Checking object integrity in Amazon S3 - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Checking object integrity in Amazon S3

Amazon S3 uses checksum values to verify the integrity of data that you upload or download. In addition, you can request that another checksum value be calculated for any object that you store in Amazon S3. You can choose a checksum algorithm to use when uploading, copying, or batch copying your data.

When you upload your data, Amazon S3 uses the algorithm that you've chosen to compute a checksum on the server side and validates it with the provided value before storing the object and storing the checksum as part of the object metadata. This validation works consistently across encryption modes, object sizes, and storage classes for both single part and multipart uploads. When you copy or batch copy your data, however, Amazon S3 calculates the checksum on the source object and moves it to the destination object.


When you perform a single part or multipart upload, you can optionally include a precalculated checksum as part of your request, and use the full object checksum type. To use precalculated values with multiple objects, use the AWS CLI or AWS SDKs.

Using supported checksum algorithms

With Amazon S3, you can choose a checksum algorithm to validate your data during uploads. The specified checksum algorithm is then stored with your object and can be used to validate data integrity during downloads. You can choose one of the following Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) or Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) checksum algorithms to calculate the checksum value:


  • CRC-32 (CRC32)

  • CRC-32C (CRC32C)

  • SHA-1 (SHA1)

  • SHA-256 (SHA256)

Additionally, you can provide a checksum with each request using the Content-MD5 header.

When you upload an object, you specify the algorithm that you want to use:

  • When you use the AWS Management Console, choose the checksum algorithm that you want to use. You can optionally specify the checksum value of the object. When Amazon S3 receives the object, it calculates the checksum by using the algorithm that you specified. If the two checksum values don't match, Amazon S3 generates an error.

  • When you use an SDK, be aware of the following:

    • Set the ChecksumAlgorithm parameter to the algorithm that you want Amazon S3 to use. If you already have a precalculated checksum, you pass the checksum value to the AWS SDK, and the SDK includes the value in the request. If you don’t pass a checksum value or don’t specify a checksum algorithm, the SDK automatically calculates a checksum value for you and includes it with the request to provide integrity protections. If the individual checksum value doesn't match the set value of the checksum algorithm, Amazon S3 fails the request with a BadDigest error.

    • If you’re using an upgraded AWS SDK, the SDK chooses a checksum algorithm for you. However, you can override this checksum algorithm.

    • If you don’t specify a checksum algorithm and the SDK also doesn’t calculate a checksum for you, then S3 automatically chooses the CRC-64/NVME (CRC64NVME) checksum algorithm.

  • When you use the REST API, don't use the x-amz-sdk-checksum-algorithm parameter. Instead, use one of the algorithm-specific headers (for example, x-amz-checksum-crc32).

To apply any of these checksum values to objects that are already uploaded to Amazon S3, you can copy the object and specify whether you want to use the existing checksum algorithm or a new one. If you don’t specify an algorithm, S3 uses the existing algorithm. If the source object doesn’t have a specified checksum algorithm or checksum value, Amazon S3 uses the CRC-64/NVME algorithm to calculate the checksum value for the destination object. You can also specify a checksum algorithm when copying objects using S3 Batch Operations.


If you use a multipart upload with Checksums for composite (or part-level) checksums, the multipart upload part numbers must be consecutive and begin with 1. If you try to complete a multipart upload request with nonconsecutive part numbers, Amazon S3 generates an HTTP 500 Internal Server error.

Full object and composite checksum types

In Amazon S3, there are two types of supported checksums:

  • Full object checksums: A full object checksum is calculated based on all of the content of a multipart upload, covering all data from the first byte of the first part to the last byte of the last part.


    All PUT requests require a full object checksum type.

  • Composite checksums: A composite checksum is calculated based on the individual checksums of each part in a multipart upload. Instead of computing a checksum based on all of the data content, this approach aggregates the part-level checksums (from the first part to the last) to produce a single, combined checksum for the complete object.


    When an object is uploaded as a multipart upload, the entity tag (ETag) for the object is not an MD5 digest of the entire object. Instead, Amazon S3 calculates the MD5 digest of each individual part as it is uploaded. The MD5 digests are used to determine the ETag for the final object. Amazon S3 concatenates the bytes for the MD5 digests together and then calculates the MD5 digest of these concatenated values. During the final ETag creation step, Amazon S3 adds a dash with the total number of parts to the end.

Amazon S3 supports the following full object and composite checksum algorithm types:

  • CRC-64/NVME (CRC64NVME): Supports the full object algorithm type only.

  • CRC-32 (CRC32): Supports both full object and composite algorithm types.

  • CRC-32C (CRC32C): Supports both full object and composite algorithm types.

  • SHA-1 (SHA1): Supports both full object and composite algorithm types.

  • SHA-256 (SHA256): Supports both full object and composite algorithm types.

Single part uploads

Checksums of objects that are uploaded in a single part (using PutObject) are treated as full object checksums. When you upload an object in the Amazon S3 console, you can choose the checksum algorithm that you want S3 to use and also (optionally) provide a precomputed value. Amazon S3 then validates this checksum before storing the object and its checksum value. You can verify an object's data integrity when you request the checksum value during object downloads.

Multipart uploads

When you upload the object in multiple parts using the MultipartUpload API, you can specify the checksum algorithm that you want Amazon S3 to use and the checksum type (full object or composite).

The following table indicates which checksum algorithm type is supported for each checksum algorithm in a multipart upload:

Checksum algorithm Full object Composite
CRC-32 (CRC32) Yes Yes
CRC-32C (CRC32C) Yes Yes
SHA-1 (SHA1) Yes Yes
SHA-256 (SHA256) Yes Yes

Using full object checksums for multipart upload

When creating or performing a multipart upload, you can use full object checksums for validation on upload. This means that you can provide the checksum algorithm for the MultipartUpload API, simplifying your integrity validation tooling because you no longer need to track part boundaries for uploaded objects. You can provide the checksum of the whole object in the CompleteMultipartUpload request, along with the object size.

When you provide a full object checksum during a multipart upload, the AWS SDK passes the checksum to Amazon S3, and S3 validates the object integrity server-side, comparing it to the received value. Then, Amazon S3 stores the object if the values match. If the two values don’t match, S3 fails the request with a BadDigest error. The checksum of your object is also stored in object metadata that you use later to validate an object's data integrity.

For full object checksums, you can use CRC-64/NVME (CRC64NVME), CRC-32 (CRC32), or CRC-32C (CRC32C) checksum algorithms in S3. Full object checksums in multipart uploads are only available for CRC-based checksums because they can linearize into a full object checksum. This linearization allows Amazon S3 to parallelize your requests for improved performance. In particular, S3 can compute the checksum of the whole object from the part-level checksums. This type of validation isn’t available for other algorithms, such as SHA and MD5. Because S3 has default integrity protections, if objects are uploaded without a checksum, S3 automatically attaches the recommended full object CRC-64/NVME (CRC64NVME) checksum algorithm to the object.


To initiate the multipart upload, you can specify the checksum algorithm and the full object checksum type. After you specify the checksum algorithm and the full object checksum type, you can provide the full object checksum value for the multipart upload.

Using part-level checksums for multipart upload

When objects are uploaded to Amazon S3, they can be uploaded as a single object or uploaded in parts with the multipart upload process. You can choose a Checksum type for your multipart upload. For multipart upload part-level checksums (or composite checksums), Amazon S3 calculates the checksum for each individual part by using the specified checksum algorithm. You can use UploadPart to provide the checksum values for each part. If the object that you try to upload in the Amazon S3 console is set to use the CRC-64/NVME (CRC64NVME) checksum algorithm and exceeds 16 MB, it is automatically designated as a full object checksum.

Amazon S3 then uses the stored part-level checksum values to confirm that each part is uploaded correctly. When each part’s checksum (for the whole object) is provided, S3 uses the stored checksum values of each part to calculate the full object checksum internally, comparing it with the provided checksum value. This minimizes compute costs since S3 can compute a checksum of the whole object using the checksum of the parts. For more information about multipart uploads, see Uploading and copying objects using multipart upload in Amazon S3 and Using full object checksums for multipart upload.

When the object is completely uploaded, you can use the final calculated checksum to verify the data integrity of the object.

When uploading a part of the multipart upload, be aware of the following:

  • To retrieve information about the object, including how many parts make up the entire object, you can use the GetObjectAttributes operation. With additional checksums, you can also recover information for each individual part that includes the part's checksum value.

  • For completed uploads, you can get an individual part's checksum by using the GetObject or HeadObject operations and specifying a part number or byte range that aligns with a single part. If you want to retrieve the checksum values for individual parts of multipart uploads that are still in progress, you can use ListParts.

  • Because of how Amazon S3 calculates the checksum for multipart objects, the checksum value for the object might change if you copy it. If you're using an SDK or the REST API and you call CopyObject, Amazon S3 copies any object up to the size limitations of the CopyObject API operation. Amazon S3 does this copy as a single action, regardless of whether the object was uploaded in a single request or as part of a multipart upload. With a copy command, the checksum of the object is a direct checksum of the full object. If the object was originally uploaded using a multipart upload, the checksum value changes even though the data doesn't.

  • Objects that are larger than the size limitations of the CopyObject API operation must use multipart upload copy commands.

  • When you perform some operations using the AWS Management Console, Amazon S3 uses a multipart upload if the object is greater than 16 MB in size.

Checksum operations

After uploading objects, you can get the checksum value and compare it to a precomputed or previously stored checksum value of the same algorithm type. The following examples show you which checksum operations or methods you can use to verify data integrity.

To learn more about using the console and specifying checksum algorithms to use when uploading objects, see Uploading objects and Tutorial: Checking the integrity of data in Amazon S3 with additional checksums.

The following example shows how you can use the AWS SDKs to upload a large file with multipart upload, download a large file, and validate a multipart upload file, all by using SHA-256 for file validation.

Example: Uploading, downloading, and verifying a large file with SHA-256

For instructions on creating and testing a working sample, see Getting Started in the AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide.

import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.List; public class LargeObjectValidation { private static String FILE_NAME = "sample.file"; private static String BUCKET = "sample-bucket"; //Optional, if you want a method of storing the full multipart object checksum in S3. private static String CHECKSUM_TAG_KEYNAME = "fullObjectChecksum"; //If you have existing full-object checksums that you need to validate against, you can do the full object validation on a sequential upload. private static String SHA256_FILE_BYTES = "htCM5g7ZNdoSw8bN/mkgiAhXt5MFoVowVg+LE9aIQmI="; //Example Chunk Size - this must be greater than or equal to 5MB. private static int CHUNK_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024; public static void main(String[] args) { S3Client s3Client = S3Client.builder() .region(Region.US_EAST_1) .credentialsProvider(new AwsCredentialsProvider() { @Override public AwsCredentials resolveCredentials() { return new AwsCredentials() { @Override public String accessKeyId() { return Constants.ACCESS_KEY; } @Override public String secretAccessKey() { return Constants.SECRET; } }; } }) .build(); uploadLargeFileBracketedByChecksum(s3Client); downloadLargeFileBracketedByChecksum(s3Client); validateExistingFileAgainstS3Checksum(s3Client); } public static void uploadLargeFileBracketedByChecksum(S3Client s3Client) { System.out.println("Starting uploading file validation"); File file = new File(FILE_NAME); try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) { MessageDigest sha256 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); CreateMultipartUploadRequest createMultipartUploadRequest = CreateMultipartUploadRequest.builder() .bucket(BUCKET) .key(FILE_NAME) .checksumAlgorithm(ChecksumAlgorithm.SHA256) .build(); CreateMultipartUploadResponse createdUpload = s3Client.createMultipartUpload(createMultipartUploadRequest); List<CompletedPart> completedParts = new ArrayList<CompletedPart>(); int partNumber = 1; byte[] buffer = new byte[CHUNK_SIZE]; int read =; while (read != -1) { UploadPartRequest uploadPartRequest = UploadPartRequest.builder() .partNumber(partNumber).uploadId(createdUpload.uploadId()).key(FILE_NAME).bucket(BUCKET).checksumAlgorithm(ChecksumAlgorithm.SHA256).build(); UploadPartResponse uploadedPart = s3Client.uploadPart(uploadPartRequest, RequestBody.fromByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer, 0, read))); CompletedPart part = CompletedPart.builder().partNumber(partNumber).checksumSHA256(uploadedPart.checksumSHA256()).eTag(uploadedPart.eTag()).build(); completedParts.add(part); sha256.update(buffer, 0, read); read =; partNumber++; } String fullObjectChecksum = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256.digest()); if (!fullObjectChecksum.equals(SHA256_FILE_BYTES)) { //Because the SHA256 is uploaded after the part is uploaded; the upload is bracketed and the full object can be fully validated. s3Client.abortMultipartUpload(AbortMultipartUploadRequest.builder().bucket(BUCKET).key(FILE_NAME).uploadId(createdUpload.uploadId()).build()); throw new IOException("Byte mismatch between stored checksum and upload, do not proceed with upload and cleanup"); } CompletedMultipartUpload completedMultipartUpload = CompletedMultipartUpload.builder().parts(completedParts).build(); CompleteMultipartUploadResponse completedUploadResponse = s3Client.completeMultipartUpload( CompleteMultipartUploadRequest.builder().bucket(BUCKET).key(FILE_NAME).uploadId(createdUpload.uploadId()).multipartUpload(completedMultipartUpload).build()); Tag checksumTag = Tag.builder().key(CHECKSUM_TAG_KEYNAME).value(fullObjectChecksum).build(); //Optionally, if you need the full object checksum stored with the file; you could add it as a tag after completion. s3Client.putObjectTagging(PutObjectTaggingRequest.builder().bucket(BUCKET).key(FILE_NAME).tagging(Tagging.builder().tagSet(checksumTag).build()).build()); } catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } GetObjectAttributesResponse objectAttributes = s3Client.getObjectAttributes(GetObjectAttributesRequest.builder().bucket(BUCKET).key(FILE_NAME) .objectAttributes(ObjectAttributes.OBJECT_PARTS, ObjectAttributes.CHECKSUM).build()); System.out.println(objectAttributes.objectParts().parts()); System.out.println(objectAttributes.checksum().checksumSHA256()); } public static void downloadLargeFileBracketedByChecksum(S3Client s3Client) { System.out.println("Starting downloading file validation"); File file = new File("DOWNLOADED_" + FILE_NAME); try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) { GetObjectAttributesResponse objectAttributes = s3Client.getObjectAttributes(GetObjectAttributesRequest.builder().bucket(BUCKET).key(FILE_NAME) .objectAttributes(ObjectAttributes.OBJECT_PARTS, ObjectAttributes.CHECKSUM).build()); //Optionally if you need the full object checksum, you can grab a tag you added on the upload List<Tag> objectTags = s3Client.getObjectTagging(GetObjectTaggingRequest.builder().bucket(BUCKET).key(FILE_NAME).build()).tagSet(); String fullObjectChecksum = null; for (Tag objectTag : objectTags) { if (objectTag.key().equals(CHECKSUM_TAG_KEYNAME)) { fullObjectChecksum = objectTag.value(); break; } } MessageDigest sha256FullObject = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); MessageDigest sha256ChecksumOfChecksums = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); //If you retrieve the object in parts, and set the ChecksumMode to enabled, the SDK will automatically validate the part checksum for (int partNumber = 1; partNumber <= objectAttributes.objectParts().totalPartsCount(); partNumber++) { MessageDigest sha256Part = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); ResponseInputStream<GetObjectResponse> response = s3Client.getObject(GetObjectRequest.builder().bucket(BUCKET).key(FILE_NAME).partNumber(partNumber).checksumMode(ChecksumMode.ENABLED).build()); GetObjectResponse getObjectResponse = response.response(); byte[] buffer = new byte[CHUNK_SIZE]; int read =; while (read != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, read); sha256FullObject.update(buffer, 0, read); sha256Part.update(buffer, 0, read); read =; } byte[] sha256PartBytes = sha256Part.digest(); sha256ChecksumOfChecksums.update(sha256PartBytes); //Optionally, you can do an additional manual validation again the part checksum if needed in addition to the SDK check String base64PartChecksum = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256PartBytes); String base64PartChecksumFromObjectAttributes = objectAttributes.objectParts().parts().get(partNumber - 1).checksumSHA256(); if (!base64PartChecksum.equals(getObjectResponse.checksumSHA256()) || !base64PartChecksum.equals(base64PartChecksumFromObjectAttributes)) { throw new IOException("Part checksum didn't match for the part"); } System.out.println(partNumber + " " + base64PartChecksum); } //Before finalizing, do the final checksum validation. String base64FullObject = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256FullObject.digest()); String base64ChecksumOfChecksums = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256ChecksumOfChecksums.digest()); if (fullObjectChecksum != null && !fullObjectChecksum.equals(base64FullObject)) { throw new IOException("Failed checksum validation for full object"); } System.out.println(fullObjectChecksum); String base64ChecksumOfChecksumFromAttributes = objectAttributes.checksum().checksumSHA256(); if (base64ChecksumOfChecksumFromAttributes != null && !base64ChecksumOfChecksums.equals(base64ChecksumOfChecksumFromAttributes)) { throw new IOException("Failed checksum validation for full object checksum of checksums"); } System.out.println(base64ChecksumOfChecksumFromAttributes); out.flush(); } catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { //Cleanup bad file file.delete(); e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void validateExistingFileAgainstS3Checksum(S3Client s3Client) { System.out.println("Starting existing file validation"); File file = new File("DOWNLOADED_" + FILE_NAME); GetObjectAttributesResponse objectAttributes = s3Client.getObjectAttributes(GetObjectAttributesRequest.builder().bucket(BUCKET).key(FILE_NAME) .objectAttributes(ObjectAttributes.OBJECT_PARTS, ObjectAttributes.CHECKSUM).build()); try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) { MessageDigest sha256ChecksumOfChecksums = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); MessageDigest sha256Part = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); byte[] buffer = new byte[CHUNK_SIZE]; int currentPart = 0; int partBreak = objectAttributes.objectParts().parts().get(currentPart).size(); int totalRead = 0; int read =; while (read != -1) { totalRead += read; if (totalRead >= partBreak) { int difference = totalRead - partBreak; byte[] partChecksum; if (totalRead != partBreak) { sha256Part.update(buffer, 0, read - difference); partChecksum = sha256Part.digest(); sha256ChecksumOfChecksums.update(partChecksum); sha256Part.reset(); sha256Part.update(buffer, read - difference, difference); } else { sha256Part.update(buffer, 0, read); partChecksum = sha256Part.digest(); sha256ChecksumOfChecksums.update(partChecksum); sha256Part.reset(); } String base64PartChecksum = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(partChecksum); if (!base64PartChecksum.equals(objectAttributes.objectParts().parts().get(currentPart).checksumSHA256())) { throw new IOException("Part checksum didn't match S3"); } currentPart++; System.out.println(currentPart + " " + base64PartChecksum); if (currentPart < objectAttributes.objectParts().totalPartsCount()) { partBreak += objectAttributes.objectParts().parts().get(currentPart - 1).size(); } } else { sha256Part.update(buffer, 0, read); } read =; } if (currentPart != objectAttributes.objectParts().totalPartsCount()) { currentPart++; byte[] partChecksum = sha256Part.digest(); sha256ChecksumOfChecksums.update(partChecksum); String base64PartChecksum = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(partChecksum); System.out.println(currentPart + " " + base64PartChecksum); } String base64CalculatedChecksumOfChecksums = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256ChecksumOfChecksums.digest()); System.out.println(base64CalculatedChecksumOfChecksums); System.out.println(objectAttributes.checksum().checksumSHA256()); if (!base64CalculatedChecksumOfChecksums.equals(objectAttributes.checksum().checksumSHA256())) { throw new IOException("Full object checksum of checksums don't match S3"); } } catch (IOException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

You can send REST requests to upload an object with a checksum value to verify the integrity of the data with PutObject. You can also retrieve the checksum value for objects using GetObject or HeadObject.

You can send a PUT request to upload an object of up to 5 GB in a single operation. For more information, see the PutObject in the AWS CLI Command Reference. You can also use get-object and head-object to retrieve the checksum of an already-uploaded object to verify the integrity of the data.

For information, see Amazon S3 CLI FAQ in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

Using Content-MD5 when uploading objects

Another way to verify the integrity of your object after uploading is to provide an MD5 digest of the object when you upload it. If you calculate the MD5 digest for your object, you can provide the digest with the PUT command by using the Content-MD5 header.

After uploading the object, Amazon S3 calculates the MD5 digest of the object and compares it to the value that you provided. The request succeeds only if the two digests match.

Supplying an MD5 digest isn't required, but you can use it to verify the integrity of the object as part of the upload process.

Using Content-MD5 and the ETag to verify uploaded objects

The entity tag (ETag) for an object represents a specific version of that object. Keep in mind that the ETag only reflects changes to the content of an object, not changes to its metadata. If only the metadata of an object changes, the ETag remains the same.

Depending on the object, the ETag of the object might be an MD5 digest of the object data:

  • If an object is created by the PutObject, PostObject, or CopyObject operation, or through the AWS Management Console, and that object is also plaintext or encrypted by server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3), that object has an ETag that is an MD5 digest of its object data.

  • If an object is created by the PutObject, PostObject, or CopyObject operation, or through the AWS Management Console, and that object is encrypted by server-side encryption with customer-provided keys (SSE-C) or server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys (SSE-KMS), that object has an ETag that is not an MD5 digest of its object data.

  • If an object is created by either the multipart upload process or the UploadPartCopy operation, the object's ETag is not an MD5 digest, regardless of the method of encryption. If an object is larger than 16 MB, the AWS Management Console uploads or copies that object as a multipart upload, and therefore the ETag isn't an MD5 digest.

For objects where the ETag is the Content-MD5 digest of the object, you can compare the ETag value of the object with a calculated or previously stored Content-MD5 digest.

Using trailing checksums

When uploading objects to Amazon S3, you can either provide a precalculated checksum for the object or use an AWS SDK to automatically create trailing checksums for chunked uploads, on your behalf. If you use a trailing checksum, Amazon S3 automatically generates the checksum by using your specified algorithm to validate the integrity of the object in chunked uploads, when you upload an object.

To create a trailing checksum when using an AWS SDK, populate the ChecksumAlgorithm parameter with your preferred algorithm. The SDK uses that algorithm to calculate the checksum for your object (or object parts) and automatically appends it to the end of your chunked upload request. This behavior saves you time because Amazon S3 performs both the verification and upload of your data in a single pass.


If you're using S3 Object Lambda, all requests to S3 Object Lambda are signed using s3-object-lambda instead of s3. This behavior affects the signature of trailing checksum values. For more information about S3 Object Lambda, see Transforming objects with S3 Object Lambda.

Trailing checksum headers

To make a chunked content encoding request, Amazon S3 requires client servers to include several headers to correctly parse the request. Client servers must include the following headers:

  • x-amz-decoded-content-length:This header indicates the plaintext size of the actual data that is being uploaded to Amazon S3 with the request.

  • x-amz-content-sha256: This header indicates the type of chunked upload that is included in the request. For chunked uploads with trailing checksums, the header value is STREAMING-UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD-TRAILER for requests that don’t use payload signing and STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD-TRAILER for requests that use SigV4 payload signing. (For more information about implementing signed payloads, see Signature calculations for the authorization header: Transferring a payload in multiple chunks.)

  • x-amz-trailer: This header indicates the name of the trailing header in the request. If trailing checksums exist (where AWS SDKs append checksums to the encoded request bodies), the x-amz-trailer header value includes the x-amz-checksum- prefix and ends with the algorithm name. The following x-amz-trailer values are currently supported:

    • x-amz-checksum-crc32

    • x-amz-checksum-crc32c

    • x-amz-checksum-crc64nvme

    • x-amz-checksum-sha1

    • x-amz-checksum-sha256


You can also include the Content-Encoding header, with the chunked value, in your request. While this header isn’t required, including this header can minimize HTTP proxy issues when transmitting encoded data. If another Content-Encoding header (such as gzip) exists in the request, the Content-Encoding header includes the chunked value in a comma-separated list of encodings. For example, Content-Encoding: aws-chunked, gzip.

Chunked parts

When you upload an object to Amazon S3 using chunked encoding, the upload request includes the following types of chunks (formatted in the listed order):

  • Object body chunks: There can be one, multiple, or zero body chunks associated with a chunked upload request.

  • Completion chunks: There can be one, multiple, or zero body chunks associated with a chunked upload request.

  • Trailing chunks: The trailing checksum is listed after the completion chunk. Only one trailing chunk is allowed.


Every chunked upload must end with a final CRLF (such as \r\n) to indicate the end of the request.

For examples of chunked formatting, see Examples: Chunked uploads with trailing checksums.

Object body chunks

Object body chunks are the chunks that contain the actual object data that is being uploaded to S3. These chunks have consistent size and format constraints.

Object body chunk size

These chunks must contain at least 8,192 bytes (or 8 KiB) of object data, except for the final body chunk, which can be smaller. There is no explicit maximum chunk size but you can expect all chunks to be smaller than the 5 GB maximum upload size. Chunk sizes can vary from one chunk to the next based on your client server implementation.

Object body chunk format

Object body chunks begin with the hexadecimal encoding of the number of bytes in the object body chunk, followed by a CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed), the object bytes for that chunk, and another CRLF.

For example:

hex-encoding-of-object-bytes-in-chunk\r\n chunk-object-bytes\r\n

However, when the chunk is signed, the object body chunk follows a different format, where the signature is appended to the chunk size with a semicolon delimiter. For example:

hex-encoding-of-object-bytes-in-chunk;chunk-signature\r\n chunk-object-bytes\r\n

For more information about chunk signing, see Signature calculations for the Authorization Header: Transferring a payload in multiple chunks (AWS Signature Version 4). For more information about chunk formatting, see Chunked transfer encoding on the RFC Editor website.

Completion chunks

Completion chunks are required to be the final object body chunk of every chunked upload. A completion chunk's format is similar to a body chunk, but always contains zero bytes of object data. (The zero bytes of object data indicate that all of the data has been uploaded.) Chunked uploads must include a completion chunk as its final object body chunk, following a format like this:


However, if the content encoding request uses payload signing, it follows this format instead:


Trailer chunks

Trailer chunks hold the calculated checksum for all S3 upload requests. Trailer chunks include two fields: one header name field and one header value field. The header name field for an upload request must match the value passed into the x-amz-trailer request header. For example, if a request contains x-amz-trailer: x-amz-checksum-crc32 and the trailer chunk has the header name x-amz-checksum-sha1, the request fails. The value field in the trailer chunk includes a base64 encoding of the big-endian checksum value for that object. (The big-endian ordering stores the most significant byte of data at the lowest memory address, and the least significant byte at the largest memory address). The algorithm used to calculate this checksum is the same as the suffix for the header name (for example, crc32).

Trailer chunk format

Trailer chunks use the following format for unsigned payload requests:


For requests with SigV4 signed payloads, the trailer chunk includes a trailer signature after the trailer chunk.

trailer-checksum\n\r\n trailer-signature\r\n

You can also add the CRLF directly to the end of the base64 checksum value. For example:


Examples: Chunked uploads with trailing checksums

Amazon S3 supports chunked uploads that use aws-chunked content encoding for PutObject and UploadPart requests with trailing checksums.

Example 1 – Unsigned chunked PutObject request with a trailing CRC-32 checksum

The following is an example of a chunked PutObject request with a trailing CRC-32 checksum. In this example, the client uploads a 17 KB object in three unsigned chunks and appends a trailing CRC-32 checksum chunk by using the x-amz-checksum-crc32 header.

PUT /Key+ HTTP/1.1 Host: amzn-s3-demo-bucket Content-Encoding: aws-chunked x-amz-decoded-content-length: 17408 x-amz-content-sha256: STREAMING-UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD-TRAILER x-amz-trailer: x-amz-checksum-crc32 2000\r\n // Object body chunk 1 (8192 bytes) object-bytes\r\n 2000\r\n // Object body chunk 2 (8192 bytes) object-bytes\r\n 400\r\n // Object body chunk 3 (1024 bytes) object-bytes\r\n 0\r\n // Completion chunk x-amz-checksum-crc32:YABb/g==\n\r\n\r\n // Trailer chunk (note optional \n character) \r\n // CRLF

Here's an example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 ETag: ETag x-amz-checksum-crc32: YABb/g==

The usage of the linefeed \n at the end of the checksum value might vary across clients.

Example 2 – SigV4-signed chunked PutObject request with a trailing CRC-32 (CRC32) checksum

The following is an example of a chunked PutObject request with a trailing CRC-32 checksum. This request uses SigV4 payload signing. In this example, the client uploads a 17 KB object in three signed chunks. In addition to the object body chunks, the completion chunk and trailer chunk are also signed.

PUT /Key+ HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Encoding: aws-chunked x-amz-decoded-content-length: 17408 x-amz-content-sha256: STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD-TRAILER x-amz-trailer: x-amz-checksum-crc32 authorization-code // SigV4 headers authorization 2000;chunk-signature=signature-value...\r\n // Object body chunk 1 (8192 bytes) object-bytes\r\n 2000;chunk-signature\r\n // Object body chunk 2 (8192 bytes) object-bytes\r\n 400;chunk-signature\r\n // Object body chunk 3 (1024 bytes) object-bytes\r\n 0;chunk-signature\r\n // Completion chunk x-amz-checksum-crc32:YABb/g==\n\r\n // Trailer chunk (note optional \n character) trailer-signature\r\n \r\n // CRLF

Here's an example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 ETag: ETag x-amz-checksum-crc32: YABb/g==