Stored procedures for granting and revoking privileges for RDS for Db2 - Amazon Relational Database Service

Stored procedures for granting and revoking privileges for RDS for Db2

The following stored procedures grant and revoke privileges for Amazon RDS for Db2 databases. To run these procedures, the master user must first connect to the rdsadmin database.


Creates a role.


db2 "call rdsadmin.create_role( 'database_name', 'role_name')"


The following parameters are required:


The name of the database the command will run on. The data type is varchar.


The name of the role that you want to create. The data type is varchar.

Usage notes

For information about checking the status of creating a role, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example creates a role called MY_ROLE for database DB2DB.

db2 "call rdsadmin.create_role( 'DB2DB', 'MY_ROLE')"


Assigns a role to a role, user, or group.


db2 "call rdsadmin.grant_role( ?, 'database_name', 'role_name', 'grantee', 'admin_option')"


The following output parameter is required:


A parameter marker that outputs the unique identifier for the task. This parameter only accepts ?.

The following input parameters are required:


The name of the database the command will run on. The data type is varchar.


The name of the role that you want to create. The data type is varchar.


The role, user, or group to receive authorization. The data type is varchar. Valid values: ROLE, USER, GROUP, PUBLIC.

Format must be value followed by name. Separate multiple values and names with commas. Example: 'USER user1, user2, GROUP group1, group2'. Replace the names with your own information.

The following input parameter is optional:


Specifies whether the grantee ROLE has DBADM authorization to assign roles. The data type is char. The default is N.

Usage notes

For information about checking the status of assigning a role, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example assigns a role called ROLE_TEST for database TESTDB to the role called role1, the user called user1, and the group called group1. ROLE_TEST is given admin authorization to assign roles.

db2 "call rdsadmin.grant_role( ?, 'TESTDB', 'ROLE_TEST', 'ROLE role1, USER user1, GROUP group1', 'Y')"

The following example assigns a role called ROLE_TEST for database TESTDB to PUBLIC. ROLE_TEST isn't given admin authorization to assign roles.

db2 "call rdsadmin.grant_role( ?, 'TESTDB', 'ROLE_TEST', 'PUBLIC')"


Revokes a role from a role, user, or group.


db2 "call rdsadmin.revoke_role( ?, 'database_name', 'role_name', 'grantee')"


The following output parameter is required:


A parameter marker that outputs the unique identifier for the task. This parameter only accepts ?.

The following input parameters are required:


The name of the database the command will run on. The data type is varchar.


The name of the role that you want to revoke. The data type is varchar.


The role, user, or group to lose authorization. The data type is varchar. Valid values: ROLE, USER, GROUP, PUBLIC.

Format must be value followed by name. Separate multiple values and names with commas. Example: 'USER user1, user2, GROUP group1, group2'. Replace the names with your own information.

Usage notes

For information about checking the status of assigning a role, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example revokes a role called ROLE_TEST for database TESTDB from the role called role1, the user called user1, and the group called group1.

db2 "call rdsadmin.revoke_role( ?, 'TESTDB', 'ROLE_TEST', 'ROLE role1, USER user1, GROUP group1')"

The following example revokes a role called ROLE_TEST for database TESTDB from PUBLIC.

db2 "call rdsadmin.revoke_role( ?, 'TESTDB', 'ROLE_TEST', 'PUBLIC')"


Adds a user to an authorization list.


db2 "call rdsadmin.add_user( 'username', 'password', 'group_name,group_name')"


The following parameters are required:


A user's username. The data type is varchar.


A user's password. The data type is varchar.

The following parameter is optional:


The name of a group that you want to add the user to. The data type is varchar. The default is an empty string or null.

Usage notes

You can add a user to one or more groups by separating the group names with commas.

You can create a group when you create a new user, or when you add a group to an existing user. You can't create a group by itself.


The maximum number of users that you can add by calling rdsadmin.add_user is 5,000.

For information about checking the status of adding a user, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example creates a user called jorge_souza and assigns the user to the groups called sales and inside_sales.

db2 "call rdsadmin.add_user( 'jorge_souza', '*******', 'sales,inside_sales')"


Changes a user's password.


db2 "call rdsadmin.change_password( 'username', 'new_password')"


The following parameters are required:


A user's username. The data type is varchar.


A new password for the user. The data type is varchar.

Usage notes

For information about checking the status of changing a password, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example changes the password for jorge_souza.

db2 "call rdsadmin.change_password( 'jorge_souza', '*******')"


Lists users on an authorization list.


db2 "call rdsadmin.list_users()"

Usage notes

For information about checking the status of listing users, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


Removes user from authorization list.


db2 "call rdsadmin.remove_user('username')"


The following parameter is required:


A user's username. The data type is varchar.

Usage notes

For information about checking the status of removing a user, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example removes jorge_souza from being able to access databases in RDS for Db2 DB instances.

db2 "call rdsadmin.remove_user('jorge_souza')"


Adds groups to a user.


db2 "call rdsadmin.add_groups( 'username', 'group_name,group_name')"


The following parameters are required:


A user's username. The data type is varchar.


The name of a group that you want to add the user to. The data type is varchar. The default is an empty string.

Usage notes

You can add one or more groups to a user by separating the group names with commas. For information about checking the status of adding groups, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example adds the direct_sales and b2b_sales groups to user jorge_souza.

db2 "call rdsadmin.add_groups( 'jorge_souza', 'direct_sales,b2b_sales')"


Removes groups from a user.


db2 "call rdsadmin.remove_groups( 'username', 'group_name,group_name')"


The following parameters are required:


A user's username. The data type is varchar.


The name of a group that you want to remove the user from. The data type is varchar.

Usage notes

You can remove one or more groups from a user by separating the group names with commas.

For information about checking the status of removing groups, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example removes the direct_sales and b2b_sales groups from user jorge_souza.

db2 "call rdsadmin.remove_groups( 'jorge_souza', 'direct_sales,b2b_sales')"


Grants DBADM, ACCESSCTRL, or DATAACCESS authorization to a role, user, or group.


db2 "call rdsadmin.dbadm_grant( ?, 'database_name', 'authorization', 'grantee')"


The following output parameter is required:


A parameter marker that outputs the unique identifier for the task. This parameter only accepts ?.

The following input parameters are required:


The name of the database the command will run on. The data type is varchar.


The type of authorization to grant. The data type is varchar. Valid values: DBADM, ACCESSCTRL, DATAACCESS.

Separate multiple types with commas.


The role, user, or group to receive authorization. The data type is varchar. Valid values: ROLE, USER, GROUP.

Format must be value followed by name. Separate multiple values and names with commas. Example: 'USER user1, user2, GROUP group1, group2'. Replace the names with your own information.

Usage notes

The role to receive access must exist.

For information about checking the status of granting database admin access, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example grants database admin access to the database named TESTDB for the role ROLE_DBA.

db2 "call rdsadmin.dbadm_grant( ?, 'TESTDB', 'DBADM', 'ROLE ROLE_DBA')"

The following example grants database admin access to the database named TESTDB for user1 and group1.

db2 "call rdsadmin.dbadm_grant( ?, 'TESTDB', 'DBADM', 'USER user1, GROUP group1')"

The following example grants database admin access to the database named TESTDB for user1, user2, group1, and group2.

db2 "call rdsadmin.dbadm_grant( ?, 'TESTDB', 'DBADM', 'USER user1, user2, GROUP group1, group2')"


Revokes DBADM, ACCESSCTRL, or DATAACCESS authorization from a role, user, or group.


db2 "call rdsadmin.dbadm_revoke( ?, 'database_name', 'authorization', 'grantee')"


The following output parameter is required:


The unique identifier for the task. This parameter only accepts ?.

The following input parameters are required:


The name of the database the command will run on. The data type is varchar.


The type of authorization to revoke. The data type is varchar. Valid values: DBADM, ACCESSCTRL, DATAACCESS.

Separate multiple types with commas.


The role, user, or group to revoke authorization from. The data type is varchar. Valid values: ROLE, USER, GROUP.

Format must be value followed by name. Separate multiple values and names with commas. Example: 'USER user1, user2, GROUP group1, group2'. Replace the names with your own information.

Usage notes

For information about checking the status of revoking database admin access, see rdsadmin.get_task_status.


The following example revokes database admin access to the database named TESTDB for the role ROLE_DBA.

db2 "call rdsadmin.dbadm_revoke( ?, 'TESTDB', 'DBADM', 'ROLE ROLE_DBA')"

The following example revokes database admin access to the database named TESTDB for user1 and group1.

db2 "call rdsadmin.dbadm_revoke( ?, 'TESTDB', 'DBADM', 'USER user1, GROUP group1')"

The following example revokes database admin access to the database named TESTDB for user1, user2, group1, and group2.

db2 "call rdsadmin.dbadm_revoke( ?, 'TESTDB', 'DBADM', 'USER user1, user2, GROUP group1, group2')"