Configure a method to use API keys with an OpenAPI definition - Amazon API Gateway

Configure a method to use API keys with an OpenAPI definition

You can use an OpenAPI definition to require API keys on a method.

For each method, create a security requirement object to require an API key to invoke that method. Then, define api_key in the security definition. After you create your API, add the new API stage to your usage plan.

The following example creates an API and requires an API key for the POST and GET methods:

OpenAPI 2.0
{ "swagger" : "2.0", "info" : { "version" : "2024-03-14T20:20:12Z", "title" : "keys-api" }, "basePath" : "/v1", "schemes" : [ "https" ], "paths" : { "/pets" : { "get" : { "responses" : { }, "security" : [ { "api_key" : [ ] } ], "x-amazon-apigateway-integration" : { "type" : "http_proxy", "httpMethod" : "GET", "uri" : "", "passthroughBehavior" : "when_no_match" } }, "post" : { "responses" : { }, "security" : [ { "api_key" : [ ] } ], "x-amazon-apigateway-integration" : { "type" : "http_proxy", "httpMethod" : "GET", "uri" : "", "passthroughBehavior" : "when_no_match" } } } }, "securityDefinitions" : { "api_key" : { "type" : "apiKey", "name" : "x-api-key", "in" : "header" } } }
OpenAPI 3.0
{ "openapi" : "3.0.1", "info" : { "title" : "keys-api", "version" : "2024-03-14T20:20:12Z" }, "servers" : [ { "url" : "{basePath}", "variables" : { "basePath" : { "default" : "v1" } } } ], "paths" : { "/pets" : { "get" : { "security" : [ { "api_key" : [ ] } ], "x-amazon-apigateway-integration" : { "httpMethod" : "GET", "uri" : "", "passthroughBehavior" : "when_no_match", "type" : "http_proxy" } }, "post" : { "security" : [ { "api_key" : [ ] } ], "x-amazon-apigateway-integration" : { "httpMethod" : "GET", "uri" : "", "passthroughBehavior" : "when_no_match", "type" : "http_proxy" } } } }, "components" : { "securitySchemes" : { "api_key" : { "type" : "apiKey", "name" : "x-api-key", "in" : "header" } } } }