Using an AWS SCT extension pack to emulate SQL Server Agent in PostgreSQL - AWS Schema Conversion Tool

Using an AWS SCT extension pack to emulate SQL Server Agent in PostgreSQL

SQL Server Agent is a Microsoft Windows service that runs SQL Server jobs. SQL Server Agent runs jobs on a schedule, in response to a specific event, or on demand. For more information about SQL Server Agent, see Microsoft technical documentation.

PostgreSQL doesn't have an equivalent for SQL Server Agent. To emulate the SQL Server Agent features, AWS SCT creates an extension pack. This extension pack uses AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch. AWS Lambda implements the interface that you use to manage schedules and run jobs. Amazon CloudWatch maintains the schedule rules.

AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch use a JSON parameter to interact. This JSON parameter has the following structure.

{ "mode": mode, "parameters": { list of parameters }, "callback": procedure name }

In the preceding example, mode is the type of the task and list of parameters is a set of parameters that depend on the type of the task. Also, procedure name is the name of the procedure that runs after the task is completed.

AWS SCT uses one Lambda function to control and run jobs. The CloudWatch rule starts the run of the job and provides the necessary information to start the job. When the CloudWatch rule triggers, it starts the Lambda function using the parameters from the rule.

To create a simple job that calls a procedure, use the following format.

{ "mode": "run_job", "parameters": { "vendor": "mysql", "cmd": "lambda_db.nightly_job" } }

To create a job with several steps, use the following format.

{ "mode": "run_job", "parameters": { "job_name": "Job1", "enabled": "true", "start_step_id": 1, "notify_level_email": [0|1|2|3], "notify_email": email, "delete_level": [0|1|2|3], "job_callback": "ProcCallBackJob(job_name, code, message)", "step_callback": "ProcCallBackStep(job_name, step_id, code, message)" }, "steps": [ { "id":1, "cmd": "ProcStep1", "cmdexec_success_code": 0, "on_success_action": [|2|3|4], "on_success_step_id": 1, "on_fail_action": 0, "on_fail_step_id": 0, "retry_attempts": number, "retry_interval": number }, { "id":2, "cmd": "ProcStep2", "cmdexec_success_code": 0, "on_success_action": [1|2|3|4], "on_success_step_id": 0, "on_fail_action": 0, "on_fail_step_id": 0, "retry_attempts": number, "retry_interval": number }, ... ] }

To emulate the SQL Server Agent behavior in PostgreSQL, the AWS SCT extension pack also creates the following tables and procedures.

Tables that emulate SQL Server Agent in PostgreSQL

To emulate SQL Server Agent, the extension pack uses the following tables:


Stores the information about the jobs.


Stores the information about the steps of a job.


Stores the information about the job schedules.


Stores the schedule information for individual jobs.


Stores the information about the runs of scheduled jobs.

Procedures that emulate SQL Server Agent in PostgreSQL

To emulate SQL Server Agent, the extension pack uses the following procedures:


Adds a new job.


Adds a step to a job.


Creates a new schedule rule in Amazon CloudWatch. You can use this schedule with any number of jobs.


Sets a schedule for the selected job.


Creates a schedule rule for a job in Amazon CloudWatch and sets the target for this rule.


Updates the attributes of the previously created job.


Updates the attributes of the step in a job.


Updates the attributes of a schedule rule in Amazon CloudWatch.


Updates the attributes of the schedule for the specified job.


Deletes a job.


Deletes a job step from a job.


Deletes a schedule.


Deletes the schedule rule for the specified job from Amazon CloudWatch.


Removes an association between a schedule and a job.

get_jobs, update_job

Internal procedures that interact with AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

sp_verify_job_date, sp_verify_job_time, sp_verify_job, sp_verify_jobstep, sp_verify_schedule, sp_verify_job_identifiers, sp_verify_schedule_identifiers

Internal procedures that check settings.

Syntax for procedures that emulate SQL Server Agent in PostgreSQL

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_job procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_add_job procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_name varchar, par_enabled smallint = 1, par_description varchar = NULL::character varying, par_start_step_id integer = 1, par_category_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_category_id integer = NULL::integer, par_owner_login_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_notify_level_eventlog integer = 2, par_notify_level_email integer = 0, par_notify_level_netsend integer = 0, par_notify_level_page integer = 0, par_notify_email_operator_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_notify_netsend_operator_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_notify_page_operator_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_delete_level integer = 0, inout par_job_id integer = NULL::integer, par_originating_server varchar = NULL::character varying, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobstep procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer, par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_step_id integer = NULL::integer, par_step_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_subsystem varchar = 'TSQL'::bpchar, par_command text = NULL::text, par_additional_parameters text = NULL::text, par_cmdexec_success_code integer = 0, par_on_success_action smallint = 1, par_on_success_step_id integer = 0, par_on_fail_action smallint = 2, par_on_fail_step_id integer = 0, par_server varchar = NULL::character varying, par_database_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_database_user_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_retry_attempts integer = 0, par_retry_interval integer = 0, par_os_run_priority integer = 0, par_output_file_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_flags integer = 0, par_proxy_id integer = NULL::integer, par_proxy_name varchar = NULL::character varying, inout par_step_uid char = NULL::bpchar, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_schedule procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_add_schedule procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_schedule_name varchar, par_enabled smallint = 1, par_freq_type integer = 0, par_freq_interval integer = 0, par_freq_subday_type integer = 0, par_freq_subday_interval integer = 0, par_freq_relative_interval integer = 0, par_freq_recurrence_factor integer = 0, par_active_start_date integer = NULL::integer, par_active_end_date integer = 99991231, par_active_start_time integer = 0, par_active_end_time integer = 235959, par_owner_login_name varchar = NULL::character varying, *inout par_schedule_uid char = NULL::bpchar,* inout par_schedule_id integer = NULL::integer, par_originating_server varchar = NULL::character varying, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_attach_schedule procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_attach_schedule procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer, par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_schedule_id integer = NULL::integer, par_schedule_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_automatic_post smallint = 1, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobschedule procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobschedule procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer, par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_enabled smallint = 1, par_freq_type integer = 1, par_freq_interval integer = 0, par_freq_subday_type integer = 0, par_freq_subday_interval integer = 0, par_freq_relative_interval integer = 0, par_freq_recurrence_factor integer = 0, par_active_start_date integer = NULL::integer, par_active_end_date integer = 99991231, par_active_start_time integer = 0, par_active_end_time integer = 235959, inout par_schedule_id integer = NULL::integer, par_automatic_post smallint = 1, inout par_schedule_uid char = NULL::bpchar, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_delete_job procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer, par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_originating_server varchar = NULL::character varying, par_delete_history smallint = 1, par_delete_unused_schedule smallint = 1, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_delete_jobstep procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_delete_jobstep procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer, par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_step_id integer = NULL::integer, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_delete_jobschedule procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_delete_jobschedule procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer, par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_keep_schedule integer = 0, par_automatic_post smallint = 1, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_delete_schedule procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_delete_schedule procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_schedule_id integer = NULL::integer, par_schedule_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_force_delete smallint = 0, par_automatic_post smallint = 1, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_detach_schedule procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_detach_schedule procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer, par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_schedule_id integer = NULL::integer, par_schedule_name varchar = NULL::character varying, par_delete_unused_schedule smallint = 0, par_automatic_post smallint = 1, out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_update_job procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_update_job procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_new_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_enabled smallint = NULL::smallint par_description varchar = NULL::character varying par_start_step_id integer = NULL::integer par_category_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_owner_login_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_notify_level_eventlog integer = NULL::integer par_notify_level_email integer = NULL::integer par_notify_level_netsend integer = NULL::integer par_notify_level_page integer = NULL::integer par_notify_email_operator_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_notify_netsend_operator_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_notify_page_operator_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_delete_level integer = NULL::integer par_automatic_post smallint = 1 out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_update_jobschedule procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_update_jobschedule procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_new_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_enabled smallint = NULL::smallint par_freq_type integer = NULL::integer par_freq_interval integer = NULL::integer par_freq_subday_type integer = NULL::integer par_freq_subday_interval integer = NULL::integer par_freq_relative_interval integer = NULL::integer par_freq_recurrence_factor integer = NULL::integer par_active_start_date integer = NULL::integer par_active_end_date integer = NULL::integer par_active_start_time integer = NULL::integer par_active_end_time integer = NULL::integer par_automatic_post smallint = 1 out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_update_jobstep procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_update_jobstep procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_job_id integer = NULL::integer par_job_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_step_id integer = NULL::integer par_step_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_subsystem varchar = NULL::character varying par_command text = NULL::text par_additional_parameters text = NULL::text par_cmdexec_success_code integer = NULL::integer par_on_success_action smallint = NULL::smallint par_on_success_step_id integer = NULL::integer par_on_fail_action smallint = NULL::smallint par_on_fail_step_id integer = NULL::integer par_server varchar = NULL::character varying par_database_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_database_user_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_retry_attempts integer = NULL::integer par_retry_interval integer = NULL::integer par_os_run_priority integer = NULL::integer par_output_file_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_flags integer = NULL::integer par_proxy_id integer = NULL::integer par_proxy_name varchar = NULL::character varying out returncode integer

The aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_update_schedule procedure in the extension pack emulates the msdb.dbo.sp_update_schedule procedure. For more information about the source SQL Server Agent procedure, see Microsoft technical documentation.

par_schedule_id integer = NULL::integer par_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_new_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_enabled smallint = NULL::smallint par_freq_type integer = NULL::integer par_freq_interval integer = NULL::integer par_freq_subday_type integer = NULL::integer par_freq_subday_interval integer = NULL::integer par_freq_relative_interval integer = NULL::integer par_freq_recurrence_factor integer = NULL::integer par_active_start_date integer = NULL::integer par_active_end_date integer = NULL::integer par_active_start_time integer = NULL::integer par_active_end_time integer = NULL::integer par_owner_login_name varchar = NULL::character varying par_automatic_post smallint = 1 out returncode integer

Examples for using procedures that emulate SQL Server Agent in PostgreSQL

To add a new job, use the aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_job procedure as shown following.

SELECT * FROM aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_job ( par_job_name := 'test_job', par_enabled := 1::smallint, par_start_step_id := 1::integer, par_category_name := '[Uncategorized (Local)]', par_owner_login_name := 'sa');

To add a new job step, use the aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobstep procedure as shown following.

SELECT * FROM aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobstep ( par_job_name := 'test_job', par_step_id := 1::smallint, par_step_name := 'test_job_step1', par_subsystem := 'TSQL', par_command := 'EXECUTE [dbo].[PROC_TEST_JOB_STEP1];', par_server := NULL, par_database_name := 'GOLD_TEST_SS');

To add a simple schedule, use the aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_schedule procedure as shown following.

SELECT * FROM aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_schedule( par_schedule_name := 'RunOnce', par_freq_type := 1, par_active_start_time := 233000);

To set a schedule for a job, use the aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_attach_schedule procedure as shown following.

SELECT * FROM aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_attach_schedule ( par_job_name := 'test_job', par_schedule_name := 'NightlyJobs');

To create a schedule for a job, use the aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobschedule procedure as shown following.

SELECT * FROM aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobschedule ( par_job_name := 'test_job2', par_name := 'test_schedule2', par_enabled := 1::smallint, par_freq_type := 4, par_freq_interval := 1, par_freq_subday_type := 4, par_freq_subday_interval := 1, par_freq_relative_interval := 0, par_freq_recurrence_factor := 0, par_active_start_date := 20100801, par_active_end_date := 99991231, par_active_start_time := 0, par_active_end_time := 0);

Use case examples for emulating SQL Server Agent in PostgreSQL

If your source database code uses SQL Server Agent to run jobs, you can use the SQL Server to PostgreSQL extension pack for AWS SCT to convert this code to PostgreSQL. The extension pack uses AWS Lambda functions to emulate the behavior of SQL Server Agent.

You can create a new AWS Lambda function or register an existing function.

To create a new AWS Lambda function
  1. In AWS SCT, in the target database tree, open the context (right-click) menu, choose Apply extension pack for, and then choose PostgreSQL.

    The extension pack wizard appears.

  2. On the SQL Server Agent emulation service tab, do the following:

    • Choose Create an AWS Lambda function.

    • For Database login, enter the name of the target database user.

    • For Database password, enter the password for the user name that you entered on the preceding step.

    • For Python library folder, enter the path to your Python library folder.

    • Choose Create AWS Lambda function, and then choose Next.

To register an AWS Lambda function that you deployed earlier
  • Run the following script on your target database.

    SELECT FROM aws_sqlserver_ext.set_service_setting( p_service := 'JOB', p_setting := 'LAMBDA_ARN', p_value := ARN)

    In the preceding example, ARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the deployed AWS Lambda function.

The following example creates a simple task that consists of one step. Every five minutes, this task runs the previously created job_example function. This function inserts records into the job_example_table table.

To create this simple task
  1. Create a job using the aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_job function as shown following.

    SELECT FROM aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_job ( par_job_name := 'test_simple_job');
  2. Create a job step using the aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobstep function as shown following.

    SELECT FROM aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobstep ( par_job_name := 'test_simple_job', par_step_name := 'test_simple_job_step1', par_command := 'PERFORM job_simple_example;');

    The job step specifies what the function does.

  3. Create a scheduler for the job using the aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobschedule function as shown following.

    SELECT FROM aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_add_jobschedule ( par_job_name := 'test_simple_job', par_name := 'test_schedule', par_freq_type := 4, /* Daily */ par_freq_interval := 1, /* frequency_interval is unused */ par_freq_subday_type := 4, /* Minutes */ par_freq_subday_interval := 5 /* 5 minutes */);

    The job step specifies what the function does.

To delete this job, use the aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_delete_job function as shown following.

PERFORM aws_sqlserver_ext.sp_delete_job( par_job_name := 'PeriodicJob1'::character varying, par_delete_history := 1::smallint, par_delete_unused_schedule := 1::smallint);