AWS CloudFormation template of a sample API with basic request validation
The following AWS CloudFormation example template definition defines a sample API with request validation
enabled. The API is a subset of the PetStore
method to add a pet to the
collection and a GET
method to query pets by a
specified type.
There are two request validators declared:
This validator is enabled on the
method. It allows API Gateway to verify that the required query parameter (q1
) is included and not blank in the incoming request.POSTValidator
This validator is enabled on the
method. It allows API Gateway to verify that payload request format adheres to the specifiedRequestBodyModel
when the content type isapplication/json
if no matching content type is found, request validation is not performed. To use the same model regardless of the content type, specify$default
contains an additional model,RequestBodyModelId
, to define the pet ID.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Parameters: StageName: Type: String Default: v1 Description: Name of API stage. Resources: Api: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi' Properties: Name: ReqValidatorsSample RequestBodyModelId: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Model' Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api ContentType: application/json Description: Request body model for Pet ID. Schema: $schema: '' title: RequestBodyModelId properties: id: type: integer RequestBodyModel: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Model' Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api ContentType: application/json Description: Request body model for Pet type, name, price, and ID. Schema: $schema: '' title: RequestBodyModel required: - price - name - type type: object properties: id: "$ref": !Sub - '${Api}/models/${RequestBodyModelId}' - Api: !Ref Api RequestBodyModelId: !Ref RequestBodyModelId price: type: number minimum: 25 maximum: 500 name: type: string type: type: string enum: - "dog" - "cat" - "fish" GETValidator: Type: AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator Properties: Name: params-only RestApiId: !Ref Api ValidateRequestBody: False ValidateRequestParameters: True POSTValidator: Type: AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator Properties: Name: body-only RestApiId: !Ref Api ValidateRequestBody: True ValidateRequestParameters: False ValidationResource: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Resource' Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api ParentId: !GetAtt Api.RootResourceId PathPart: 'validation' ValidationMethodGet: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Method' Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api ResourceId: !Ref ValidationResource HttpMethod: GET AuthorizationType: NONE RequestValidatorId: !Ref GETValidator RequestParameters: method.request.querystring.q1: true Integration: Type: HTTP_PROXY IntegrationHttpMethod: GET Uri: ValidationMethodPost: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Method' Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api ResourceId: !Ref ValidationResource HttpMethod: POST AuthorizationType: NONE RequestValidatorId: !Ref POSTValidator RequestModels: application/json : !Ref RequestBodyModel Integration: Type: HTTP_PROXY IntegrationHttpMethod: POST Uri: ApiDeployment: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment' DependsOn: - ValidationMethodGet - RequestBodyModel Properties: RestApiId: !Ref Api StageName: !Sub '${StageName}' Outputs: ApiRootUrl: Description: Root Url of the API Value: !Sub 'https://${Api}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}${StageName}'