Access for non AWS workloads - AWS Identity and Access Management

Access for non AWS workloads

An IAM role is an object in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) that is assigned permissions. When you assume that role using an IAM identity or an identity from outside of AWS, it provides you with temporary security credentials for your role session. You might have workloads running in your data center or other infrastructure outside of AWS that must access your AWS resources. Instead of creating, distributing, and managing long-term access keys, you can use AWS Identity and Access Management Roles Anywhere (IAM Roles Anywhere) to authenticate your non AWS workloads. IAM Roles Anywhere uses X.509 certificates from your certificate authority (CA) to authenticate identities and securely provide access to AWS services with the temporary credentials provided by an IAM role.

To use IAM Roles Anywhere
  1. Set up a CA using AWS Private Certificate Authority or use a CA from your own PKI infrastructure.

  2. After you have set up a CA, you create an object in IAM Roles Anywhere called a trust anchor. This anchor establishes trust between IAM Roles Anywhere and your CA for authentication.

  3. You can then configure your existing IAM roles, or create new roles that trust the IAM Roles Anywhere service.

  4. Authenticate your non AWS workloads with IAM Roles Anywhere using the trust anchor. AWS grants the non AWS workload temporary credentials to the IAM role that has access your AWS resources.

Additional resources

The following resources can help you learn more about providing access to non-AWS workloads.