Managing users and groups for an Amazon Q Business application using APIs - Amazon Q Business

Managing users and groups for an Amazon Q Business application using APIs

Amazon Q Business provides APIs to manage users and groups in your Amazon Q Business. You can't configure user management using the console—Amazon Q Business automatically invokes these API operations for you when you configure your data source connector connection. You can use these APIs to implement your own user and group management solution if you create a Amazon Q Business application environment programmatically.


As of Dec 17, 2024, Amazon Q Business will recognize all email addresses as case-insensitive and recognize subaddresses as equivalent to the original email address. For example,,, and will be considered the same email address. For assistance with applications or to report a concern, contact Support, sign into the AWS Support Center .

API action API description Relevant User Guide topic
CreateUser Creates a universally unique identifier (UUID) mapped to a list of local user ids within an application User mapping
GetUser Describes the universally unique identifier (UUID) associated with a local user in a data source User mapping
UpdateUser Updates information associated with a user id User mapping
PutGroup Creates, or updates, a mapping of users to groups Group mapping
DeleteGroup Deletes a group so that all users and sub groups that belong to the group can no longer access documents only available to that group Group mapping
GetGroup Describes a group by group name Group mapping
ListGroups Provides a list of groups that are mapped to users Group mapping