Locating your inventory list - Amazon Simple Storage Service

Locating your inventory list

When an inventory list is published, the manifest files are published to the following location in the destination bucket.

destination-prefix/amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket/config-ID/YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MMZ/manifest.json destination-prefix/amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket/config-ID/YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MMZ/manifest.checksum destination-prefix/amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket/config-ID/hive/dt=YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM/symlink.txt
  • destination-prefix is the object key name prefix that is optionally specified in the inventory configuration. You can use this prefix to group all the inventory list files in a common location within the destination bucket.

  • amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket is the source bucket that the inventory list is for. The source bucket name is added to prevent collisions when multiple inventory reports from different source buckets are sent to the same destination bucket.

  • config-ID is added to prevent collisions with multiple inventory reports from the same source bucket that are sent to the same destination bucket. The config-ID comes from the inventory report configuration, and is the name for the report that is defined during setup.

  • YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MMZ is the timestamp that consists of the start time and the date when the inventory report generation process begins scanning the bucket; for example, 2016-11-06T21-32Z.

  • manifest.json is the manifest file.

  • manifest.checksum is the MD5 hash of the content of the manifest.json file.

  • symlink.txt is the Apache Hive-compatible manifest file.

The inventory lists are published daily or weekly to the following location in the destination bucket.

destination-prefix/amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket/config-ID/data/example-file-name.csv.gz ... destination-prefix/amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket/config-ID/data/example-file-name-1.csv.gz
  • destination-prefix is the object key name prefix that is optionally specified in the inventory configuration. You can use this prefix to group all the inventory list files in a common location in the destination bucket.

  • amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket is the source bucket that the inventory list is for. The source bucket name is added to prevent collisions when multiple inventory reports from different source buckets are sent to the same destination bucket.

  • example-file-name.csv.gz is one of the CSV inventory files. ORC inventory names end with the file name extension .orc, and Parquet inventory names end with the file name extension .parquet.

Inventory manifest

The manifest files manifest.json and symlink.txt describe where the inventory files are located. Whenever a new inventory list is delivered, it is accompanied by a new set of manifest files. These files might overwrite each other. In versioning-enabled buckets, Amazon S3 creates new versions of the manifest files.

Each manifest contained in the manifest.json file provides metadata and other basic information about an inventory. This information includes the following:

  • The source bucket name

  • The destination bucket name

  • The version of the inventory

  • The creation timestamp in the epoch date format that consists of the start time and the date when the inventory report generation process begins scanning the bucket

  • The format and schema of the inventory files

  • A list of the inventory files that are in the destination bucket

Whenever a manifest.json file is written, it is accompanied by a manifest.checksum file that is the MD5 hash of the content of the manifest.json file.

Example Inventory manifest in a manifest.json file

The following examples show an inventory manifest in a manifest.json file for CSV, ORC, and Parquet-formatted inventories.


The following is an example of a manifest in a manifest.json file for a CSV-formatted inventory.

{ "sourceBucket": "amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket", "destinationBucket": "arn:aws:s3:::example-inventory-destination-bucket", "version": "2016-11-30", "creationTimestamp" : "1514944800000", "fileFormat": "CSV", "fileSchema": "Bucket, Key, VersionId, IsLatest, IsDeleteMarker, Size, LastModifiedDate, ETag, StorageClass, IsMultipartUploaded, ReplicationStatus, EncryptionStatus, ObjectLockRetainUntilDate, ObjectLockMode, ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus, IntelligentTieringAccessTier, BucketKeyStatus, ChecksumAlgorithm, ObjectAccessControlList, ObjectOwner", "files": [ { "key": "Inventory/amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket/2016-11-06T21-32Z/files/939c6d46-85a9-4ba8-87bd-9db705a579ce.csv.gz", "size": 2147483647, "MD5checksum": "f11166069f1990abeb9c97ace9cdfabc" } ] }

The following is an example of a manifest in a manifest.json file for an ORC-formatted inventory.

{ "sourceBucket": "amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket", "destinationBucket": "arn:aws:s3:::example-destination-bucket", "version": "2016-11-30", "creationTimestamp" : "1514944800000", "fileFormat": "ORC", "fileSchema": "struct<bucket:string,key:string,version_id:string,is_latest:boolean,is_delete_marker:boolean,size:bigint,last_modified_date:timestamp,e_tag:string,storage_class:string,is_multipart_uploaded:boolean,replication_status:string,encryption_status:string,object_lock_retain_until_date:timestamp,object_lock_mode:string,object_lock_legal_hold_status:string,intelligent_tiering_access_tier:string,bucket_key_status:string,checksum_algorithm:string,object_access_control_list:string,object_owner:string>", "files": [ { "key": "inventory/amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket/data/d794c570-95bb-4271-9128-26023c8b4900.orc", "size": 56291, "MD5checksum": "5925f4e78e1695c2d020b9f6eexample" } ] }

The following is an example of a manifest in a manifest.json file for a Parquet-formatted inventory.

{ "sourceBucket": "amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket", "destinationBucket": "arn:aws:s3:::example-destination-bucket", "version": "2016-11-30", "creationTimestamp" : "1514944800000", "fileFormat": "Parquet", "fileSchema": "message s3.inventory { required binary bucket (UTF8); required binary key (UTF8); optional binary version_id (UTF8); optional boolean is_latest; optional boolean is_delete_marker; optional int64 size; optional int64 last_modified_date (TIMESTAMP_MILLIS); optional binary e_tag (UTF8); optional binary storage_class (UTF8); optional boolean is_multipart_uploaded; optional binary replication_status (UTF8); optional binary encryption_status (UTF8); optional int64 object_lock_retain_until_date (TIMESTAMP_MILLIS); optional binary object_lock_mode (UTF8); optional binary object_lock_legal_hold_status (UTF8); optional binary intelligent_tiering_access_tier (UTF8); optional binary bucket_key_status (UTF8); optional binary checksum_algorithm (UTF8); optional binary object_access_control_list (UTF8); optional binary object_owner (UTF8);}", "files": [ { "key": "inventory/amzn-s3-demo-source-bucket/data/d754c470-85bb-4255-9218-47023c8b4910.parquet", "size": 56291, "MD5checksum": "5825f2e18e1695c2d030b9f6eexample" } ] }

The symlink.txt file is an Apache Hive-compatible manifest file that allows Hive to automatically discover inventory files and their associated data files. The Hive-compatible manifest works with the Hive-compatible services Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. It also works with Hive-compatible applications, including Presto, Apache Hive, Apache Spark, and many others.


The symlink.txt Apache Hive-compatible manifest file does not currently work with AWS Glue.

Reading the symlink.txt file with Apache Hive and Apache Spark is not supported for ORC and Parquet-formatted inventory files.