Quotas for AWS Account Management - AWS Account Management

Quotas for AWS Account Management

Your AWS account has default quotas, formerly referred to as limits, for each AWS service. Unless otherwise noted, each quota is AWS Region-specific.

Each AWS account has the following quotas related to Account Management.

Resource Quota
Maximum number of StartPrimaryEmailUpdate requests per target account 3 per 30 seconds
Number of alternate contacts in an AWS account 3 - one each for BILLING, SECURITY, and OPERATIONS
Number of concurrent region-opt requests per account 6
Number of concurrent region-opt requests per organization 50
Rate of AcceptPrimaryEmailUpdate requests per caller account 1 per second, burst to 1 per second
Rate of DeleteAlternateContact requests per account 1 per second, burst to 6 per second
Rate of DisableRegion requests per account 1 per second, burst to 1 per second
Rate of EnableRegion requests per account 1 per second, burst to 1 per second
Rate of GetAlternateContact requests per account 10 per second, burst to 15 per second
Rate of GetContactInformation requests per account 10 per second, burst to 15 per second
Rate of GetPrimaryEmail requests per caller account 3 per second, burst to 3 per second
Rate of GetRegionOptStatus requests per account 5 per second, burst to 5 per second
Rate of ListRegions requests per account 5 per second, burst to 5 per second
Rate of PutAlternateContact requests per account 5 per second, burst to 8 per second
Rate of PutContactInformation requests per account 5 per second, burst to 8 per second
Rate of StartPrimaryEmailUpdate requests per caller account 1 per second, burst to 1 per second