This section explains how to add a tag-set through an access point using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface, or REST API. For more information, see Categorizing your storage using tags.
To add a tag-set through an access point in your AWS account
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at
. -
In the navigation bar on the top of the page, choose the name of the currently displayed AWS Region. Next, choose the Region that you want to list access points for.
In the navigation pane on the left side of the console, choose Access Points.
(Optional) Search for access points by name. Only access points in your selected AWS Region will appear here.
Choose the name of the access point you want to manage or use.
Under the Objects tab, select the name of the object you wish to add a tag-set to.
Under the Properties tab, find the Tags sub-header and choose Edit.
Review the objects listed, and choose Add tag.
Each object tag is a key-value pair. Enter a Key and a Value. To add another tag, choose Add Tag.
You can enter up to 10 tags for an object.
Choose Save changes.
The following put-object-tagging
example command shows how you can
use the AWS CLI to add a tag-set through an access point.
The following command adds a tag-set for existing object puppy.jpg
using access point
aws s3api put-object-tagging --bucket arn:aws:s3:
AWS Region
--tagging TagSet=[{Key="animal
S3 automatically generate access point aliases for all access points and access point aliases can be used anywhere a bucket name is used to perform object-level operations. For more information, see Access point aliases.
For more information and examples, see put-object-tagging
You can use the REST API to add a tag-set to an object through an access point. For more information, see PutObjectTagging in the Amazon Simple Storage Service API Reference.