x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responseParameters object - Amazon API Gateway

x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responseParameters object

Specifies mappings from integration method response parameters to method response parameters. You can map header, body, or static values to the header type of the method response. Supported only for REST APIs.

Property name Type Description
method.response.header.<param-name> string

The named parameter value can be derived from the header and body types of the integration response parameters.

x-amazon-apigateway-integration.responseParameters example

The following example maps body and header parameters of the integration response to two header parameters of the method response.

"responseParameters" : { "method.response.header.Location" : "integration.response.body.redirect.url", "method.response.header.x-user-id" : "integration.response.header.x-userid" }