Associate DNS Firewall rule groups to a Route 53 Profile
Choose a tab to associate DNS Firewall rule groups to a Route 53 Profile by using the Route 53 console, or AWS CLI.
- Console
To associate DNS Firewall rule groups
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Route 53 console at
. On the navigation bar, choose the Region where you created the Profile.
In the navigation pane, choose Profiles and on the Profiles table, choose the linked name of the Profile you want to work with.
On the <Profile name> page, choose the DNS Firewall rule groups tab and then Associate.
In the DNS Firewall rule groups section you can select up to 10 rule groups you have previously created. If you want to associate more than 10 rule groups, use the APIs. For more information, see AssociateResourceToProfile.
To create new rule groups, see Creating a rule group and rules.
Choose Next.
On the Define priority page you can set the order in which the rule groups are processed by clicking the pre-assigned priority number and typing in a new one. The allowed values for the priority are between 100 and 9900.
The rule groups are evaluated starting with the lowest numeric priority setting and going up. You can change a rule group's priority at any time, for example to change the order of processing or make space for other rule groups.
Choose Submit.
The association progress is displayed in the Status column in the DNS Firewall rule groups dialog box.
You can associate rule group to a Profile by running a AWS CLI command like the following and using your own values for
, andpriority
:aws route53profiles associate-resource-to-profile --name
--resource-properties "{\"priority\":102
}"The following is an example output after you run the command:
{ "ProfileResourceAssociation": { "CreationTime": 1710851216.613, "Id": "rpr-001913120a7example", "ModificationTime": 1710851216.613, "Name": "test-resource-association", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "ProfileId": "rp-4987774726example", "ResourceArn": "arn:aws:route53resolver:us-east-1:123456789012:firewall-rule-group/rslvr-frg-cfe7f72example", "ResourceProperties": "{\"priority\":102}", "ResourceType": "FIREWALL_RULE_GROUP", "Status": "UPDATING", "StatusMessage": "Updating the Profile to DNS Firewall rule group association" } }