Upgrading an RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance - Amazon Relational Database Service

Upgrading an RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance

To upgrade your RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance, modify it to use a new CEV. This CEV can contain either new database binaries or a new AMI. For example, to upgrade your Oracle Linux 7.9 DB instance to Oracle Linux 8, specify the latest AMI, which uses Oracle Linux 8. To upgrade the database and OS, you must perform two separate upgrades.


If you upgrade the database, RDS Custom automatically upgrades read replicas after it upgrades the primary DB instance. If you upgrade the OS, you must upgrade the replicas manually.

Before you begin, review Requirements for RDS Custom for Oracle upgrades and Considerations for RDS Custom for Oracle database upgrades.

To upgrade an RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/rds/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases, and then choose the RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance that you want to upgrade.

  3. Choose Modify. The Modify DB instance page appears.

  4. For DB engine version, choose a new CEV. Do the following:

    • If you are patching the database, make sure that the CEV specifies database binaries that are different from those used by your DB instance, and doesn't specify an AMI that is different from the AMI currently used by your DB instance.

    • If you are patching the OS, make sure that the CEV specifies an AMI that is different from the AMI currently used by your DB instance, and doesn't specify different database binaries.


      When you patch your OS, you lose your root volume data and any existing OS customization.

  5. Choose Continue to check the summary of modifications.

    Choose Apply immediately to apply the changes immediately.

  6. If your changes are correct, choose Modify DB instance. Or choose Back to edit your changes or Cancel to cancel your changes.

The following examples show possible upgrade scenarios. The examples assume that you created an RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance with the following characteristics:

  • DB instance named my-custom-instance

  • CEV named 19.my_cev1

  • Oracle Database 19c using the non-CDB architecture

  • Oracle Linux 8 using AMI ami-1234

The latest service-provided AMI is ami-2345. You can find AMIs by running the CLI command describe-db-engine-versions.

Upgrading the OS

In this example, you want to upgrade ami-1234 to ami-2345, which is the latest service-provided AMI. Because you are upgrading the OS, the database binaries for ami-1234 and ami-2345 must be the same. You create a new CEV named 19.my_cev2 based on 19.my_cev1.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-custom-db-engine-version \ --engine custom-oracle-ee \ --engine-version 19.my_cev2 \ --description "Non-CDB CEV based on ami-2345" \ --kms-key-id key-name \ --source-custom-db-engine-version-identifer arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:cev:custom-oracle-ee/19.my_cev1/12345678-ab12-1234-cde1-abcde123456789 \ --image-id ami-2345

For Windows:

aws rds create-custom-db-engine-version ^ --engine custom-oracle-ee ^ --engine-version 19.my_cev2 ^ --description "Non-CDB CEV based on ami-2345" ^ --kms-key-id key-name ^ --source-custom-db-engine-version-identifer arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:cev:custom-oracle-ee/19.my_cev1/12345678-ab12-1234-cde1-abcde123456789 ^ --image-id ami-2345

To upgrade an RDS Custom DB instance, use the modify-db-instance AWS CLI command with the following parameters:

  • --db-instance-identifier – Specify the RDS Custom for Oracle DB instance to be upgraded.

  • --engine-version – Specify the CEV that has the new AMI.

  • --no-apply-immediately | --apply-immediately – Specify whether to perform the upgrade immediately or wait until the scheduled maintenance window.

The following example upgrades my-custom-instance to version 19.my_cev2. Only the OS is upgraded.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds modify-db-instance \ --db-instance-identifier my-custom-instance \ --engine-version 19.my_cev2 \ --apply-immediately

For Windows:

aws rds modify-db-instance ^ --db-instance-identifier my-custom-instance ^ --engine-version 19.my_cev2 ^ --apply-immediately

Upgrading the database

In this example, you want to apply Oracle patch p35042068 to your RDS for Oracle DB instance. Because you upgraded your OS in Upgrading the OS, your DB instance is currently using 19.my_cev2, which is based on ami-2345. You create a new CEV named 19.my_cev3 that also uses ami-2345, but you specify a new JSON manifest in the $MANIFEST environment variable. Thus, only the database binaries different in your new CEV and the CEV that your instance is currently using.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds create-custom-db-engine-version \ --engine custom-oracle-ee \ --engine-version 19.my_cev3 \ --description "Non-CDB CEV with p35042068 based on ami-2345" \ --kms-key-id key-name \ --image-id ami-2345 \ --manifest $MANIFEST

For Windows:

aws rds create-custom-db-engine-version ^ --engine custom-oracle-ee ^ --engine-version 19.my_cev3 ^ --description "Non-CDB CEV with p35042068 based on ami-2345" ^ --kms-key-id key-name ^ --image-id ami-2345 ^ --manifest $MANIFEST

The following example upgrades my-custom-instance to engine version 19.my_cev3. Only the database is upgraded.

For Linux, macOS, or Unix:

aws rds modify-db-instance \ --db-instance-identifier my-custom-instance \ --engine-version 19.my_cev3 \ --apply-immediately

For Windows:

aws rds modify-db-instance ^ --db-instance-identifier my-custom-instance ^ --engine-version 19.my_cev3 ^ --apply-immediately