Importing data from a client machine to Amazon RDS for Db2 with the IMPORT command - Amazon Relational Database Service

Importing data from a client machine to Amazon RDS for Db2 with the IMPORT command

You can use the IMPORT command from a client machine to import your data into the Amazon RDS for Db2 server.


The IMPORT command method is useful for migrating small tables and tables that include large objects (LOBs). The IMPORT command is slower than the LOAD utility because of the INSERT and DELETE logging operations. If your network bandwidth between the client machine and RDS for Db2 is limited, we recommend that you use a different migration approach. For more information, see Using native Db2 tools to migrate data from Db2 to Amazon RDS for Db2.

To import data into the RDS for Db2 server
  1. Log in to your client machine with IBM Db2 Data Management Console. For more information, see Connecting to your Amazon RDS for Db2 DB instance with IBM Db2 Data Management Console.

  2. Catalog the RDS for Db2 database on the client machine.

    1. Catalog the node. In the following example, replace dns_ip_address and port with the DNS name or the IP address and the port number of the self-managed Db2 database.

      db2 catalog tcpip node srcnode REMOTE dns_ip_address server port
    2. Catalog the database. In the following example, replace source_database_name and source_database_alias with the name of the self-managed Db2 database and the alias that you want to use for this database.

      db2 catalog database source_database_name as source_database_alias at node srcnode \ authentication server_encrypt
  3. Attach to the source database. In the following example, replace source_database_alias, user_id, and user_password with the alias you created in the previous step and the user ID and password for the self-managed Db2 database.

    db2look -d source_database_alias -i user_id -w user_password -e -l -a -f -wlm \ -cor -createdb -printdbcfg -o db2look.sql
  4. Generate the data file by using the EXPORT command on your self-managed Db2 system. In the following example, replace directory with the directory on your client machine where your data file exists. Replace file_name and table_name with the name of the data file and the name of the table.

    db2 "export to /directory/file_name.txt of del lobs to /directory/lobs/ \ modified by coldel\| select * from table_name"
  5. Connect to your RDS for Db2 database using the master username and master password for your RDS for Db2 DB instance. In the following example, replace rds_database_alias, master_username, and master_password with your own information.

    db2 connect to rds_database_alias user master_username using master_password
  6. Use the IMPORT command to import data from a file on the client machine into the remote RDS for Db2 database. For more information, see IMPORT command in the IBM Db2 documentation. In the following example, replace directory and file_name with the directory on your client machine where your data file exists and the name of the data file. Replace SCHEMA_NAME and TABLE_NAME with the name of your schema and table.

    db2 "IMPORT from /directory/file_name.tbl OF DEL LOBS FROM /directory/lobs/ \ modified by coldel\| replace into SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME"
  7. Terminate your connection.

    db2 terminate