Amazon RDS for Db2 federation
You can use your Amazon RDS for Db2 database as a federated database. After setting up federation for RDS for Db2, you will be able to access and query data across multiple databases from your RDS for Db2 database. Federation saves you from needing to migrate data to your RDS for Db2 database or consolidate data into a single database.
By using your RDS for Db2 database as a federated database, you can continue to access to all RDS for Db2 features and can take advantage of various AWS services, all while keeping your data in different databases. You can set up both homogeneous federation which connects different databases of the same type, or heterogeneous federation which connects different databases of different types.
You first connect your Db2 database in RDS for Db2 to remote databases. Then you can run queries against all your connected databases. For example, you can run a SQL JOIN statement that join tables in your RDS for Db2 database with tables in a remote Db2 on z/OS database.
Homogeneous federation
You can set up homogeneous federation between your RDS for Db2 database and the following Db2 family of products:
Db2 for Linux, UNIX, Windows (LUW)
Db2 iSeries
Db2 for z/OS
RDS for Db2 homogeneous federation doesn't support the following actions:
commands to set up a node directory and a remote database on an RDS for Db2 host database -
Settting up Workload Balancing (WLB) when federating to Db2 on z/OS
Configuring the IBM data server driver configuration file (
RDS for Db2 homogeneous federation has the following requirements:
You must create the DRDA wrapper in
mode. If you don't, then federation won't work in RDS for Db2. -
You must allow incoming and outgoing traffic from your RDS for Db2 host database to your remote host databases. For more information, see Provide access to your DB instance in your VPC by creating a security group.
Step 1: Create a DRDA wrapper and a federated server
For homogeneous federation, create a DRDA wrapper and a federated server. The
connection to the remote host uses HOST
, and
Choose one of the following methods based on the type of your remote Db2 database:
Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows (LUX) database – Run the following SQL commands. In the following example, replace
with the name of the server that you will use for federation. Replacedb2_version
with the version of your remote Db2 database. Replaceusername
with your credentials for the remote Db2 database you want to connect to. Replacedb_name
, andport
with the appropriate values for the remote Db2 database you want to connect to.create wrapper drda options(DB2_FENCED 'N'); create server
type DB2/LUW wrapper drda version 'db2_version
' authorization "master_username
" password "master_password
" options (add DBNAME 'db_name
',add HOST 'dns_name
',add PORT 'port
create wrapper drda options(DB2_FENCED 'N'); create server SERVER1 type DB2/LUW wrapper drda version '11.5' authorization "sysuser" password "******" options (add DBNAME 'TESTDB2',add HOST '',add PORT '25010');
Db2 iSeries – Run the following SQL commands. In the following example, replace
with a name for your DRDA wrapper and the wrapper library file. Replace server_name
with the name of the server that you will use for federation. Replacedb2_version
with the version of your remote Db2 database. Replaceusername
with your credentials for the remote Db2 database you want to connect to. Replacedns_name
, anddb_name
with the appropriate values for the remote Db2 database you want to connect to.create wrapper
library 'library name
' options(DB2_FENCED 'N'); create serverserver_name
type db2/mvs versiondb2_version
authorization "sername
" password "password
" options (HOST 'dns_name
', PORT 'port
', DBNAME 'db_name
create wrapper WRAPPER1 library '' options(DB2_FENCED 'N'); create server SERVER1 type db2/mvs version 11 wrapper WRAPPER1 authorization "sysuser" password "******" options (HOST '', PORT '446', DBNAME 'STLEC1');
Db2 for z/OS – Run the following SQL commands. In the following example, replace
with a name for your DRDA wrapper and the wrapper library file. Replace server_name
with the name of the server that you will use for federation. Replacedb2_version
with the version of your remote Db2 database. Replaceusername
with your credentials for the remote Db2 database you want to connect to. Replacedns_name
, anddb_name
with the appropriate values for the remote Db2 database you want to connect to.create wrapper
library 'library_name
' options(DB2_FENCED 'N'); create serverserver_name
type db2/mvs versiondb2_version
authorization "username
" password "password
" options (HOST 'dns_name
', PORT 'port
', DBNAME 'db_name
create wrapper WRAPPER1 library '' OPTIONS(DB2_FENCED 'N'); create server SERVER1 type db2/mvs version 11 wrapper WRAPPER1 authorization "sysuser" password "******" options (HOST '', PORT '446', DBNAME 'STLEC1');
Step 2: Create a user mapping
Create a user mapping to associate your federated server with your data source
server by running the following SQL command. In the following example, replace
with the name of the remote server than
you want to perform operations on. This is the server that you created in step 1. Replace
and password
your credentials for this remote server.
create user mapping for user server
options (REMOTE_AUTHID 'username
', REMOTE_PASSWORD 'password
For more information, see User
Step 3: Check the connection
Confirm that setting up your federation was successful by checking the connection. Open a session to send native SQL commands to your remote data source using the SET PASSTHRU command, and then create a table on the remote data server.
Open and close a session to submit SQL to a data source. In the following example, replace
with the name of the server that you created for federation in step 1.set passthru
; -
Create a new table. In the following example, replace
, andvalue
with the appropriate items for your table.create table
);For more information, see CREATE TABLE statement
in the IBM Db2 documentation. -
Create an index, insert values for rows into the table, and reset the connection. Resetting the connection drops the connection but retains the back-end processes. In the following example, replace
, andcolumnx_value
with your information.create index
); insert intotable_name
); insert intotable_name
); set passthru reset; connect reset; -
Connect to your remote Db2 database, create a nickname for your remote server, and perform operations. When you are done accessing data in the remote Db2 database, reset and then terminate the connection. In the following example, replace
with the name of your remote Db2 database. Replacenickname
with a name. Replaceserver_name
with the name of the remote server and table on that server that you want to perform operations on. Replaceusername
with the information for your remote server. Replacesql_command
with the operation to perform on the remote server.connect to
; create nicknamenickname
"; selectsql_command
; connect reset; terminate;
The following example creates a pass-through session to allow operations on the
federated server testdb10
Next, it creates the table t1
with three columns with different data
Then, the example creates the index i1_t1
on three columns in table
. Afterwards, it inserts two rows with values for these three
columns, and then disconnects.
Last, the example connects to the remote Db2 database testdb2
creates a nickname for the table t1
in the federated server
. It creates the nickname with the username
for that data source. An SQL command outputs all data from
the table t1
. The example disconnects and ends the session.
set passthru testdbl0; create table t1 ( c1 decimal(13,0), c2 char(200), c3 int); create index i1_t1 on t1(c3); insert into t1 values(1,'Test',1); insert into t1 values(2,'Test 2',2); connect reset; connect to testdb2; create nickname remote_t1 for testdbl0."TESTUSER"."T1"; select * from remote_t1; connect reset; terminate;
Heterogeneous federation
You can set up heterogeneous federation between your RDS for Db2 database and other data
sources such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. For a complete list of data sources
that Db2 LUW supports, see Data Source Support Matrix of Federation Bundled in Db2 LUW V11.5
RDS for Db2 heterogeneous federation doesn't support the following items:
Native wrappers for the other data sources
JDBC wrappers for the other data sources
Federation to Sybase, Informix, and Teradata data sources because these data sources require client software installation on RDS for Db2
RDS for Db2 heterogeneous federation has the following requirements:
RDS for Db2 only supports the ODBC wrapper method.
If you create an explicit definition of a wrapper, then you must set the option
. For a list of valid wrapper options for ODBC, see ODBC optionsin the IBM Db2 documentation. -
You must allow incoming and outgoing traffic from your RDS for Db2 host database to your remote host database. For more information, see Provide access to your DB instance in your VPC by creating a security group.
For information about federation to Oracle, see How to query Oracle by using
Db2 Federation and the ODBC driver?
For more information about data sources that support federation, see Data Source Support Matrix of
Federation Bundled in Db2 LUW V11.5
Step 1: Create an ODBC wrapper
Create a wrapper by running the following command:
db2 "create wrapper odbc options( module '/home/rdsdb/sqllib/federation/odbc/lib/')"
Step 2: Create a federated server
Create a federated server by running the following command. In the following
example, replace server_name
with the name of the server
that you will use for federation. Replace wrapper_type
with the appropriate wrapper. Replace db_version
with the
version of your remote database. Replace dns_name
, and service_name
with the appropriate values for the remote database that you want to connect to.
db2 "create server
options (HOST 'dns_name
', PORT 'port
', SERVICE_NAME 'service_name
For information about wrapper types, see Data Source Support Matrix
of Federation Bundled in Db2 LUW V11.5
The following example creates a federated server for a remote Oracle database.
db2 "create server server1 type oracle_odbc version 12.1 options (HOST '', PORT '1521', SERVICE_NAME '')“
Step 3: Create a user mapping
Create a user mapping to associate your federated server with your data source
server by running the following SQL command. In the following example, replace
with the name of the remote server than
you want to perform operations on. This is the server that you created in step 2. Replace
and password
your credentials for this remote server.
create user mapping for user server
options (REMOTE_AUTHID 'username
', REMOTE_PASSWORD 'password
For more information, see User
Step 4: Check the connection
Confirm that setting up your federation was successful by checking the connection. Open a session to send native SQL commands to your remote data source using the SET PASSTHRU command, and then create a table on the remote data server.
Open and close a session to submit SQL to a data source. In the following example, replace
with the name of the server that you created for federation in step 2.set passthru
; -
Create a new table. In the following example, replace
, andvalue
with the appropriate items for your table.create table
);For more information, see CREATE TABLE statement
in the IBM Db2 documentation. -
Create an index, insert values for rows into the table, and reset the connection. Resetting the connection drops the connection but retains the back-end processes. In the following example, replace
, andcolumnx_value
with your information.create index
); insert intotable_name
); insert intotable_name
); set passthru reset; connect reset; -
Connect to your remote Db2 database, create a nickname for your remote server, and perform operations. When you are done accessing data in the remote Db2 database, reset and then terminate the connection. In the following example, replace
with the name of your remote Db2 database. Replacenickname
with a name. Replaceserver_name
with the name of the remote server and table on that server that you want to perform operations on. Replaceusername
with the information for your remote server. Replacesql_command
with the operation to perform on the remote server.connect to
; create nicknamenickname
"; selectsql_command
; connect reset; terminate;
The following example creates a pass-through session to allow operations on the
federated server testdb10
Next, it creates the table t1
with three columns with different data
Then, the example creates the index i1_t1
on three columns in table
. Afterwards, it inserts two rows with values for these three
columns, and then disconnects.
Last, the example connects to the remote Db2 database testdb2
creates a nickname for the table t1
in the federated server
. It creates the nickname with the username
for that data source. An SQL command outputs all data from
the table t1
. The example disconnects and ends the session.
set passthru testdbl0; create table t1 ( c1 decimal(13,0), c2 char(200), c3 int); create index i1_t1 on t1(c3); insert into t1 values(1,'Test',1); insert into t1 values(2,'Test 2',2); connect reset; connect to testdb2; create nickname remote_t1 for testdbl0."TESTUSER"."T1"; select * from remote_t1; connect reset; terminate;