Differences between a relational (SQL) database and DynamoDB when managing indexes - Amazon DynamoDB

Differences between a relational (SQL) database and DynamoDB when managing indexes

Indexes give you access to alternate query patterns, and can speed up queries. This section compares and contrasts index creation and usage in SQL and Amazon DynamoDB.

Whether you are using a relational database or DynamoDB, you should be judicious with index creation. Whenever a write occurs on a table, all of the table's indexes must be updated. In a write-heavy environment with large tables, this can consume large amounts of system resources. In a read-only or read-mostly environment, this is not as much of a concern. However, you should ensure that the indexes are actually being used by your application, and not simply taking up space.

Differences between a relational (SQL) database and DynamoDB when creating an index

Compare the CREATE INDEX statement in SQL with the UpdateTable operation in Amazon DynamoDB.

Creating an index with SQL

In a relational database, an index is a data structure that lets you perform fast queries on different columns in a table. You can use the CREATE INDEX SQL statement to add an index to an existing table, specifying the columns to be indexed. After the index has been created, you can query the data in the table as usual, but now the database can use the index to quickly find the specified rows in the table instead of scanning the entire table.

After you create an index, the database maintains it for you. Whenever you modify data in the table, the index is automatically modified to reflect changes in the table.

In MySQL, you would create an index like the following.

CREATE INDEX GenreAndPriceIndex ON Music (genre, price);

Creating an index in DynamoDB

In DynamoDB, you can create and use a secondary index for similar purposes.

Indexes in DynamoDB are different from their relational counterparts. When you create a secondary index, you must specify its key attributes—a partition key and a sort key. After you create the secondary index, you can Query it or Scan it just as you would with a table. DynamoDB does not have a query optimizer, so a secondary index is only used when you Query it or Scan it.

DynamoDB supports two different kinds of indexes:

  • Global secondary indexes – The primary key of the index can be any two attributes from its table.

  • Local secondary indexes – The partition key of the index must be the same as the partition key of its table. However, the sort key can be any other attribute.

DynamoDB ensures that the data in a secondary index is eventually consistent with its table. You can request strongly consistent Query or Scan operations on a table or a local secondary index. However, global secondary indexes support only eventual consistency.

You can add a global secondary index to an existing table, using the UpdateTable operation and specifying GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates.

{ TableName: "Music", AttributeDefinitions:[ {AttributeName: "Genre", AttributeType: "S"}, {AttributeName: "Price", AttributeType: "N"} ], GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates: [ { Create: { IndexName: "GenreAndPriceIndex", KeySchema: [ {AttributeName: "Genre", KeyType: "HASH"}, //Partition key {AttributeName: "Price", KeyType: "RANGE"}, //Sort key ], Projection: { "ProjectionType": "ALL" }, ProvisionedThroughput: { // Only specified if using provisioned mode "ReadCapacityUnits": 1,"WriteCapacityUnits": 1 } } } ] }

You must provide the following parameters to UpdateTable:

  • TableName – The table that the index will be associated with.

  • AttributeDefinitions – The data types for the key schema attributes of the index.

  • GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates – Details about the index you want to create:

    • IndexName – A name for the index.

    • KeySchema – The attributes that are used for the index's primary key.

    • Projection – Attributes from the table that are copied to the index. In this case, ALL means that all of the attributes are copied.

    • ProvisionedThroughput (for provisioned tables) – The number of reads and writes per second that you need for this index. (This is separate from the provisioned throughput settings of the table.)

Part of this operation involves backfilling data from the table into the new index. During backfilling, the table remains available. However, the index is not ready until its Backfilling attribute changes from true to false. You can use the DescribeTable operation to view this attribute.

Differences between a relational (SQL) database and DynamoDB when querying and scanning an index

Compare querying and scanning an index using the SELECT statement in SQL with the Query and Scan operations in Amazon DynamoDB.

Querying and scanning an index with SQL

In a relational database, you do not work directly with indexes. Instead, you query tables by issuing SELECT statements, and the query optimizer can make use of any indexes.

A query optimizer is a relational database management system (RDBMS) component that evaluates the available indexes and determines whether they can be used to speed up a query. If the indexes can be used to speed up a query, the RDBMS accesses the index first and then uses it to locate the data in the table.

Here are some SQL statements that can use GenreAndPriceIndex to improve performance. We assume that the Music table has enough data in it that the query optimizer decides to use this index, rather than simply scanning the entire table.

/* All of the rock songs */ SELECT * FROM Music WHERE Genre = 'Rock';
/* All of the cheap country songs */ SELECT Artist, SongTitle, Price FROM Music WHERE Genre = 'Country' AND Price < 0.50;

Querying and scanning an index in DynamoDB

In DynamoDB, you perform Query and Scan operations directly on the index, in the same way that you would on a table. You can use either the DynamoDB API or PartiQL (a SQL-compatible query language) to query or scan the index. You must specify both TableName and IndexName.

The following are some queries on GenreAndPriceIndex in DynamoDB. (The key schema for this index consists of Genre and Price.)

DynamoDB API
// All of the rock songs { TableName: "Music", IndexName: "GenreAndPriceIndex", KeyConditionExpression: "Genre = :genre", ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":genre": "Rock" }, };

This example uses a ProjectionExpression to indicate that you only want some of the attributes, rather than all of them, to appear in the results.

// All of the cheap country songs { TableName: "Music", IndexName: "GenreAndPriceIndex", KeyConditionExpression: "Genre = :genre and Price < :price", ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":genre": "Country", ":price": 0.50 }, ProjectionExpression: "Artist, SongTitle, Price" };

The following is a scan on GenreAndPriceIndex.

// Return all of the data in the index { TableName: "Music", IndexName: "GenreAndPriceIndex" }
PartiQL for DynamoDB

With PartiQL, you use the PartiQL Select statement to perform queries and scans on the index.

// All of the rock songs SELECT * FROM Music.GenreAndPriceIndex WHERE Genre = 'Rock'
// All of the cheap country songs SELECT * FROM Music.GenreAndPriceIndex WHERE Genre = 'Rock' AND Price < 0.50

The following is a scan on GenreAndPriceIndex.

// Return all of the data in the index SELECT * FROM Music.GenreAndPriceIndex

For code examples using Select, see PartiQL select statements for DynamoDB.