Setting environment variables - AWS Amplify Hosting

Setting environment variables

Use the following instructions to set environment variables for an application in the Amplify console.


Environment variables is visible in the Amplify console’s App settings menu only when an app is set up for continuous deployment and connected to a git repository. For instructions on this type of deployment, see Getting started with existing code.

To set environment variables
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amplify console.

  2. In the Amplify console, choose Hosting, and then choose Environment variables.

  3. On the Environment variables page, choose Manage variables.

  4. For Variable, enter your key. For Value, enter your value. By default, Amplify applies the environment variables across all branches, so you don’t have to re-enter variables when you connect a new branch.

  5. (Optional) To customize an environment variable specifically for a branch, add a branch override as follows:

    1. Choose Actions and then choose Add variable override.

    2. You now have a set of environment variables specific to your branch.

  6. Choose Save.

Create a new backend environment with authentication parameters for social sign-in

To connect a branch to an app
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amplify console.

  2. The procedure for connecting a branch to an app varies depending on whether you are connecting a branch to a new app or an existing app.

    • Connecting a branch to a new app

      1. On the Build settings page, locate the Select a backend environment to use with this branch section. For Environment, choose Create new environment, and enter the name of your backend environment. The following screenshot shows the Select a backend environment to use with this branch section of the Build settings page with backend entered for the backend environment name.

        The Select a backend environment to use with this branch section of the Build settings page.
      2. Expand the Advanced settings section on the Build settings page and add environment variables for social sign-in keys. For example, AMPLIFY_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET is a valid environment variable. For the list of Amplify system environment variables that are available by default, see the table in Amplify environment variable reference.

    • Connecting a branch to an existing app

      1. If you are connecting a new branch to an existing app, set the social sign-in environment variables before connecting the branch. In the navigation pane, choose App Settings, Environment variables.

      2. In the Environment variables section, choose Manage variables.

      3. In the Manage variables section, choose Add variable.

      4. For Variable (key), enter your client ID. For Value, enter your client secret.

      5. Choose, Save.