Subscribe users in a standalone account - Amazon Q Developer

Subscribe users in a standalone account

A standalone account is one that is not part of an organization managed by AWS Organizations.

If you are the owner of a standalone AWS account, use the following instructions to subscribe yourself (and a few others) to Amazon Q Developer Pro to evaluate the service’s features and functionality.

After completing the steps on this page, read What resources were created? at the end to understand which resources were installed and configured on your behalf when you subscribed. This will help you cleanly remove everything when you're finished testing.


Before you begin, make sure that:

Step 1: Enable Amazon Q Developer Pro and subscribe yourself

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using your standalone AWS account. Sign in as the root user, or as an IAM user with the permissions described in Prerequisites.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Go to the Amazon Q Developer console and then choose Subscribe to Amazon Q, which will redirect you to the Amazon Q console.


    • Go directly to the Amazon Q console.

  3. Make sure you're in the AWS Region where you want to subscribe yourself. You might have been switched to the US East (N. Virginia) Region if you came from the Amazon Q Developer console, so you might need to switch back. For supported Regions, see Amazon Q Developer Pro Region support.

    The Amazon Q console appears.

    The Amazon Q console.
  4. Choose the Get started button.


    If you see a Subscribe button instead of Get started button, it means that you've already run through the 'Get started' workflow and can skip to Step 2: Subscribe team members.

    A Create your user dialog box appears.

    The Create your user dialog box.
  5. Enter your information. The email address can be the same or different from the one you used to sign up for your AWS account.

    Choose Continue.

    A welcome dialog box appears.

    The welcome dialog box.
  6. Choose Enable and subscribe to enable Amazon Q Developer Pro in your account and subscribe.

    A You're subscribed dialog box appears.

    The You're subscribed dialog box.
  7. Choose Done.

  8. (Optional) Verify that your subscription was created:

    1. In the Amazon Q console, in the navigation pane, choose Subscriptions.

    2. In the main pane, choose the Users tab.

    Your subscription should appear in the list in the Pending state. If not, refresh your browser tab.

    The subscriptions page with a single, pending subscription.

    Your subscription will change to the Active state after your first use of Amazon Q Developer features.

    Now that you are subscribed, you must activate your subscription. You can do this now, or after you've subscribed team members, as described in the next section. To activate your subscription, check your inbox for emails titled Invitation to join AWS IAM Identity Center and Activate Your Amazon Q Developer Pro Subscription. Follow the instructions in these emails to activate your Amazon Q Developer Pro subscription and set up Amazon Q Developer Pro in your IDE. You should receive these emails within 24 hours.

Step 2: Subscribe team members

You might want to subscribe other team members so that they can try out Amazon Q Developer Pro with you. To subscribe them, use the following instructions.

To add team members
  1. Switch to the IAM Identity Center console (not the IAM console).


    IAM Identity Center was set up on your behalf when you subscribed yourself. For more information about the IAM Identity Center that was set up, see What resources were created?.

  2. Add users and groups. For instructions, see Add users to your IAM Identity Center directory in the AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide.

    The IAM Identity Center page showing two users.
  3. Go to the next procedure to subscribe team members.

To subscribe team members
  1. Return to the Amazon Q console (not the Amazon Q Developer console).

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Getting started, and then choose Subscribe.

    The Assign users and groups dialog box appears.

    The Assign users and groups dialog box.
  3. Choose Get started.

  4. Start typing the name of a team member or group that you added. The name should auto-populate.

    The Assign users and groups dialog box.
  5. Choose Assign.

  6. Have users check their email. They should receive an email titled Activate Your Amazon Q Developer Pro Subscription within 24 hours. In this email, users will find guidance on how to begin using their Amazon Q Developer Pro license in the AWS Management Console and their Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The email includes users' unique Start URL and AWS Region for authentication, and provides quickstart steps for using Amazon Q Developer in their IDE. This email streamlines the onboarding process and saves you valuable time by eliminating the need for you to manually notify each new user.

What resources were created?

When you subscribed yourself (and optionally, team members), Amazon Q created the following AWS resources on your behalf:

  • An account instance of IAM Identity Center. For more information about account instances of IAM Identity Center, see Account instances of IAM Identity Center in the AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide.


    Account instances of IAM Identity Center have limitations. For example, account instances don't support console access. (Users can still use Amazon Q in the console, it's just that they'll be subject to the Free tier monthly limits.) If you want to use Amazon Q Developer Pro in the console and other AWS websites, you must be a user in an organization instance of IAM Identity Center, in a management account. For more information, see Subscribe users in a management account.


    You can't convert or merge an account instance of IAM Identity Center into an organization instance.

  • The first user, in IAM Identity Center. You might have manually added team members too.

  • Pro tier subscriptions for the first user and team members, in Amazon Q Developer.

  • A managed application called QDefaultProfile, in IAM Identity Center. The application enables a Amazon Q Developer settings profile (see the next bullet for details). The application is created once and shared between all Amazon Q Developer Pro subscribers in your account.

  • A settings profile, in the Amazon Q Developer console, under Settings. A settings profile is a collection of Amazon Q Developer settings associated with a QDefaultProfile application. The settings profile is created once and shared between all Amazon Q Developer Pro subscribers in your account.