The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Asana connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.
Error code | Error message | Suggested resolution |
ASN-5101 | The token in your data source configuration is missing. | Enter valid token (specific to PAT or ServiceAccount) and try again. |
ASN-5102 | The auth type in your data source configuration is invalid. | Enter valid auth type (PAT or ServiceAccount) and try again. |
ASN-5103 | The auth type in your data source configuration is missing. | Enter valid auth type (PAT or ServiceAccount) and try again. |
ASN-5104 | The crawl type in your data source configuration is missing. | Enter valid crawlType (ex. FULL_CRAWL) and try again. |
ASN-5105 | Only String, String List, Date and Long formats are supported for the indexFieldType in all the field mappings. | Please provide the supported format only for the indexFieldType in all the fieldMappings. |
ASN-5106 | There was an error parsing the field value. The size has exceeded the maximum allowable limit. | The maximum size permitted is 1000 for the field {field name}. Ex – field name can be token, workspaceId, projectId |
ASN-5107 | The connection configuration in your data source configuration is missing. | Enter valid connection configuration details and try again. |
ASN-5108 | The repository credentials in your data source configuration is missing. | Enter valid repository credentials details and try again. |
ASN-5109 | The repository endpoint metadata in your data source configuration is missing. | Enter valid repository endpoint metadata details and try again. |
ASN-5110 | The additional properties in your data source configuration is missing.Error message | Enter valid additional properties and try again. |
ASN-5111 | Invalid Workspace Id. | Provide numeric value for workspace Id. |
ASN-5112 | Invalid Project Id. | Provide numeric value for Project Id. |
ASN-5113 | The workspaceIds field has exceeded the limit. Allowed entries are limited to 1. | Correct the number of entries and try again. |
ASN-5114 | The projectIds field has exceeded the limit. Maximum allowed entries are 20. | Correct the number of entries and try again. |
ASN-5115 | The regex pattern provided in {pattern field} Patterns is invalid. | Provide valid regex pattern. |
ASN-5116 | The workspace Id in your data source configuration is missing. | Enter a single workspace Id and try again. |
ASN-5200 | IO Exception occurred while reading contents from Asana. | Rerun the connector once again, if the issue persists contact support. |
ASN-5201 | Unknown exception occurred. | Rerun the connector once again, if the issue persists contact support. |
ASN-5202 | The user details are not found. | Verify the user data using the user API curl command or in postman for the given authentication type. |
ASN-5204 | Could not find Project(s) using the filter provided in the Asana configuration. Either Workspace(s) or Project(s) access is forbidden. | Check the Workspace and Project(s) access and provide valid inclusion and exclusion project name filter inputs. |
ASN-5500 | Asana connection successful. | This is to convey the connection to Asana data source is successful. |