This page is only for existing customers of the S3 Glacier service using Vaults and the original REST API from 2012.
If you're looking for archival storage solutions we suggest using the S3 Glacier storage classes in Amazon S3, S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval, S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and S3 Glacier Deep Archive. To learn more about these storage options, see S3 Glacier storage classes
Creating a Vault in Amazon S3 Glacier
Creating a vault adds a vault to the set of vaults in your account. An AWS account can create up to 1,000 vaults per AWS Region. For a list of the AWS Regions supported by Amazon S3 Glacier (S3 Glacier), see Regions and Endpoints in the AWS General Reference.
When you create a vault, you must provide a vault name. The following are the vault naming requirements:
Names can be between 1 and 255 characters long.
Allowed characters are a–z, A–Z, 0–9, '_' (underscore), '-' (hyphen), and '.' (period).
Vault names must be unique within an account and the AWS Region in which the vault is being created. That is, an account can create vaults with the same name in different AWS Regions but not in the same AWS Region.