Manage connected users and client apps: $connect and $disconnect routes - Amazon API Gateway

Manage connected users and client apps: $connect and $disconnect routes

The following section describes how to use the $connect and $disconnect routes for your WebSocket API.

The $connect route

Client apps connect to your WebSocket API by sending a WebSocket upgrade request. If the request succeeds, the $connect route is executed while the connection is being established.

Because the WebSocket connection is a stateful connection, you can configure authorization on the $connect route only. AuthN/AuthZ will be performed only at connection time.

Until execution of the integration associated with the $connect route is completed, the upgrade request is pending and the actual connection will not be established. If the $connect request fails (e.g., due to AuthN/AuthZ failure or an integration failure), the connection will not be made.


If authorization fails on $connect, the connection will not be established, and the client will receive a 401 or 403 response.

Setting up an integration for $connect is optional. You should consider setting up a $connect integration if:

  • You want to enable clients to specify subprotocols by using the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol field. For example code, see Set up a $connect route that requires a WebSocket subprotocol.

  • You want to be notified when clients connect.

  • You want to throttle connections or control who connects.

  • You want your backend to send messages back to clients using a callback URL.

  • You want to store each connection ID and other information into a database (for example, Amazon DynamoDB).

Passing connection information from the $connect route

You can use both proxy and non-proxy integrations to pass information from the $connect route to a database or other AWS service.

To pass connection information using a proxy integration

You can access the connection information from a Lambda proxy integration in the event. Use another AWS service or AWS Lambda function to post to the connection.

The following Lambda function shows how to use the requestContext object to log the connection ID, domain name, stage name, and query strings.

export const handler = async(event, context) => { const connectId = event["requestContext"]["connectionId"] const domainName = event["requestContext"]["domainName"] const stageName = event["requestContext"]["stage"] const qs = event['queryStringParameters'] console.log('Connection ID: ', connectId, 'Domain Name: ', domainName, 'Stage Name: ', stageName, 'Query Strings: ', qs ) return {"statusCode" : 200} };
import json import logging logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel("INFO") def lambda_handler(event, context): connectId = event["requestContext"]["connectionId"] domainName = event["requestContext"]["domainName"] stageName = event["requestContext"]["stage"] qs = event['queryStringParameters'] connectionInfo = { 'Connection ID': connectId, 'Domain Name': domainName, 'Stage Name': stageName, 'Query Strings': qs} return {"statusCode": 200}

To pass connection information using a non-proxy integration

  • You can access the connection information with a non-proxy integration. Set up the integration request and provide a WebSocket API request template. The following Velocity Template Language (VTL) mapping template provides an integration request. This request sends the following details to a non-proxy integration:

    • Connection ID

    • Domain name

    • Stage name

    • Path

    • Headers

    • Query strings

    This request sends the connection ID, domain name, stage name, paths, headers, and query strings to a non-proxy integration.

    { "connectionId": "$context.connectionId", "domain": "$context.domainName", "stage": "$context.stage", "params": "$input.params()" }

    For more information about setting up data transformations, see Data transformations for WebSocket APIs in API Gateway.

    To complete the integration request, set StatusCode: 200 for the integration response. To learn more about setting up an integration response, see Set up an integration response using the API Gateway console.

The $disconnect route

The $disconnect route is executed after the connection is closed.

The connection can be closed by the server or by the client. As the connection is already closed when it is executed, $disconnect is a best-effort event. API Gateway will try its best to deliver the $disconnect event to your integration, but it cannot guarantee delivery.

The backend can initiate disconnection by using the @connections API. For more information, see Use @connections commands in your backend service.