Using Amazon Q Developer for line-by-line recommendations - Amazon Q Developer

Using Amazon Q Developer for line-by-line recommendations

Depending on your use case, Amazon Q may not be able to generate an entire function block in one recommendation. However, Amazon Q can still provide line-by-line recommendations.

Go and GoLand

In this example, Amazon Q provides line-by-line recommendations.

An example of the line-by-line completion feature.

Here is another example of line-by-line recommendations, this time with a unit test.

An example of the line-by-line completion feature.
C++ and CLion

In this example, Amazon Q provides line-by-line recommendations.

An example of the line-by-line completion feature.

In the following image, the customer has written an initial comment indicating that they want to publish a message to an Amazon CloudWatch Logs group. Given this context, Amazon Q is only able to suggest the client initialization code in its first recommendation, as shown in the following image.

A screenshot that shows the first Amazon Q recommendation when prompted for a function that publishes messages to a CloudWatch Logs log group.

However, if the user continues to request line-by-line recommendations, Amazon Q also continues to suggest lines of code based on what's already been written.

A screenshot that shows the next few Amazon Q recommendations that begin to form the implementation the function to publish messages to a CloudWatch Logs log group.

In the example above, VPCFlowLogs may not be the correct constant value. As Amazon Q makes suggestions, remember to rename any constants as required.

Amazon Q can eventually complete the entire code block as shown in the following image.

A screenshot that shows the completed implementation of a code block that publishes messages to a CloudWatch Logs log group, based only on Amazon Q recommendations.

In this example, Amazon Q provides recommendations, one line at at time.

An example of the line-by-line completion feature.