Pattern-based feature branch deployments - AWS Amplify Hosting

Pattern-based feature branch deployments

Pattern-based branch deployments allow you to automatically deploy branches that match a specific pattern to Amplify. Product teams using feature branch or GitFlow workflows for their releases, can now define patterns such as release** to automatically deploy Git branches that begin with ‘release’ to a shareable URL.

  1. Choose App settings, then Branch settings.

  2. On the Branch settings page, choose Edit.

  3. Select Branch autodetection to automatically connect branches to Amplify that match a pattern set.

  4. In the Branch autodetection - patterns box, enter the patterns for automatically deploying branches.

    • * – Deploys all branches in your repository.

    • release* – Deploys all branches that begin with the word ‘release'.

    • release*/ – Deploys all branches that match a ‘release /’ pattern.

    • Specify multiple patterns in a comma-separated list. For example, release*, feature*.

  5. Set up automatic password protection for all branches that are automatically created by selecting Branch autodetection access control .

  6. For Gen 1 applications built with an Amplify backend, you can choose to create a new environment for every connected branch, or point all branches to an existing backend.

  7. Choose Save.

Pattern-based feature branch deployments for an app connected to a custom domain

You can use pattern-based feature branch deployments for an app connected to an Amazon Route 53 custom domain.