Network Validation - Amazon Relational Database Service

Network Validation

Before joining your RDS Custom instance to either self-managed or AWS Managed Microsoft AD, check the following from a EC2 instance in the same VPC as where you plan to launch the RDS Custom for SQL Server instance.

  • Check if you are able to resolve the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to domain controller IPs.


    The command must return a similar output:

    Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: Addresses: (DC1 IP) (DC2 IP)
  • Resolve AWS services from an EC2 instance in the VPC where you are launching your RDS Custom instance:

    $region='input-your-aws-region' $domainFQDN='input-your-domainFQDN' function Test-DomainPorts { param ( [string]$Domain, [array]$Ports ) foreach ($portInfo in $Ports) { try { $conn = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $connectionResult = $conn.BeginConnect($Domain, $portInfo.Port, $null, $null) $success = $connectionResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000) # 1 second timeout if ($success) { $conn.EndConnect($connectionResult) $result = $true } else { $result = $false } } catch { $result = $false } finally { if ($null -ne $conn) { $conn.Close() } } Write-Host "$($portInfo.Description) port open: $result" } } # Check if ports can be reached $ports = @( @{Port = 53; Description = "DNS"}, @{Port = 88; Description = "Kerberos"}, @{Port = 389; Description = "LDAP"}, @{Port = 445; Description = "SMB"}, @{Port = 5985; Description = "WinRM"}, @{Port = 636; Description = "LDAPS"}, @{Port = 3268; Description = "Global Catalog"}, @{Port = 3269; Description = "Global Catalog over SSL"}, @{Port = 9389; Description = "AD DS"} ) function Test-DomainReachability { param ( [string]$DomainName ) try { $dnsResults = Resolve-DnsName -Name $DomainName -ErrorAction Stop Write-Host "Domain $DomainName is successfully resolving to following IP addresses: $($dnsResults.IpAddress)" Write-Host "" return $true } catch { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Error Message: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Host "Domain $DomainName reachability check failed, please Configure DNS resolution" return $false } } $domain = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain if ($domain -eq 'WORKGROUP') { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Host $env:computername is still part of WORKGROUP and not part of any domain" } else { Write-Host "" Write-Host "Host $env:computername is joined to $domain domain" Write-Host "" } $isReachable = Test-DomainReachability -DomainName $domainFQDN if ($isReachable) { write-Host "Checking if domain $domainFQDN is reachable on required ports " Test-DomainPorts -Domain $domainFQDN -Ports $ports } else { Write-Host "Port check skipped. Domain not reachable" } # Get network adapter configuration $networkConfig = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object { $_.IPEnabled -eq $true } | Select-Object -First 1 # Check DNS server settings $dnsServers = $networkConfig.DNSServerSearchOrder if ($dnsServers) { Write-Host "`nDNS Server settings:" foreach ($server in $dnsServers) { Write-Host " - $server" } } else { Write-Host "`nNo DNS servers configured or unable to retrieve DNS server information." } write-host "" # Checks Reachability to AWS dependent Services $services = "s3", "ec2", "secretsmanager", "logs", "events", "monitoring", "ssm", "ec2messages", "ssmmessages" function Get-TcpConnectionAsync { param ( $ServicePrefix, $region ) $endpoint = "${ServicePrefix}.${region}" $tcp = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient $result = $false try { $connectTask = $tcp.ConnectAsync($endpoint, 443) $timedOut = $connectTask.Wait(3000) $result = $tcp.Connected } catch { $result = $false } return $result } foreach ($service in $services) { $validationResult = Get-TcpConnectionAsync -ServicePrefix $service -Region $region Write-Host "Reachability to $service is $validationResult" }

    The TcpTestSucceeded value must return True for s3, ec2, secretsmanager, logs, events, monitoring, ssm, ec2messages, and ssmmessages.