User activity report metrics - Amazon Q Developer

User activity report metrics

The following table describes the metrics that are included in the user activity reports generated by Amazon Q Developer.

For more information about these reports, see Viewing the activity of specific users in Amazon Q Developer.

Metric name Description


Lines of code suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric includes code that was generated through the Amazon Q chat (not inline chat) and inserted into the IDE.


Number of chat messages where the user has interacted positively with Amazon Q. Examples of positive interactions: clicking a link, inserting a suggestion, and upvoting a response from Amazon Q. This metric includes messages that were generated by Amazon Q chat (not inline chat).


Number of messages sent to and from Amazon Q. This metric includes the user prompts and Amazon Q responses in the Amazon Q chat (not inline chat).


Number of code fixes suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to code fixes generated through the /review command.


Lines of code suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to lines of code generated through the /review command.


Lines of code suggested by Amazon Q. This metric applies to lines of code generated through the /review command.


Number of code fixes suggested by Amazon Q. This metric applies to code fixes generated through the /review command.


Number of code issues that were found but for which Amazon Q could not suggest a code fix. This metric applies to code issues generated using the /review command.


Number of code issues found by Amazon Q. This metric applies to code issues found using the /review command.


Number of code issues that were found and for which Amazon Q was able to generate a suggested code fix. This metric applies to code issues found using the /review command.


Number of code features suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to code features generated through the /dev command.


Lines of code suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to lines of code generated through the /dev command.


Lines of code suggested by Amazon Q. This metric applies to lines of code generated through the /dev command.


Number of code features suggested by Amazon Q. This metric applies to code features generated through the /dev command.


Number of file updates suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to file updates generated through the /doc command.


Number of file creations suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to file creations generated through the /doc command.


Lines of documentation additions suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to documentation generated through the /doc command.


Lines of documentation updates suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to documentation generated using the /doc command.


Number of times the user engaged with Amazon Q using the /doc command.


Number of file creations suggested by Amazon Q and rejected by the user. This metric applies to file creations generated through the /doc command.


Number of file updates suggested by Amazon Q and rejected by the user. This metric applies to file updates generated through the /doc command.


Lines of documentation additions suggested by Amazon Q and rejected by the user. This metric applies to documentation generated through the /doc command.


Lines of documentation updates suggested by Amazon Q and rejected by the user. This metric applies to documentation generated using the /doc command.


Lines of code additions suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric includes code additions generated through the inline chat (not Amazon Q chat).


Lines of code deletions suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric includes code deletions suggested through the inline chat (not Amazon Q chat).


Number of inline chat (not Amazon Q chat) sessions that the user engaged in.


Lines of code additions suggested by Amazon Q and rejected by the user. This metric includes code additions generated through the inline chat (not Amazon Q chat).


Lines of code deletions suggested by Amazon Q and rejected by the user. This metric includes code deletions suggested through the inline chat (not Amazon Q chat).


Lines of code suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric includes code that was accepted as inline suggestions.


Number of inline suggestions accepted by the user.


Number of inline suggestions displayed to the user.


Lines of code suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to lines of code generated through the /test command.


Number of unit tests suggested by Amazon Q and accepted by the user. This metric applies to unit tests generated through the /test command.


Number of times the user engaged with Amazon Q through the /test command.


Lines of code suggested by Amazon Q. This metric applies to lines of code generated through the /test command.


Number of unit tests suggested by Amazon Q. This metric applies to unit tests generated through the /test command.


Number of times the user engaged with Amazon Q through the /transform command, excluding the times when the when the user transformed code on the command line.


Lines of code suggested by Amazon Q. This metric applies to code generated through the /transform command, excluding code transformed on the command line.


Lines of code provided to Amazon Q for transformation. This metric applies to code that is provided through the /transform command, excluding code provided for transformation on the command line, or for an SQL conversion.