Troubleshooting issues with Java transformations - Amazon Q Developer

Troubleshooting issues with Java transformations

The following information can help you troubleshoot common issues when transforming Java applications with Amazon Q Developer.

Why can't Amazon Q upload my project?

If your project fails to upload, it’s likely due to one of the following issues. See the topic that corresponds to the error you see from Amazon Q.

Reduce project size

To transform your code, Amazon Q generates a project artifact, which includes your source code, project dependencies, and build logs. The maximum project artifact size for a transformation job is 2 GB. If you get an error related to project artifact size, you must decrease the size of your project or try transforming a smaller project. You can view the size of your project artifact file in the code transformation logs. For more information, see How do I access code transformation logs?

Configure proxy settings in your IDE

To transform your code, Amazon Q uploads your project artifact to a service-owned Amazon S3 bucket. Part of the upload process involves using SSL or TLS certificates to establish communication between Amazon S3 and your IDE. If you are using a proxy server, the SSL or TLS certificates used by your proxy server must be trusted, otherwise Amazon Q is not able to upload your project.

If you receive an error related to your proxy or certificates, you likely need to configure your IDE or operating system to trust your certificates or update other proxy settings.


You might also encounter issues unrelated to certificates if you are behind your organization’s proxy server or firewall. If you complete the following procedures to configure your certificates and still have issues, contact your network administrator to ensure you are allowed to communicate with Amazon S3 from your IDE. For more information, see Allow access to Amazon S3.

Configure certificates in JetBrains

To configure your JetBrains IDE Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to trust the SSL or TLS certificates used by your proxy server, you must import the SSL or TLS certificates to the cacerts file in the JRE. The cacerts file is a file that contains trusted root certificates for secure connections such as HTTPS and SSL, and it's part of the JRE's security settings. To import a certificate, complete the following procedure.


We recommend making a backup of the cacerts file before modifying it, as any mistakes can cause issues with secure connections.

  1. Determine the path to the cacerts file in your JRE. The path of the cacerts file in the internal JRE shipped with your JetBrains IDE depends on the operating system and the version of the JetBrains IDE you’re using.

    Following are examples of paths to the cacerts file in common operating systems. Choose your operating system to see examples.


    <JetBrains Installation Folder> refers to the directory where JetBrains products are installed. This directory is typically chosen during the installation process.

    The jbr folder represents the JRE bundled with JetBrains IDEs, which is a specific version of the JRE tailored for use with JetBrains IDEs.


    The cacerts file path for a JetBrains IDE installed on Windows is:

    <JetBrains Installation Folder>\jbr\bin\cacerts

    For example, if you installed a JetBrains IDE on Windows in the default location, the path might be:

    C:\Program Files\JetBrains\jbr\bin\cacerts

    The cacerts file path for a JetBrains IDE installed on macOS is:

    /Applications/JetBrains Toolbox/<version>/JetBrains

    For example, if you installed a JetBrains IDE on macOS in the default location, the path might be:

    /Applications/JetBrains Toolbox/2022.3.4/JetBrains

    The cacerts file path for a JetBrains IDE installed on Linux is:

  2. Determine the certificate you need to import to the cacerts file. The certificate file typically has a .cer, .crt, or .der file extension. If you aren’t sure which certificates you need to add, contact your network administrator.

  3. Import the certificate to the cacerts keystore. You can do this with the Java keytool command.

    1. Open a command prompt and enter the following command:

      keytool -import -alias <alias> -file <certificate_file> -keystore <path_to_cacerts>
    2. For <alias>, you can add a name for the certificate you are importing to refer to it later. This option is optional.

    3. For <certificate_file>, specify the path to the certificate you are importing. This should be a path to the .cer, .crt, or .der file containing the certificate.

    4. For <path_to_cacerts>, specify the path to the cacerts keystore file you saved in step 1. This is the file where you are importing the certificate.

    For example, if you want to import a certificate named my_certificate.cer into the cacerts keystore of the bundled JRE in IntelliJ IDEA on Windows, and you want to give the alias myalias to the certificate, the command might be:

    keytool -import -alias myalias -file my_certificate.cer -keystore "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.2\jbr\bin\cacerts"
  4. During the import process, you'll be prompted to enter the keystore password. The default password for the cacerts keystore is changeit.

  5. After running the command, you'll be asked to trust the certificate. To confirm the certificate is trusted and complete the import, enter yes.

  6. You might also need to add the certificates to the IDE itself, in addition to the JRE. For more information, see Server Certificates in the JetBrains documentation.

Configure certificates in Visual Studio Code

To configure Visual Studio Code to trust the SSL or TLS certificates used by your proxy server, make sure you have configured the following proxy settings for your operating system.

Configure the following proxy settings for Visual Studio Code on macOS.

Add certificates to your macOS keychain

If you haven’t already, you must add the certificates used by your proxy server to your macOS keychain. For information on adding certificates to your keychain, see Add certificates to a keychain using Keychain Access on Mac in the Keychain Access User Guide.

Install the Mac CA VSCode extension

The Mac CA VSCode extension allows Amazon Q to access the certificates you added to Keychain Access on your Mac.

To install the extension:

  1. Search for mac-ca-vscode in the VS Code extensions pane, and choose Install.

  2. Restart VS Code.

Update proxy settings in VS Code on macOS

Update the following settings to make sure VS Code is configured properly for your proxy.

  1. Open settings in VS Code.

  2. Enter proxy in the search bar.

  3. In the Http: Proxy field, add your proxy URL.

  4. Deselect Http: Proxy Strict SSL.

  5. In the Http: Proxy Support dropdown list, choose on.

  6. In the settings search bar, enter http.experimental.systemCertificatesV2. Select Http › Experimental: System Certificates V2.

Configure the following proxy settings for Visual Studio Code on Windows.

Add certificate as a trusted root certificate on Windows

If you haven't already, you must add the certificates used by your proxy server to your Trusted Root Certification Authorities store on Windows. To add a certificate, complete the following procedure:

  1. Open the search tool or a Run command window.

  2. Enter the following to open the Certificate Manager tool:

  3. Choose the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.

  4. Right-click Certificates, choose All Tasks, and then choose Import....

  5. Follow the instructions given to import your proxy certificate.

  6. After you've imported your certificate, confirm the certificate was added.

    In the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store, double click Certificates. Right-click the certificate you added and choose Properties. Under Certificate purposes, the option Enable all purposes for this certificate should be selected.

Install the Win-CA VSCode extension

The Win-CA VSCode extension allows Amazon Q to access the certificates you added to Trusted Root Certificates in Windows.

To install the extension:

  1. Search for win-ca in the VS Code settings pane.

  2. In the Inject dropdown list, choose append.

Update proxy settings in VS Code on Windows

Update the following settings to make sure VS Code is configured properly for your proxy.

  1. Open settings in VS Code.

  2. Enter proxy in the search bar.

  3. In the Http: Proxy field, add your proxy URL.

  4. Deselect Http: Proxy Strict SSL.

  5. In the Http: Proxy Support dropdown list, choose on.

  6. In the settings search bar, enter http.experimental.systemCertificatesV2. Select Http › Experimental: System Certificates V2.

  7. Restart VS Code.

Allow access to Amazon S3

During a transformation, Amazon Q uploads your code to a service-owned Amazon S3 bucket. If your network or organization hasn’t configured access to Amazon S3, Amazon Q isn’t able to upload your project.

To ensure Amazon Q can upload your project, make sure your proxy configuration and other network components, such as Data Lost Prevention (DLP) policies, are configured to allow access to Amazon S3. You might also need to allowlist the Amazon S3 bucket where Amazon Q uploads your project. For more information, see Amazon S3 bucket URLs and ARNs to allowlist.

If you transform a large project, DLP policies or other network components might cause delays and prevent a successful upload if they aren’t configured to allowlist the Amazon S3 bucket. If you choose not to allowlist the bucket, you might need to transform a smaller project so that Amazon Q can upload it.

Why are my Maven commands failing?

Following are Maven configuration issues that you might see in the JetBrains and Visual Studio Code IDEs. If you address the issues and still see Maven errors, there might be an issue with your project. Use the information in the error logs to address any issues with your project, and then try transforming your project again.

Update Maven configuration in JetBrains

If a transformation fails in JetBrains due to Maven command issues, the error logs appear on the Run tab. Use the information in the logs to address the issue. Following are some issues that you might need to address:

  • Make sure that your Maven home path is set to Bundled. Go to Settings, and then expand the Build, Execution, Deployment section. Expand the Build Tools section and then expand Maven. In the Maven home path dropdown list, choose Bundled.

  • Make sure that the Java runtime environment (JRE) is using your project JDK. Go to Settings, and then expand the Build, Execution, Deployment section. Expand Maven and choose Runner. In the JRE dropdown list, choose Use Project JDK.

  • Make sure that Maven is enabled. Go to Settings and choose Plugins. Search for Maven and choose the Maven plugin. If you see an Enable button, choose it to enable Maven.

Update Maven configuration in Visual Studio Code

If a transformation fails in VS Code because of Maven command issues, a text file that contains the error logs opens in a new tab. Use the information in the logs to address the issue.

Make sure that you have configured either one of the following options:

  • Your project contains a Maven wrapper in the project root folder

  • A version of Maven supported by Amazon Q is available on your PATH

For more information, see How do I add Maven to my PATH?

How do I add Maven to my PATH?

To transform your code in VS Code without using a Maven wrapper, you must install Maven and add it to your PATH variable.

To check if you have Maven installed correctly already, run mvn -v in a new OS terminal outside of Visual Studio Code. You should see an output with your Maven version.

If you get an output in your Visual Studio Code terminal but not in your OS terminal, or if the command isn't found, you need to add Maven to your PATH.

To add Maven to your PATH, follow the instructions for your machine.


To add Maven to your macOS PATH, complete the following steps.

  1. Locate your Maven installation directory, or the folder where you installed Maven, and save the path to that folder.

  2. Open the configuration file for your shell in an editor of your choice. For recent macOS versions, the default shell is zsh and the default configuration file is located at ~/.zshrc.

    Add the following lines to the bottom of the configuration file. Set the value of M2_HOME to the path you saved in step 1:

    export M2_HOME="your Maven installation directory" export PATH="${M2_HOME}/bin:${PATH}"

    These commands make the mvn command available in all terminals.

  3. Close all OS terminal windows and quit all Visual Studio Code instances.

  4. To verify that Maven was added to your PATH, open a new OS terminal and run the following command:

    mvn -v

    You should see an output with your Maven version.

  5. After seeing your Maven output, restart Visual Studio Code. You might also need to restart your machine. Open a new Visual Studio Code terminal and run the following command:

    mvn -v

    The output should be identical to the output in step 4. If the Visual Studio Code output is different, try the following to make sure your setup is correct:

    • Check your PATH variable in Visual Studio Code. An IDE extension might be altering the PATH such that it differs from your local PATH variable. Uninstall the extension to remove it from your PATH.

    • Check your default shell in Visual Studio Code. If it's set to something other than zsh, repeat these steps for your shell.


To add Maven to your Windows PATH, complete the following steps:

  1. Locate your Maven installation directory, or the folder where you installed Maven, and save the path to that folder.

  2. Open the Environment Variables window:

    1. Choose the Windows button to open the search bar.

    2. Enter Edit environment variables for your account and choose it.

  3. In the Environment Variables window, look for the Path variable. If you have a Path variable already, choose Edit... to update it. If you don't see a Path variable, choose New... to add one.

  4. In the Edit environment variable window that appears, double click the existing path to edit it, or choose New to add a new path entry.

    Replace the existing Maven path entry with the path you saved in step 1, or add the path as a new entry. At the end of the path, add \bin as a suffix, as in the following example:

  5. Choose OK to save the path entry, and then choose OK again in the Environment Variables window.

  6. Open a new Command Prompt and run the following command:

    mvn -v

    You should see an output with your Maven version.

Why can't Amazon Q build my code?

If the transformation fails when Amazon Q is building your code, your project may not be configured properly for the environment where Amazon Q builds your code. You might need to update your build configuration or code implementation.

Review the build log output Amazon Q provides to determine if there are changes you can make to your project. Following are some common issues that might prevent Amazon Q from building your code.

Remove absolute paths in pom.xml

If you have an absolute path in your pom.xml file, Amazon Q won’t be able to find the relevant files, and as a result might not be able to build your code.

Following is an example of an absolute path that you could have in your pom.xml file:

<toolspath> <path>/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.11.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/tools.jar</path> </toolspath>

Instead of using an absolute path, you can create a relative path using a pointer. Following is an example of how you can replace the previous absolute path with a relative path:

<toolspath> <path>${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar</path> </toolspath>

Remove local or external databases in unit tests

Amazon Q runs any unit tests in your project when it builds your code. If a unit test calls a local or external database, Amazon Q won’t have access to the database, causing the build to fail. To prevent the build from failing, you must either remove the database call from the unit test or remove the unit test before submitting the transformation.

Why did my transformation fail after 55 minutes?

If your code transformation job fails after 55 minutes, your code build time likely exceeds the build time limit. There is currently a time limit of 55 minutes for building your code.

If your local build time takes 55 minutes or longer, reduce your project’s build time to transform your code. If your local build is faster than the build with Code Transformation, check your project for tasks that might be failing or take a longer time in a different environment. Consider disabling long-running test cases. Also consider using timeouts for attempts to access resources that might not be available from the secure IDE environment or the internet.

Why can’t I download my transformed code?

If you aren’t able to download your code after your transformation is complete, it’s likely due to one of the following issues. See the topic that corresponds to the error you see from Amazon Q.

Reduce project size

After the transformation is complete, Amazon Q generates an output artifact that contains a diff with your upgraded code and a transformation summary with information about the changes it made. The output artifact must be 1 GB or less in order for the IDE to download it.

If the output artifact exceeds the limit, you will not be able to download your upgraded code or transformation summary. Try transforming a smaller project to prevent a large output artifact. If the issue persists, contact Support. For information about contacting Support with Amazon Q, see Using Amazon Q Developer to chat with Support.

Download code diff within 30 days

The code diff file with your upgraded code is only available for 30 days after the transformation is complete. If it’s been over 30 days since the transformation completed, restart the transformation to download the diff file.

Configure proxy settings in your IDE

Amazon Q downloads your upgraded code from a service-owned Amazon S3 bucket. Part of the download process involves using SSL or TLS certificates to establish communication between Amazon S3 and your IDE. If you are using a proxy server, the SSL or TLS certificates used by your proxy server must be trusted, otherwise Amazon Q is not able to upload your project.

To download your code, you might need to configure your IDE to trust certificates or update other proxy settings. For more information on updating your proxy settings, see Configure proxy settings in your IDE.

Remove wildcard characters in JetBrains proxy settings

If you have configured proxy settings in your JetBrains IDE, you might see the following error when downloading your upgraded code: Unable to execute HTTP request: Dangling meta character '*' near index 0

This is likely caused by the presence of a wildcard character (*) in the No proxy for field of your IDE's proxy settings. The Java SDK used by Amazon Q doesn't support wildcard entries in this field.

To download your code, remove any wildcards from the No proxy for field, and then restart your IDE. If you need to specify hosts that should bypass the proxy, use a regular expression instead of a wildcard. To update proxy settings in your JetBrains IDE, see HTTP Proxy in the JetBrains documentation.

How do I access code transformation logs?

Access logs in JetBrains

For information about how to access JetBrains log files, see Locating IDE log files in the JetBrains documentation.

To find logs emitted by Amazon Q in JetBrains, search the IDE logs for the following string:

Code transformation logs start with the preceding string. Logs generated by Maven are displayed on the Run tab and have the preceding string before and after the log entry.

Access logs in Visual Studio Code

To find logs emitted by Amazon Q in VS Code, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose View in the top navigation bar, and then choose Command Palette.

  2. Search Amazon Q: View Logs in the command palette that appears.

  3. The logs open in the IDE. To search the log files for CodeTransformation, use CMD + F or Control + F.

Code transformation logs in VS Code are prefixed with CodeTransformation:. Following is an example of a log generated in VS Code for a Maven copy dependencies error:

2024-02-12 11:29:16 [ERROR]: CodeTransformation: Error in running Maven copy-dependencies command mvn = /bin/sh: mvn: command not found

How do I find my transformation job ID?

Find your job ID in JetBrains

To find a transformation job ID in JetBrains, go to the Transformation details tab in the Transformation Hub and choose the Show Job Status (clock) icon.

Find your job ID in Visual Studio Code

To find a transformation job ID in VS Code, go to the Transformation Hub and choose the Show Job Status (clock) icon.