x-amazon-apigateway-tag-value property - Amazon API Gateway

x-amazon-apigateway-tag-value property

Specifies the value of an AWS tag for an HTTP API. You can use the x-amazon-apigateway-tag-value property as part of the root-level OpenAPI tag object to specify AWS tags for an HTTP API. If you specify a tag name without the x-amazon-apigateway-tag-value property, API Gateway creates a tag with an empty string for a value.

To learn more about tagging, see Tagging your API Gateway resources.

Property name Type Description



Specifies the tag key.



Specifies the tag value.

x-amazon-apigateway-tag-value example

The following example specifies two tags for an HTTP API:

  • "Owner": "Admin"

  • "Prod": ""

"tags": [ { "name": "Owner", "x-amazon-apigateway-tag-value": "Admin" }, { "name": "Prod" } ]