How Amplify applies cache configuration to an app - AWS Amplify Hosting

How Amplify applies cache configuration to an app

To manage caching for your app, Amplify determines the type of content that is being served by examining the app's platform type and rewrite rules. For Compute apps, Amplify also examines the routing rules in the deployment manifest.


The app's platform type is set by Amplify Hosting during deployment. An SSG (static) app is set to the platform type WEB. An SSR app (Next.js 12 or later) is set to the platform type WEB_COMPUTE.

Amplify identifies the following four types of content and applies the specified managed cache policy.


The content served from apps with the WEB platform, or the static routes in a WEB_COMPUTE app.

This content uses the Amplify-StaticContent cache policy.

Image Optimization

The images served by the ImageOptimization routes in a WEB_COMPUTE app.

This content uses the Amplify-ImageOptimization cache policy.


The content served by the Compute routes in a WEB_COMPUTE app. This includes all server-side rendered (SSR) content.

This content uses either the Amplify-Default or Amplify-DefaultNoCookies cache policy depending on the value of cacheConfig.type that is set on your Amplify App.

Reverse Proxy

The content served by paths that match a reverse proxy rewrite custom rule. For more information about creating this custom rule, see Reverse proxy rewrite in the Using redirects chapter.

This content uses either the Amplify-Default or Amplify-DefaultNoCookies cache policy depending on the value of cacheConfig.type that is set on your Amplify App.

Understanding Amplify's managed cache policies

Amplify uses the following predefined managed cache policies to optimize the default cache configuration for your hosted applications.

  • Amplify-Default

  • Amplify-DefaultNoCookies

  • Amplify-ImageOptimization

  • Amplify-StaticContent

Amplify-Default managed cache policy settings

View this policy in the CloudFront console

This policy is designed for use with an origin that is an AWS Amplify web app.

This policy has the following settings:

  • Minimum TTL: 0 seconds

  • Maximum TTL: 31536000 seconds (one year)

  • Default TTL: 0 seconds

  • Headers included in cache key:

    • Authorization

    • Accept

    • CloudFront-Viewer-Country

    • Host

  • Cookies included in cache key: All cookies are included.

  • Query strings included in cache key: All query strings are included.

  • Cache compressed objects setting: Gzip and Brotli enabled.

Amplify-DefaultNoCookies managed cache policy settings

View this policy in the CloudFront console

This policy is designed for use with an origin that is an AWS Amplify web app.

This policy has the following settings:

  • Minimum TTL: 0 seconds

  • Maximum TTL: 31536000 seconds (one year)

  • Default TTL: 0 seconds

  • Headers included in cache key:

    • Authorization

    • Accept

    • CloudFront-Viewer-Country

    • Host

  • Cookies included in cache key: No cookies are included.

  • Query strings included in cache key: All query strings are included.

  • Cache compressed objects setting: Gzip and Brotli enabled.

Amplify-ImageOptimization managed cache policy settings

View this policy in the CloudFront console

This policy is designed for use with an origin that is an AWS Amplify web app.

This policy has the following settings:

  • Minimum TTL: 0 seconds

  • Maximum TTL: 31536000 seconds (one year)

  • Default TTL: 0 seconds

  • Headers included in cache key:

    • Authorization

    • Accept

    • Host

  • Cookies included in cache key: No cookies are included.

  • Query strings included in cache key: All query strings are included.

  • Cache compressed objects setting: Gzip and Brotli enabled.

Amplify-StaticContent managed cache policy settings

View this policy in the CloudFront console

This policy is designed for use with an origin that is an AWS Amplify web app.

This policy has the following settings:

  • Minimum TTL: 0 seconds

  • Maximum TTL: 31536000 seconds (one year)

  • Default TTL: 0 seconds

  • Headers included in cache key:

    • Authorization

    • Host

  • Cookies included in cache key: No cookies are included.

  • Query strings included in cache key: No query strings are included.

  • Cache compressed objects setting: Gzip and Brotli enabled.