SelectParameters - Amazon S3 Glacier

This page is only for existing customers of the S3 Glacier service using Vaults and the original REST API from 2012.

If you're looking for archival storage solutions we suggest using the S3 Glacier storage classes in Amazon S3, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. To learn more about these storage options, see S3 Glacier storage classes and Long-term data storage using S3 Glacier storage classes in the Amazon S3 User Guide. These storage classes use the Amazon S3 API, are available in all regions, and can be managed within the Amazon S3 console. They offer features like Storage Cost Analysis, Storage Lens, advanced optional encryption features, and more.


Contains information about the parameters used for the select.



The expression that is used to select the object. The expression must not exceed the quota of 128,000 characters.

Type: String

Required: yes


The type of the provided expression, for example SQL.

Valid Values: SQL

Type: String

Required: yes


Describes the serialization format of the object in the select.

Type: InputSerialization object

Required: no


Describes how the results of the select job are serialized.

Required: no

Type: OutputSerialization object

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