box. Select your CEV in the drop-down list.

  9. For Database version, keep the default value version.

  10. For Templates, choose Production.

  11. In the Settings section, enter a unique name for the DB instance identifier.

  12. To enter your master password, do the following:

    1. In the Settings section, open Credential Settings.

    2. Clear the Auto generate a password check box.

    3. Change the Master username value and enter the same password in Master password and Confirm password.

    By default, the new RDS Custom DB instance uses an automatically generated password for the master user.

  13. In the DB instance size section, choose a value for DB instance class.

    For supported classes, see DB instance class support for RDS Custom for SQL Server.

  14. Choose Storage settings.

  15. For RDS Custom security, do the following:

    1. For IAM instance profile, you have two options to choose the instance profile for your RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance.

      1. Choose Create a new instance profile and provide an instance profile name suffix. For more information, see Automated instance profile creation using the AWS Management Console.

      2. Choose an existing instance profile. From the ddropdown list, choose instance profile that begins with AWSRDSCustom.

    2. For Encryption, choose Enter a key ARN to list the available AWS KMS keys. Then choose your key from the list.

      An AWS KMS key is required for RDS Custom. For more information, see Make sure that you have a symmetric encryption AWS KMS key.

  16. For the remaining sections, specify your preferred RDS Custom DB instance settings. For information about each setting, see Settings for DB instances. The following settings don't appear in the console and aren't supported:

    • Processor features

    • Storage autoscaling

    • Availability & durability

    • Password and Kerberos authentication option in Database authentication (only Password authentication is supported)

    • Database options group in Additional configuration

    • Performance Insights

    • Log exports

    • Enable auto minor version upgrade

    • Deletion protection

    Backup retention period is supported, but you can't choose 0 days.

  17. Choose Create database.

    The View credential details button appears on the Databases page.

    To view the master user name and password for the RDS Custom DB instance, choose View credential details.

    To connect to the DB instance as the master user, use the user name and password that appear.


    You can't view the master user password again. If you don't record it, you might have to change it. To change the master user password after the RDS Custom DB instance is available, modify the DB instance. For more information about modifying a DB instance, see Managing an Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance.

  18. Choose Databases to view the list of RDS Custom DB instances.

  19. Choose the RDS Custom DB instance that you just created.

    On the RDS console, the details for the new RDS Custom DB instance appear:

    • The DB instance has a status of creating until the RDS Custom DB instance is created and ready for use. When the state changes to available, you can connect to the DB instance. Depending on the instance class and storage allocated, it can take several minutes for the new DB instance to be available.

    • Role has the value Instance (RDS Custom).

    • RDS Custom automation mode has the value Full automation. This setting means that the DB instance provides automatic monitoring and instance recovery.

You create an RDS Custom DB instance by using the create-db-instance AWS CLI command.

The following options are required:

The following example creates an RDS Custom for SQL Server DB instance named my-custom-instance. The backup retention period is 3 days.


To create a DB instance from a custom engine version (CEV), supply an existing CEV name to the --engine-version parameter. For example, --engine-version 15.00.4249.2.my_cevtest

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-db-instance \ --engine custom-sqlserver-ee \ --engine-version 15.00.4073.23.v1 \ --db-instance-identifier my-custom-instance \ --db-instance-class db.m5.xlarge \ --allocated-storage 20 \ --db-subnet-group mydbsubnetgroup \ --master-username myuser \ --master-user-password mypassword \ --backup-retention-period 3 \ --no-multi-az \ --port 8200 \ --kms-key-id mykmskey \ --custom-iam-instance-profile AWSRDSCustomInstanceProfileForRdsCustomInstance

For Windows:

aws rds create-db-instance ^ --engine custom-sqlserver-ee ^ --engine-version 15.00.4073.23.v1 ^ --db-instance-identifier my-custom-instance ^ --db-instance-class db.m5.xlarge ^ --allocated-storage 20 ^ --db-subnet-group mydbsubnetgroup ^ --master-username myuser ^ --master-user-password mypassword ^ --backup-retention-period 3 ^ --no-multi-az ^ --port 8200 ^ --kms-key-id mykmskey ^ --custom-iam-instance-profile AWSRDSCustomInstanceProfileForRdsCustomInstance

Specify a password other than the prompt shown here as a security best practice.

Get details about your instance by using the describe-db-instances command.

aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier my-custom-instance

The following partial output shows the engine, parameter groups, and other information.

{ "DBInstances": [ { "PendingModifiedValues": {}, "Engine": "custom-sqlserver-ee", "MultiAZ": false, "DBSecurityGroups": [], "DBParameterGroups": [ { "DBParameterGroupName": "default.custom-sqlserver-ee-15", "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync" } ], "AutomationMode": "full", "DBInstanceIdentifier": "my-custom-instance", "TagList": [] } ] }