How Amazon Q Business connector crawls GoogleDrive ACLs - Amazon Q Business

How Amazon Q Business connector crawls GoogleDrive ACLs

Connectors support crawling ACL and identity information where applicable based on the data source. If you index documents without ACLs, all documents are considered public. Indexing documents with ACLs ensures data security.

Amazon Q Business supports crawling ACLs for document security by default.

When you connect an GoogleDrive data source to Amazon Q Business, Amazon Q Business crawls ACL information attached to a document (user and group information) from your GoogleDrive instance. If you choose to activate ACL crawling, the information can be used to filter chat responses to your end user's document access level.

The GoogleDrive group and user IDs are mapped as follows:

A Google Workspace Drive data source returns user and group information for Google Drive users and groups. Group and domain membership are mapped to the _group_ids index field. The Google Drive username is mapped to the _user_id field.

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