Using RDS Proxy with AWS CloudFormation - Amazon Relational Database Service

Using RDS Proxy with AWS CloudFormation

You can use RDS Proxy with AWS CloudFormation. This helps you to create groups of related resources. Such a group can include a proxy that can connect to a newly created Amazon RDS DB instance. RDS Proxy support in AWS CloudFormation involves two new registry types: DBProxy and DBProxyTargetGroup.

The following listing shows a sample AWS CloudFormation template for RDS Proxy.

Resources: DBProxy: Type: AWS::RDS::DBProxy Properties: DBProxyName: CanaryProxy EngineFamily: MYSQL RoleArn: Fn::ImportValue: SecretReaderRoleArn Auth: - {AuthScheme: SECRETS, SecretArn: !ImportValue ProxySecret, IAMAuth: DISABLED} VpcSubnetIds: Fn::Split: [",", "Fn::ImportValue": SubnetIds] ProxyTargetGroup: Type: AWS::RDS::DBProxyTargetGroup Properties: DBProxyName: CanaryProxy TargetGroupName: default DBInstanceIdentifiers: - Fn::ImportValue: DBInstanceName DependsOn: DBProxy

For more information about the resources in this sample, see DBProxy and DBProxyTargetGroup.

For more information about resources that you can create using AWS CloudFormation, see RDS resource type reference.