RabbitMQ tutorials
The following tutorials show how you can configure and use RabbitMQ on Amazon MQ. To learn more about working with supported client libraries in
a variety of programming languages such as Node.js, Python, .NET, and more, see RabbitMQ Tutorials
Step 2: Connect a JVM-based application to your broker
After you create a RabbitMQ broker, you can connect your application to it.
The following examples show how you can use the RabbitMQ Java client library
The following prerequisite steps are only applicable to RabbitMQ brokers created without public accessibility. If you are creating a broker with public accessibility you can skip them.
Enable VPC attributes
To ensure that your broker is accessible within your VPC, you must enable the enableDnsHostnames
and enableDnsSupport
VPC attributes. For more information, see DNS Support in your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
Enable inbound connections
Sign in to the Amazon MQ console
. From the broker list, choose the name of your broker (for example, MyBroker).
On the
page, in the Connections section, note the addresses and ports of the broker's web console URL and wire-level protocols. -
In the Details section, under Security and network, choose the name of your security group or
The Security Groups page of the EC2 Dashboard is displayed.
From the security group list, choose your security group.
At the bottom of the page, choose Inbound, and then choose Edit.
In the Edit inbound rules dialog box, add a rule for every URL or endpoint that you want to be publicly accessible (the following example shows how to do this for a broker web console).
Choose Add Rule.
For Type, select Custom TCP.
For Source, leave Custom selected and then type the IP address of the system that you want to be able to access the web console (for example,
). -
Choose Save.
Your broker can now accept inbound connections.
Add Java dependencies
If you are using Apache Maven for automating builds, add the following dependency to your pom.xml
For more information about Project Object Model files in Apache Maven,
see Introduction to the POM
<dependency> <groupId>com.rabbitmq</groupId> <artifactId>amqp-client</artifactId> <version>5.9.0</version> </dependency>
If you are using Gradle
dependencies { compile 'com.rabbitmq:amqp-client:5.9.0' }
Import Connection
and Channel
RabbitMQ Java client uses com.rabbitmq.client
as its top-level package, with Connection
and Channel
API classes representing
an AMQP 0-9-1 connection and channel, respectively. Import the Connection
and Channel
classes before using them, as shown in the following example.
import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection; import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel;
Create a ConnectionFactory
and connect to your broker
Use the following example to create an instance of the ConnectionFactory
class with the given parameters. Use the setHost
method to configure the broker endpoint you noted earlier. For AMQPS
wire-level connections, use port 5671
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setUsername(username); factory.setPassword(password); //Replace the URL with your information factory.setHost("
"); factory.setPort(5671); // Allows client to establish a connection over TLS factory.useSslProtocol(); // Create a connection Connection conn = factory.newConnection(); // Create a channel Channel channel = conn.createChannel();
Publish a message to an exchange
You can use Channel.basicPublish
to publish messages to an exchange. The following example uses the AMQP Builder
class to build a message properties object with content-type plain/text
byte[] messageBodyBytes = "Hello, world!".getBytes(); channel.basicPublish(exchangeName, routingKey, new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder() .contentType("text/plain") .userId("userId") .build(), messageBodyBytes);
Note that BasicProperties
is an inner class of the autogenerated holder class, AMQP
Subscribe to a queue and receive a message
You can receive a message by subscribing to a queue using the Consumer
Once subscribed, messages will then be delivered automatically as they arrive.
The easiest way to implement a Consumer
is to use the subclass DefaultConsumer
A DefaultConsumer
object can be passed as part of a basicConsume
call to set up the subscription as shown in the following example.
boolean autoAck = false; channel.basicConsume(queueName, autoAck, "myConsumerTag", new DefaultConsumer(channel) { @Override public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException { String routingKey = envelope.getRoutingKey(); String contentType = properties.getContentType(); long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag(); // (process the message components here ...) channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); } });
Because we specified autoAck = false
, it is necessary to acknowledge messages delivered to the Consumer
most conveniently done in the handleDelivery
method, as shown in the example.
Close your connection and disconnect from the broker
In order to disconnect from your RabbitMQ broker, close both the channel and connection as shown in the following.
channel.close(); conn.close();
For more information about working with the RabbitMQ Java client library, see the RabbitMQ Java Client API Guide
Step 3: (Optional) Connect to an AWS Lambda function
AWS Lambda can connect to and consume messages from your Amazon MQ broker. When you connect a broker to Lambda, you create an event source mapping that reads messages from a queue and invokes the function synchronously. The event source mapping you create reads messages from your broker in batches and converts them into a Lambda payload in the form of a JSON object.
To connect your broker to a Lambda function
Add the following IAM role permissions to your Lambda function execution role.
Without the necessary IAM permissions, your function will not be able to successfully read records from Amazon MQ resources.
(Optional) If you have created a broker without public accessibility, you must do one of the following to allow Lambda to connect to your broker:
Configure one NAT gateway per public subnet. For more information, see Internet and service access for VPC-connected functions in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
Create a connection between your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and Lambda using a VPC endpoint. Your Amazon VPC must also connect to AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) and Secrets Manager endpoints. For more information, see Configuring interface VPC endpoints for Lambda in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
Configure your broker as an event source for a Lambda function using the AWS Management Console. You can also use the
AWS Command Line Interface command. -
Write some code for your Lambda function to process the messages from your consumed from your broker. The Lambda payload that retrieved by your event source mapping depends on the engine type of the broker. The following is an example of a Lambda payload for an Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ queue.
In the example,
is the name of the queue, and/
is the name of the default virtual host. When receiving messages, the event source lists messages undertest::/
.{ "eventSource": "aws:rmq", "eventSourceArn": "arn:aws:mq:us-west-2:112556298976:broker:test:b-9bcfa592-423a-4942-879d-eb284b418fc8", "rmqMessagesByQueue": { "test::/": [ { "basicProperties": { "contentType": "text/plain", "contentEncoding": null, "headers": { "header1": { "bytes": [ 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 49 ] }, "header2": { "bytes": [ 118, 97, 108, 117, 101, 50 ] }, "numberInHeader": 10 } "deliveryMode": 1, "priority": 34, "correlationId": null, "replyTo": null, "expiration": "60000", "messageId": null, "timestamp": "Jan 1, 1970, 12:33:41 AM", "type": null, "userId": "AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE", "appId": null, "clusterId": null, "bodySize": 80 }, "redelivered": false, "data": "eyJ0aW1lb3V0IjowLCJkYXRhIjoiQ1pybWYwR3c4T3Y0YnFMUXhENEUifQ==" } ] } }
For more information about connecting Amazon MQ to Lambda, the options Lambda supports for an Amazon MQ event source, and event source mapping errors, see Using Lambda with Amazon MQ in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.