Transferring my domain to Amazon Route 53 failed
Here are some common reasons that transferring a domain to Amazon Route 53 fails.
You didn't click the link in the authorization email
When you transfer domain registration to Amazon Route 53, we're required by ICANN, the governing body for domain registration, to get authorization for the transfer from the registrant contact for the domain. To get authorization, we send you an email that contains a link. You have between 5 and 15 days to click the link, depending on the top-level domain. After that time, the link stops working.
If you don't click the link in the email in the allotted amount of time, ICANN requires that we cancel the transfer. For information about how to resend the authorization email to the registrant contact, see Resending authorization and confirmation emails.
The authorization code that you got from the current registrar is not valid
If you request the transfer of a domain to Amazon Route 53 and you don't receive the authorization email, check the status page in the Route 53 console. If the status page shows that the transfer authorization code that you got from your registrar is not valid, perform the following steps:
Contact the current registrar for the domain and request a new authorization code. Confirm the following:
How long the new authorization code will remain active. You must request a domain transfer before the code expires.
The new authorization code is different from the code that isn't valid. If not, ask the current registrar to refresh the authorization code.
Submit another request to transfer the domain. For more information, see Step 5: Request the transfer in the topic Transferring registration for a domain to Amazon Route 53.
"Parameters in request are not valid" error when trying to transfer a .es domain to Amazon Route 53
Amazon Route 53 returns a "Parameters in request are not valid" error when you try to transfer a .es domain to Route 53 and the contact type of the registrant contact is Company. To complete the transfer, change the contact type of the registrant to Person, and re-submit.
Is the internationalized domain name you're transferring to Amazon Route 53 listed in punycode?
When you register a new domain name or create hosted zones and records, you can specify letters other than a-z (for example, the ç in French), characters in other alphabets (for example, Cyrillic or Arabic), and characters in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Amazon Route 53 stores these internationalized domain names (IDNs) in Punycode, which represents Unicode characters as ASCII strings.
If you get an error while transferring an IDNs to Route 53, use punycode to represent it and try again. For more information, see Formatting internationalized domain names.