Get Job Output (GET output) - Amazon S3 Glacier

This page is only for existing customers of the S3 Glacier service using Vaults and the original REST API from 2012.

If you're looking for archival storage solutions we suggest using the S3 Glacier storage classes in Amazon S3, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. To learn more about these storage options, see S3 Glacier storage classes and Long-term data storage using S3 Glacier storage classes in the Amazon S3 User Guide. These storage classes use the Amazon S3 API, are available in all regions, and can be managed within the Amazon S3 console. They offer features like Storage Cost Analysis, Storage Lens, advanced optional encryption features, and more.

Get Job Output (GET output)


This operation downloads the output of the job you initiated using Initiate Job (POST jobs). Depending on the job type you specified when you initiated the job, the output will be either the content of an archive or a vault inventory.

You can download all the job output or download a portion of the output by specifying a byte range. For both archive and inventory retrieval jobs, you should verify the downloaded size against the size returned in the headers from the Get Job Output response.

For archive retrieval jobs, you should also verify that the size is what you expected. If you download a portion of the output, the expected size is based on the range of bytes you specified. For example, if you specify a range of bytes=0-1048575, you should verify your download size is 1,048,576 bytes. If you download an entire archive, the expected size is the size of the archive when you uploaded it to Amazon S3 Glacier (S3 Glacier). The expected size is also returned in the headers from the Get Job Output response.

In the case of an archive retrieval job, depending on the byte range you specify, S3 Glacier returns the checksum for the portion of the data. To ensure the portion you downloaded is the correct data, compute the checksum on the client, verify that the values match, and verify that the size is what you expected.

A job ID does not expire for at least 24 hours after S3 Glacier completes the job. That is, you can download the job output within the 24-hour period after S3 Glacier completes the job.



To retrieve a job output, you send the HTTP GET request to the URI of the output of the specific job.

GET /AccountId/vaults/VaultName/jobs/JobID/output HTTP/1.1 Host: Date: Date Authorization: SignatureValue Range: ByteRangeToRetrieve x-amz-glacier-version: 2012-06-01


The AccountId value is the AWS account ID of the account that owns the vault. You can either specify an AWS account ID or optionally a single '-' (hyphen), in which case Amazon S3 Glacier uses the AWS account ID associated with the credentials used to sign the request. If you use an account ID, do not include any hyphens ('-') in the ID.

Request Parameters

This operation does not use request parameters.

Request Headers

This operation uses the following request headers, in addition to the request headers that are common to all operations. For more information about the common request headers, see Common Request Headers.

Name Description Required

The range of bytes to retrieve from the output. For example, if you want to download the first 1,048,576 bytes, specify the range as bytes=0-1048575. For more information, go to Range Header Field Definition. The range is relative to any range specified in the Initiate Job request. By default, this operation downloads the entire output.

If the job output is large, then you can use the Range request header to retrieve a portion of the output. This allows you to download the entire output in smaller chunks of bytes. For example, suppose you have 1 GB job output you want to download and you decide to download 128 MB chunks of data at a time, a total of eight Get Job Output requests. You will use the following process to download the job output:

  1. Download a 128 MB chunk of output by specifying the appropriate byte range using the Range header. Verify that all 128 MB of data was received.

  2. Along with the data, the response will include a checksum of the payload. You compute the checksum of the payload on the client and compare it with the checksum you received in the response to ensure you received all the expected data.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all the eight 128 MB chunks of output data, each time specifying the appropriate byte range.

  4. After downloading all the parts of the job output, you have a list of eight checksum values. Compute the tree hash of these values to find the checksum of the entire output. Using the Describe Job (GET JobID) operation, obtain job information of the job that provided you the output. The response includes the checksum of the entire archive stored in S3 Glacier. You compare this value with the checksum you computed to ensure you have downloaded the entire archive content with no errors.

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: None


Request Body

This operation does not have a request body.



For a retrieval request that returns all of the job data, the job output response returns a 200 OK response code. When partial content is requested, for example, if you specified the Range header in the request, then the response code 206 Partial Content is returned.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: x-amzn-RequestId Date: Date Content-Type: ContentType Content-Length: Length x-amz-sha256-tree-hash: ChecksumComputedByAmazonGlacier [Body containing job output.]

Response Headers

Header Description

The range of bytes returned by S3 Glacier. If only partial output is downloaded, the response provides the range of bytes S3 Glacier returned.

For example, bytes 0-1048575/8388608 returns the first 1 MB from 8 MB.

For more information about the Content-Range header, go to Content-Range Header Field Definition.

Type: String


The Content-Type depends on whether the job output is an archive or a vault inventory.

  • For archive data, the Content-Type is application/octet-stream.

  • For vault inventory, if you requested CSV format when you initiated the job, the Content-Type is text/csv. Otherwise, by default, vault inventory is returned as JSON, and the Content-Type is application/json.

Type: String


The checksum of the data in the response. This header is returned only when retrieving the output for an archive retrieval job. Furthermore, this header appears when the retrieved data range requested in the Initiate Job request is tree hash aligned and the range to download in the Get Job Output is also tree hash aligned. For more information about tree hash aligned ranges, see Receiving Checksums When Downloading Data.

For example, if in your Initiate Job request you specified a tree hash aligned range to retrieve (which includes the whole archive), then you will receive the checksum of the data you download under the following conditions:

  • You get the entire range of the retrieved data.

  • You request a byte range of the retrieved data that has a size of a megabyte (1024 KB) multiplied by a power of 2 and that starts and ends on a multiple of the size of the requested range. For example, if you have 3.1 MB of retrieved data and you specify a range to return that starts at 1 MB and ends at 2 MB, then the x-amz-sha256-tree-hash is returned as a response header.

  • You request a range to return of the retrieved data that goes to the end of the data, and the start of the range is a multiple of the size of the range to retrieve rounded up to the next power of two but not smaller than one megabyte (1024 KB). For example, if you have 3.1 MB of retrieved data and you specify a range that starts at 2 MB and ends at 3.1 MB (the end of the data), then the x-amz-sha256-tree-hash is returned as a response header.

Type: String

Response Body

S3 Glacier returns the job output in the response body. Depending on the job type, the output can be the archive contents or the vault inventory. In case of a vault inventory, by default the inventory list is returned as the following JSON body.

{ "VaultARN": String, "InventoryDate": String, "ArchiveList": [ {"ArchiveId": String, "ArchiveDescription": String, "CreationDate": String, "Size": Number, "SHA256TreeHash": String }, ... ] }

If you requested the comma-separated values (CSV) output format when you initiated the vault inventory job, then the vault inventory is returned in CSV format in the body. The CSV format has five columns "ArchiveId", "ArchiveDescription", "CreationDate", "Size", and "SHA256TreeHash" with the same definitions as the corresponding JSON fields.


In the returned CSV format, fields may be returned with the whole field enclosed in double-quotes. Fields that contain a comma or double-quotes are always returned enclosed in double-quotes. For example, my archive description,1 is returned as "my archive description,1". Double-quote characters that are within returned double-quote enclosed fields are escaped by preceding them with a backslash character. For example, my archive description,1"2 is returned as "my archive description,1\"2" and my archive description,1\"2 is returned as "my archive description,1\\"2". The backslash character is not escaped.

The JSON response body contains the following JSON fields.


The description of an archive.

Type: String


The ID of an archive.

Type: String


An array of archive metadata. Each object in the array represents metadata for one archive contained in the vault.

Type: Array


The UTC date and time the archive was created.

Type: A string representation in the ISO 8601 date format, for example 2013-03-20T17:03:43.221Z.


The UTC date and time of the last inventory for the vault that was completed after changes to the vault. Even though S3 Glacier prepares a vault inventory once a day, the inventory date is only updated if there have been archive additions or deletions to the vault since the last inventory.

Type: A string representation in the ISO 8601 date format, for example 2013-03-20T17:03:43.221Z.


The tree hash of the archive.

Type: String


The size in bytes of the archive.

Type: Number


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) resource from which the archive retrieval was requested.

Type: String


For information about Amazon S3 Glacier exceptions and error messages, see Error Responses.


The following example shows the request for a job that retrieves an archive.

Example 1: Download output

This example retrieves data prepared by S3 Glacier in response to your initiate archive retrieval job request.

Example Request

GET /-/vaults/examplevault/jobs/HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID/output HTTP/1.1 Host: x-amz-Date: 20170210T120000Z x-amz-glacier-version: 2012-06-01 Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20141123/us-west-2/glacier/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-glacier-version,Signature=9257c16da6b25a715ce900a5b45b03da0447acf430195dcb540091b12966f2a2

Example Response

The following is an example response of an archive retrieval job. Note that the Content-Type header is application/octet-stream and that x-amz-sha256-tree-hash header is included in the response, which means that all the job data is returned.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: AAABZpJrTyioDC_HsOmHae8EZp_uBSJr6cnGOLKp_XJCl-Q x-amz-sha256-tree-hash: beb0fe31a1c7ca8c6c04d574ea906e3f97b31fdca7571defb5b44dca89b5af60 Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Length: 1048576 [Archive data.]

The following is an example response of an inventory retrieval job. Note that the Content-Type header is application/json. Also note that the response does not include the x-amz-sha256-tree-hash header.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: AAABZpJrTyioDC_HsOmHae8EZp_uBSJr6cnGOLKp_XJCl-Q Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 906 { "VaultARN": "arn:aws:glacier:us-west-2:012345678901:vaults/examplevault", "InventoryDate": "2011-12-12T14:19:01Z", "ArchiveList": [ { "ArchiveId": "DMTmICA2n5Tdqq5BV2z7og-A20xnpAPKt3UXwWxdWsn_D6auTUrW6kwy5Qyj9xd1MCE1mBYvMQ63LWaT8yTMzMaCxB_9VBWrW4Jw4zsvg5kehAPDVKcppUD1X7b24JukOr4mMAq-oA", "ArchiveDescription": "my archive1", "CreationDate": "2012-05-15T17:19:46.700Z", "Size": 2140123, "SHA256TreeHash": "6b9d4cf8697bd3af6aa1b590a0b27b337da5b18988dbcc619a3e608a554a1e62" }, { "ArchiveId": "2lHzwhKhgF2JHyvCS-ZRuF08IQLuyB4265Hs3AXj9MoAIhz7tbXAvcFeHusgU_hViO1WeCBe0N5lsYYHRyZ7rrmRkNRuYrXUs_sjl2K8ume_7mKO_0i7C-uHE1oHqaW9d37pabXrSA", "ArchiveDescription": "my archive2", "CreationDate": "2012-05-15T17:21:39.339Z", "Size": 2140123, "SHA256TreeHash": "7f2fe580edb35154041fa3d4b41dd6d3adaef0c85d2ff6309f1d4b520eeecda3" } ] }

Example 2: Download only partial output

This example retrieves only a portion of the archive prepared by S3 Glacier in response to your initiate archive retrieval job request. The request uses the optional Range header to retrieve only the first 1,024 bytes.

Example Request

GET /-/vaults/examplevault/jobs/HkF9p6o7yjhFx-K3CGl6fuSm6VzW9T7esGQfco8nUXVYwS0jlb5gq1JZ55yHgt5vP54ZShjoQzQVVh7vEXAMPLEjobID/output HTTP/1.1 Host: x-amz-Date: 20170210T120000Z Range: bytes=0-1023 x-amz-glacier-version: 2012-06-01 Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20141123/us-west-2/glacier/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-glacier-version,Signature=9257c16da6b25a715ce900a5b45b03da0447acf430195dcb540091b12966f2a2

Example Response

The following successful response shows the 206 Partial Content response. In this case, the response also includes a Content-Range header that specifies the range of bytes S3 Glacier returns.

HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content x-amzn-RequestId: AAABZpJrTyioDC_HsOmHae8EZp_uBSJr6cnGOLKp_XJCl-Q Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2017 12:00:00 GMT Content-Range: bytes 0-1023/8388608 Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Length: 1024 [Archive data.]