Infrastructure security in Amazon DynamoDB - Amazon DynamoDB

Infrastructure security in Amazon DynamoDB

As a managed service, Amazon DynamoDB is protected by the AWS global network security procedures that are described in Infrastructure protection located in the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

You use AWS published API calls to access DynamoDB through the network. Clients can use TLS (Transport Layer Security) version 1.2 or 1.3. Clients must also support cipher suites with perfect forward secrecy (PFS) such as Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) or Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral (ECDHE). Most modern systems such as Java 7 and later support these modes. Additionally, requests must be signed using an access key ID and a secret access key that is associated with an IAM principal. Or you can use the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to generate temporary security credentials to sign requests.

You can also use a virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint for DynamoDB to enable Amazon EC2 instances in your VPC to use their private IP addresses to access DynamoDB with no exposure to the public internet. For more information, see Using Amazon VPC endpoints to access DynamoDB.

Using Amazon VPC endpoints to access DynamoDB

For security reasons, many AWS customers run their applications within an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud environment (Amazon VPC). With Amazon VPC, you can launch Amazon EC2 instances into a virtual private cloud, which is logically isolated from other networks—including the public internet. With an Amazon VPC, you have control over its IP address range, subnets, routing tables, network gateways, and security settings.


If you created your AWS account after December 4, 2013, then you already have a default VPC in each AWS Region. A default VPC is ready for you to use—you can immediately start using it without having to perform any additional configuration steps.

For more information, see Default VPC and Default Subnets in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

To access the public internet, your VPC must have an internet gateway—a virtual router that connects your VPC to the internet. This allows applications running on Amazon EC2 in your VPC to access internet resources, such as Amazon DynamoDB.

By default, communications to and from DynamoDB use the HTTPS protocol, which protects network traffic by using SSL/TLS encryption. The following diagram shows an Amazon EC2 instance in a VPC accessing DynamoDB, by having DynamoDB use an internet gateway rather than VPC endpoints.

Workflow diagram showing an Amazon EC2 instance accessing DynamoDB through a router, internet gateway, and the internet.

Many customers have legitimate privacy and security concerns about sending and receiving data across the public internet. You can address these concerns by using a virtual private network (VPN) to route all DynamoDB network traffic through your own corporate network infrastructure. However, this approach can introduce bandwidth and availability challenges.

VPC endpoints for DynamoDB can alleviate these challenges. A VPC endpoint for DynamoDB enables Amazon EC2 instances in your VPC to use their private IP addresses to access DynamoDB with no exposure to the public internet. Your EC2 instances do not require public IP addresses, and you don't need an internet gateway, a NAT device, or a virtual private gateway in your VPC. You use endpoint policies to control access to DynamoDB. Traffic between your VPC and the AWS service does not leave the Amazon network.


Even when you use public IP addresses, all VPC communication between instances and services hosted in AWS is kept private within the AWS network. Packets that originate from the AWS network with a destination on the AWS network stay on the AWS global network, except traffic to or from AWS China Regions.

When you create a VPC endpoint for DynamoDB, any requests to a DynamoDB endpoint within the Region (for example, are routed to a private DynamoDB endpoint within the Amazon network. You don't need to modify your applications running on EC2 instances in your VPC. The endpoint name remains the same, but the route to DynamoDB stays entirely within the Amazon network, and does not access the public internet.

The following diagram shows how an EC2 instance in a VPC can use a VPC endpoint to access DynamoDB.

Workflow diagram showing an EC2 instance accessing DynamoDB through a router and VPC endpoint only.

For more information, see Tutorial: Using a VPC endpoint for DynamoDB.

Sharing Amazon VPC endpoints and DynamoDB

In order to enable access to the DynamoDB service through a VPC subnet's gateway endpoint, you must have owner account permissions for that VPC subnet.

Once the VPC subnet’s gateway endpoint has been granted access to DynamoDB, any AWS account with access to that subnet can use DynamoDB. This means all account users within the VPC subnet can use any DynamoDB tables which they have access to. This includes DynamoDB tables associated with a different account than the VPC subnet. The VPC subnet owner can still restrict any particular user within the subnet from using the DynamoDB service through the gateway endpoint, at their discretion.

Tutorial: Using a VPC endpoint for DynamoDB

This section walks you through setting up and using a VPC endpoint for DynamoDB.

Step 1: Launch an Amazon EC2 instance

In this step, you launch an Amazon EC2 instance in your default Amazon VPC. You can then create and use a VPC endpoint for DynamoDB.

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. Choose Launch Instance and do the following:

    Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

    • At the top of the list of AMIs, go to Amazon Linux AMI and choose Select.

    Step 2: Choose an Instance Type

    • At the top of the list of instance types, choose t2.micro.

    • Choose Next: Configure Instance Details.

    Step 3: Configure Instance Details

    • Go to Network and choose your default VPC.

      Choose Next: Add Storage.

    Step 4: Add Storage

    • Skip this step by choosing Next: Tag Instance.

    Step 5: Tag Instance

    • Skip this step by choosing Next: Configure Security Group.

    Step 6: Configure Security Group

    • Choose Select an existing security group.

    • In the list of security groups, choose default. This is the default security group for your VPC.

    • Choose Next: Review and Launch.

    Step 7: Review Instance Launch

    • Choose Launch.

  3. In the Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair window, do one of the following:

    • If you do not have an Amazon EC2 key pair, choose Create a new key pair and follow the instructions. You will be asked to download a private key file (.pem file); you will need this file later when you log in to your Amazon EC2 instance.

    • If you already have an existing Amazon EC2 key pair, go to Select a key pair and choose your key pair from the list. You must already have the private key file ( .pem file) available in order to log in to your Amazon EC2 instance.

  4. When you have configured your key pair, choose Launch Instances.

  5. Return to the Amazon EC2 console home page and choose the instance that you launched. In the lower pane, on the Description tab, find the Public DNS for your instance. For example:

    Make a note of this public DNS name, because you will need it in the next step in this tutorial (Step 2: Configure your Amazon EC2 instance).


It will take a few minutes for your Amazon EC2 instance to become available. Before you go on to the next step, ensure that the Instance State is running and that all of its Status Checks have passed.

Step 2: Configure your Amazon EC2 instance

When your Amazon EC2 instance is available, you will be able to log into it and prepare it for first use.


The following steps assume that you are connecting to your Amazon EC2 instance from a computer running Linux. For other ways to connect, see Connect to Your Linux Instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

  1. You will need to authorize inbound SSH traffic to your Amazon EC2 instance. To do this, you will create a new EC2 security group, and then assign the security group to your EC2 instance.

    1. In the navigation pane, choose Security Groups.

    2. Choose Create Security Group. In the Create Security Group window, do the following:

      • Security group name—type a name for your security group. For example: my-ssh-access

      • Description—type a short description for the security group.

      • VPC—choose your default VPC.

      • In the Security group rules section, choose Add Rule and do the following:

        • Type—choose SSH.

        • Source—choose My IP.

      When the settings are as you want them, choose Create.

    3. In the navigation pane, choose Instances.

    4. Choose the Amazon EC2 instance that you launched in Step 1: Launch an Amazon EC2 instance.

    5. Choose Actions --> Networking --> Change Security Groups.

    6. In the Change Security Groups, select the security group that you created earlier in this procedure (for example: my-ssh-access). The existing default security group should also be selected. When the settings are as you want them, choose Assign Security Groups.

  2. Use the ssh command to log in to your Amazon EC2 instance, as in the following example.

    ssh -i my-keypair.pem ec2-user@public-dns-name

    You will need to specify your private key file (.pem file) and the public DNS name of your instance. (See Step 1: Launch an Amazon EC2 instance).

    The login ID is ec2-user. No password is required.

  3. Configure your AWS credentials as shown in the following example. Enter your AWS access key ID, secret key, and default Region name when prompted.

    aws configure
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY Default region name [None]: us-east-1 Default output format [None]:

You are now ready to create a VPC endpoint for DynamoDB.

Step 3: Create a VPC endpoint for DynamoDB

In this step, you will create a VPC endpoint for DynamoDB and test it to make sure that it works.

  1. Before you begin, verify that you can communicate with DynamoDB using its public endpoint.

    aws dynamodb list-tables

    The output will show a list of DynamoDB tables that you currently own. (If you don't have any tables, the list will be empty.).

  2. Verify that DynamoDB is an available service for creating VPC endpoints in the current AWS Region. (The command is shown in bold text, followed by example output.)

    aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoint-services
    { "ServiceNames": [ "", "" ] }

    In the example output, DynamoDB is one of the services available, so you can proceed with creating a VPC endpoint for it.

  3. Determine your VPC identifier.

    aws ec2 describe-vpcs
    { "Vpcs": [ { "VpcId": "vpc-0bbc736e", "InstanceTenancy": "default", "State": "available", "DhcpOptionsId": "dopt-8454b7e1", "CidrBlock": "", "IsDefault": true } ] }

    In the example output, the VPC ID is vpc-0bbc736e.

  4. Create the VPC endpoint. For the --vpc-id parameter, specify the VPC ID from the previous step. Use the --route-table-ids parameter to associate the endpoint with your route tables.

    aws ec2 create-vpc-endpoint --vpc-id vpc-0bbc736e --service-name --route-table-ids rtb-11aa22bb
    { "VpcEndpoint": { "PolicyDocument": "{\"Version\":\"2008-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":\"*\",\"Action\":\"*\",\"Resource\":\"*\"}]}", "VpcId": "vpc-0bbc736e", "State": "available", "ServiceName": "", "RouteTableIds": [ "rtb-11aa22bb" ], "VpcEndpointId": "vpce-9b15e2f2", "CreationTimestamp": "2017-07-26T22:00:14Z" } }
  5. Verify that you can access DynamoDB through the VPC endpoint.

    aws dynamodb list-tables

    If you want, you can try some other AWS CLI commands for DynamoDB. For more information, see the AWS CLI Command Reference.

Step 4: (Optional) Clean up

If you want to delete the resources you have created in this tutorial, follow these procedures:

To remove your VPC endpoint for DynamoDB
  1. Log in to your Amazon EC2 instance.

  2. Determine the VPC endpoint ID.

    aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints
    { "VpcEndpoint": { "PolicyDocument": "{\"Version\":\"2008-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":\"*\",\"Action\":\"*\",\"Resource\":\"*\"}]}", "VpcId": "vpc-0bbc736e", "State": "available", "ServiceName": "", "RouteTableIds": [], "VpcEndpointId": "vpce-9b15e2f2", "CreationTimestamp": "2017-07-26T22:00:14Z" } }

    In the example output, the VPC endpoint ID is vpce-9b15e2f2.

  3. Delete the VPC endpoint.

    aws ec2 delete-vpc-endpoints --vpc-endpoint-ids vpce-9b15e2f2
    { "Unsuccessful": [] }

    The empty array [] indicates success (there were no unsuccessful requests).

To terminate your Amazon EC2 instance
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Instances.

  3. Choose your Amazon EC2 instance.

  4. Choose Actions, Instance State, Terminate.

  5. In the confirmation window, choose Yes, Terminate.