Multi-AZ DB cluster deployments - Amazon Relational Database Service

Multi-AZ DB cluster deployments

A Multi-AZ DB cluster deployment is a semisynchronous, high availability deployment mode of Amazon RDS with two readable replica DB instances. A Multi-AZ DB cluster has a writer DB instance and two reader DB instances in three separate Availability Zones in the same AWS Region. Multi-AZ DB clusters provide high availability, increased capacity for read workloads, and lower write latency when compared to Multi-AZ DB instance deployments.

You can import data from an on-premises database to a Multi-AZ DB cluster by following the instructions in Importing data to an Amazon RDS MariaDB or MySQL database with reduced downtime.

You can purchase reserved DB instances for a Multi-AZ DB cluster. For more information, see Reserved DB instances for a Multi-AZ DB cluster.

Feature availability and support varies across specific versions of each database engine, and across AWS Regions. For more information on version and Region availability of Amazon RDS with Multi-AZ DB clusters, see Supported Regions and DB engines for Multi-AZ DB clusters in Amazon RDS.


Multi-AZ DB clusters aren't the same as Aurora DB clusters. For information about Aurora DB clusters, see the Amazon Aurora User Guide.

Instance class availability for Multi-AZ DB clusters

Multi-AZ DB cluster deployments are supported for the following DB instance classes: db.m5d, db.m6gd, db.m6id, db.m6idn, db.r5d, db.r6gd, db.x2iedn, db.r6id, and db.r6idn, and db.c6gd.


The c6gd instance classes are the only ones that support the medium instance size.

For more information about DB instance classes, see DB instance classes.

Overview of Multi-AZ DB clusters

With a Multi-AZ DB cluster, Amazon RDS replicates data from the writer DB instance to both of the reader DB instances using the DB engine's native replication capabilities. When a change is made on the writer DB instance, it's sent to each reader DB instance.

Multi-AZ DB cluster deployments use semisynchronous replication, which requires acknowledgment from at least one reader DB instance in order for a change to be committed. It doesn't require acknowledgment that events have been fully executed and committed on all replicas.

Reader DB instances act as automatic failover targets and also serve read traffic to increase application read throughput. If an outage occurs on your writer DB instance, RDS manages failover to one of the reader DB instances. RDS does this based on which reader DB instance has the most recent change record.

The following diagram shows a Multi-AZ DB cluster.

Multi-AZ DB cluster

Multi-AZ DB clusters typically have lower write latency when compared to Multi-AZ DB instance deployments. They also allow read-only workloads to run on reader DB instances. The RDS console shows the Availability Zone of the writer DB instance and the Availability Zones of the reader DB instances. You can also use the describe-db-clusters CLI command or the DescribeDBClusters API operation to find this information.


To prevent replication errors in RDS for MySQL Multi-AZ DB clusters, we strongly recommend that all tables have a primary key.

Managing a Multi-AZ DB cluster with the AWS Management Console

You can manage a Multi-AZ DB cluster with the console.

To manage a Multi-AZ DB cluster with the console
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases, and then choose the Multi-AZ DB cluster that you want to manage.

The following image shows a Multi-AZ DB cluster in the console.

Multi-AZ DB cluster in the AWS Management Console

The available actions in the Actions menu depend on whether the Multi-AZ DB cluster is selected or a DB instance in the cluster is selected.

Choose the Multi-AZ DB cluster to view the cluster details and perform actions at the cluster level.

Multi-AZ DB cluster actions in the AWS Management Console

Choose a DB instance in a Multi-AZ DB cluster to view the DB instance details and perform actions at the DB instance level.

DB instance actions in a Multi-AZ DB cluster in the AWS Management Console

Working with parameter groups for Multi-AZ DB clusters

In a Multi-AZ DB cluster, a DB cluster parameter group acts as a container for engine configuration values that are applied to every DB instance in the Multi-AZ DB cluster.

In a Multi-AZ DB cluster, a DB parameter group is set to the default DB parameter group for the DB engine and DB engine version. The settings in the DB cluster parameter group are used for all of the DB instances in the cluster.

For information about parameter groups, see Working with DB cluster parameter groups for Multi-AZ DB clusters.

Upgrading the engine version of a Multi-AZ DB cluster

Amazon RDS provides newer versions of each supported database engine so that you can keep your Multi-AZ DB cluster up to date. When Amazon RDS supports a new version of a database engine, you can choose how and when to upgrade your Multi-AZ DB cluster.

There are two kinds of upgrades that you can perform:

Major version upgrades

A major engine version upgrade can introduce changes that aren't compatible with existing applications. When you initiate a major version upgrade, Amazon RDS simultaneously upgrades the reader and writer instances. Therefore, your DB cluster might not be available until the upgrade completes.

Minor version upgrades

A minor version upgrade includes only changes that are backward-compatible with existing applications. When you initiate a minor version upgrade, Amazon RDS first upgrades the reader DB instances one at a time. Then, one of the reader DB instances switches to be the new writer DB instance. Amazon RDS then upgrades the old writer instance (which is now a reader instance).

Downtime during the upgrade is limited to the time it takes for one of the reader DB instances to become the new writer DB instance. This downtime acts like an automatic failover. For more information, see Failover process for Multi-AZ DB clusters. Note that the replica lag of your Multi-AZ DB cluster might affect the downtime. For more information, see Replica lag and Multi-AZ DB clusters.

For RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ DB cluster read replicas, Amazon RDS upgrades the cluster member instances one at a time. The reader and writer cluster roles don't switch during the upgrade. Therefore, your DB cluster might experience downtime while Amazon RDS upgrades the cluster writer instance.


The downtime for a Multi-AZ DB cluster minor version upgrade is typically 35 seconds. When used with RDS Proxy, you can further reduce downtime to one second or less. For more information, see Using Amazon RDS Proxy. Alternately, you can use an open source database proxy such as ProxySQL,PgBouncer, or the AWS JDBC Driver for MySQL.

Currently, Amazon RDS supports major version upgrades only for RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ DB clusters. Amazon RDS supports minor version upgrades for all DB engines that support Multi-AZ DB clusters.

Amazon RDS doesn't automatically upgrade Multi-AZ DB cluster read replicas. For minor version upgrades, you must first manually upgrade all read replicas and then upgrade the cluster. Otherwise, the upgrade is blocked. When you perform a major version upgrade of a cluster, the replication state of all read replicas changes to terminated. You must delete and recreate the read replicas after the upgrade completes. For more information, see Monitoring read replication.

The process for upgrading the engine version of a Multi-AZ DB cluster is the same as the process for upgrading a DB instance engine version. For instructions, see Upgrading a DB instance engine version. The only difference is that when using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), you use the modify-db-cluster command and specify the --db-cluster-identifier parameter (along with the --allow-major-version-upgrade parameter).

For more information about major and minor version upgrades, see the following documentation for your DB engine:

Using RDS Proxy with Multi-AZ DB clusters

You can use Amazon RDS Proxy to create a proxy for your Multi-AZ DB clusters. By using RDS Proxy, your applications can pool and share database connections to improve their ability to scale. Each proxy performs connection multiplexing, also known as connection reuse. With multiplexing, RDS Proxy performs all the operations for a transaction using one underlying database connection. RDS Proxy can also reduce the downtime for a minor version upgrade of a Multi-AZ DB cluster to one second or less. For more information about the benefits of RDS Proxy, see Using Amazon RDS Proxy.

To set up a proxy for a Multi-AZ DB cluster, choose Create an RDS Proxy when creating the cluster. For instructions to create and manage RDS Proxy endpoints, see Working with Amazon RDS Proxy endpoints.

Configuring external replication from Multi-AZ DB clusters

You can set up replication between an Multi-AZ DB cluster and a database that is external to Amazon RDS. See the instructions in the following sections depending on your DB engine.


To set up external replication for an RDS for MySQL Multi-AZ DB cluster, you must retain binary log files on the DB instances within the cluster for long enough to ensure that the changes are applied to the replica before Amazon RDS deletes the binlog file. To do so, configure binary log retention by calling the mysql.rds_set_configuration stored procedure and specifying the binlog retention hours parameter. For more information, see binlog retention hours.

The default value for binlog retention hours is NULL, which means that binary logs aren't retained (0 hours). If you want to set up external replication for a Multi-AZ DB cluster, you must set the parameter to a value other than NULL.

You can only configure binary log retention from the writer DB instance of the Multi-AZ DB cluster, and the setting is propagated to all reader DB instances asynchronously.

In addition, we highly recommend enabling GTID-based replication on your external replica. Then, if one of the DB instances fails, you can resume replication from another healthy DB instance within the cluster. For more information, see Replication with Global Transaction Identifiers in the MySQL documentation.

RDS for PostgreSQL

To set up external replication for an RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ DB cluster, you must enable logical replication. For instructions, see Using PostgreSQL logical replication with Multi-AZ DB clusters.

Replica lag and Multi-AZ DB clusters

Replica lag is the difference in time between the latest transaction on the writer DB instance and the latest applied transaction on a reader DB instance. The Amazon CloudWatch metric ReplicaLag represents this time difference. For more information about CloudWatch metrics, see Monitoring Amazon RDS metrics with Amazon CloudWatch.

Although Multi-AZ DB clusters allow for high write performance, replica lag can still occur due to the nature of engine-based replication. Because any failover must first resolve the replica lag before it promotes a new writer DB instance, monitoring and managing this replica lag is a consideration.

For RDS for MySQL Multi-AZ DB clusters, failover time depends on replica lag of both remaining reader DB instances. Both the reader DB instances must apply unapplied transactions before one of them is promoted to the new writer DB instance.

For RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ DB clusters, failover time depends on the lowest replica lag of the two remaining reader DB instances. The reader DB instance with the lowest replica lag must apply unapplied transactions before it is promoted to the new writer DB instance.

For a tutorial that shows you how to create a CloudWatch alarm when replica lag exceeds a set amount of time, see Tutorial: Creating an Amazon CloudWatch alarm for Multi-AZ DB cluster replica lag.

Common causes of replica lag

In general, replica lag occurs when the write workload is too high for the reader DB instances to apply the transactions efficiently. Various workloads can incur temporary or continuous replica lag. Some examples of common causes are the following:

  • High write concurrency or heavy batch updating on the writer DB instance, causing the apply process on the reader DB instances to fall behind.

  • Heavy read workload that is using resources on one or more reader DB instances. Running slow or large queries can affect the apply process and can cause replica lag.

  • Transactions that modify large amounts of data or DDL statements can sometimes cause a temporary increase in replica lag because the database must preserve commit order.

Mitigating replica lag

For Multi-AZ DB clusters for RDS for MySQL and RDS for PostgreSQL, you can mitigate replica lag by reducing the load on your writer DB instance. You can also use flow control to reduce replica lag. Flow control works by throttling writes on the writer DB instance, which ensures that replica lag doesn't continue to grow unbounded. Write throttling is accomplished by adding a delay into the end of a transaction, which decreases the write throughput on the writer DB instance. Although flow control doesn't guarantee lag elimination, it can help reduce overall lag in many workloads. The following sections provide information about using flow control with RDS for MySQL and RDS for PostgreSQL.

Mitigating replica lag with flow control for RDS for MySQL

When you are using RDS for MySQL Multi-AZ DB clusters, flow control is turned on by default using the dynamic parameter rpl_semi_sync_master_target_apply_lag. This parameter specifies the upper limit that you want for replica lag. As replica lag approaches this configured limit, flow control throttles the write transactions on the writer DB instance to try to contain the replica lag below the specified value. In some cases, replica lag can exceed the specified limit. By default, this parameter is set to 120 seconds. To turn off flow control, set this parameter to its maximum value of 86,400 seconds (one day).

To view the current delay injected by flow control, show the parameter Rpl_semi_sync_master_flow_control_current_delay by running the following query.

SHOW GLOBAL STATUS like '%flow_control%';

Your output should look similar to the following.

+-------------------------------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------------------------------+-------+ | Rpl_semi_sync_master_flow_control_current_delay | 2010 | +-------------------------------------------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The delay is shown in microseconds.

When you have Performance Insights turned on for an RDS for MySQL Multi-AZ DB cluster, you can monitor the wait event corresponding to a SQL statement indicating that the queries were delayed by a flow control. When a delay was introduced by a flow control, you can view the wait event /wait/synch/cond/semisync/semi_sync_flow_control_delay_cond corresponding to the SQL statement on the Performance Insights dashboard. To view these metrics, make sure that the Performance Schema is turned on. For information about Performance Insights, see Monitoring DB load with Performance Insights on Amazon RDS.

Mitigating replica lag with flow control for RDS for PostgreSQL

When you are using RDS for PostgreSQL Multi-AZ DB clusters, flow control is deployed as an extension. It turns on a background worker for all DB instances in the DB cluster. By default, the background workers on the reader DB instances communicate the current replica lag with the background worker on the writer DB instance. If the lag exceeds two minutes on any reader DB instance, the background worker on the writer DB instance adds a delay at the end of a transaction. To control the lag threshold, use the parameter flow_control.target_standby_apply_lag.

When a flow control throttles a PostgreSQL process, the Extension wait event in pg_stat_activity and Performance Insights indicates that. The function get_flow_control_stats displays details about how much delay is currently being added.

Flow control can benefit most online transaction processing (OLTP) workloads that have short but highly concurrent transactions. If the lag is caused by long-running transactions, such as batch operations, flow control doesn't provide as strong a benefit.

You can turn off flow control by removing the extension from the shared_preload_libraries and rebooting your DB instance.

Failover process for Multi-AZ DB clusters

If there is a planned or unplanned outage of your writer DB instance in a Multi-AZ DB cluster, Amazon RDS automatically fails over to a reader DB instance in different Availability Zone. The time it takes for the failover to complete depends on the database activity and other conditions when the writer DB instance became unavailable. Failover times are typically under 35 seconds. Failover completes when both reader DB instances have applied outstanding transactions from the failed writer. When the failover is complete, it can take additional time for the RDS console to reflect the new Availability Zone.

Automatic failovers

Amazon RDS handles failovers automatically so you can resume database operations as quickly as possible without administrative intervention. To fail over, the writer DB instance switches automatically to a reader DB instance.

Manually failing over a Multi-AZ DB cluster

If you manually fail over a Multi-AZ DB cluster, RDS first terminates the primary DB instance. Then, the internal monitoring system detects that the primary DB instance is unhealthy and promotes a readable replica DB instance. Failover times are typically under 35 seconds.

You can fail over a Multi-AZ DB cluster manually using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the RDS API.

To fail over a Multi-AZ DB cluster manually
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Databases.

  3. Choose the Multi-AZ DB cluster that you want to fail over.

  4. For Actions, choose Failover.

    The Failover DB cluster page appears.

  5. Choose Failover to confirm the manual failover.

To fail over a Multi-AZ DB cluster manually, use the AWS CLI command failover-db-cluster.

aws rds failover-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier mymultiazdbcluster

To fail over a Multi-AZ DB cluster manually, call the Amazon RDS API FailoverDBCluster and specify the DBClusterIdentifier.

Determining whether a Multi-AZ DB cluster has failed over

To determine if your Multi-AZ DB cluster has failed over, you can do the following:

  • Set up DB event subscriptions to notify you by email or SMS that a failover has been initiated. For more information about events, see Working with Amazon RDS event notification.

  • View your DB events by using the Amazon RDS console or API operations.

  • View the current state of your Multi-AZ DB cluster by using the Amazon RDS console, the AWS CLI, and the RDS API.

For information on how you can respond to failovers, reduce recovery time, and other best practices for Amazon RDS, see Best practices for Amazon RDS.

Setting the JVM TTL for DNS name lookups

The failover mechanism automatically changes the Domain Name System (DNS) record of the DB instance to point to the reader DB instance. As a result, you need to re-establish any existing connections to your DB instance. In a Java virtual machine (JVM) environment, due to how the Java DNS caching mechanism works, you might need to reconfigure JVM settings.

The JVM caches DNS name lookups. When the JVM resolves a host name to an IP address, it caches the IP address for a specified period of time, known as the time-to-live (TTL).

Because AWS resources use DNS name entries that occasionally change, we recommend that you configure your JVM with a TTL value of no more than 60 seconds. Doing this makes sure that when a resource's IP address changes, your application can receive and use the resource's new IP address by requerying the DNS.

On some Java configurations, the JVM default TTL is set so that it never refreshes DNS entries until the JVM is restarted. Thus, if the IP address for an AWS resource changes while your application is still running, it can't use that resource until you manually restart the JVM and the cached IP information is refreshed. In this case, it's crucial to set the JVM's TTL so that it periodically refreshes its cached IP information.


The default TTL can vary according to the version of your JVM and whether a security manager is installed. Many JVMs provide a default TTL less than 60 seconds. If you're using such a JVM and not using a security manager, you can ignore the rest of this topic. For more information on security managers in Oracle, see The security manager in the Oracle documentation.

To modify the JVM's TTL, set the networkaddress.cache.ttl property value. Use one of the following methods, depending on your needs:

  • To set the property value globally for all applications that use the JVM, set networkaddress.cache.ttl in the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ file.

  • To set the property locally for your application only, set networkaddress.cache.ttl in your application's initialization code before any network connections are established."networkaddress.cache.ttl" , "60");

Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshots

Amazon RDS creates and saves automated backups of your Multi-AZ DB cluster during the configured backup window. RDS creates a storage volume snapshot of your DB cluster, backing up the entire cluster and not just individual instances.

You can also take manual backups of your Multi-AZ DB cluster. For very long-term backups, consider exporting the snapshot data to Amazon S3. For more information, see Creating a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot.

You can restore a Multi-AZ DB cluster to a specific point in time, creating a new Multi-AZ DB cluster. For instructions, see Restoring a Multi-AZ DB cluster to a specified time.

Alternately, you can restore a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot to a Single-AZ deployment or Multi-AZ DB instance deployment. For instructions, see Restoring from a Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot to a DB instance.