Set up request and response data mappings using the API Gateway console - Amazon API Gateway

Set up request and response data mappings using the API Gateway console

To use the API Gateway console to define the API's integration request/response, follow these instructions.


These instructions assume you have already completed the steps in Set up an API integration request using the API Gateway console.

  1. In the Resources pane, choose your method.

  2. On the Integration request tab, under Integration request settings, choose Edit.

  3. Choose an option for Request body passthrough to configure how the method request body of an unmapped content type will be passed through the integration request without transformation to the Lambda function, HTTP proxy, or AWS service proxy. There are three options:

    • Choose When no template matches the request content-type header if you want the method request body to pass through the integration request to the backend without transformation when the method request content type does not match any content types associated with the mapping templates, as defined in the next step.


      When calling the API Gateway API, you choose this option by setting WHEN_NO_MATCH as the passthroughBehavior property value on the Integration resource.

    • Choose When there are no templates defined (recommended) if you want the method request body to pass through the integration request to the backend without transformation when no mapping template is defined in the integration request. If a template is defined when this option is selected, the method request of an unmapped content type will be rejected with an HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type response.


      When calling the API Gateway API, you choose this option by setting WHEN_NO_TEMPLATE as the passthroughBehavior property value on the Integration resource.

    • Choose Never if you do not want the method request to pass through when either the method request content type does not match any content type associated with the mapping templates defined in the integration request or no mapping template is defined in the integration request. The method request of an unmapped content type will be rejected with an HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type response.


      When calling the API Gateway API, you choose this option by setting NEVER as the passthroughBehavior property value on the Integration resource.

    For more information about the integration passthrough behaviors, see Integration passthrough behaviors.

  4. For an HTTP proxy or an AWS service proxy, to associate a path parameter, a query string parameter, or a header parameter defined in the integration request with a corresponding path parameter, query string parameter, or header parameter in the method request of the HTTP proxy or AWS service proxy, do the following:

    1. Choose URL path parameters, URL query string parameters, or HTTP request headers respectively, and then choose Add path, Add query string, or Add header, respectively.

    2. For Name, type the name of the path parameter, query string parameter, or header parameter in the HTTP proxy or AWS service proxy.

    3. For Mapped from, enter the mapping value for the path parameter, query string parameter, or header parameter. Use one of the following formats:

      • method.request.path.parameter-name for a path parameter named parameter-name as defined in the Method request page.

      • method.request.querystring.parameter-name for a query string parameter named parameter-name as defined in the Method request page.

      • method.request.multivaluequerystring.parameter-name for a multi-valued query string parameter named parameter-name as defined in the Method request page.

      • method.request.header.parameter-name for a header parameter named parameter-name as defined in the Method request page.

        Alternatively, you can set a literal string value (enclosed by a pair of single quotes) to an integration header.

      • method.request.multivalueheader.parameter-name for a multi-valued header parameter named parameter-name as defined in the Method request page.

    4. To add another parameter, choose the Add button.

  5. To add a mapping template, choose Mapping templates.

  6. To define a mapping template for an incoming request, choose Add mapping template. For Content type, enter a content type (e.g., application/json). Then, enter the mapping template. For more information, see Mapping templates for REST APIs.

  7. Choose Save.

  8. You can map an integration response from the backend to a method response of the API returned to the calling app. This includes returning to the client selected response headers from the available ones from the backend, transforming the data format of the backend response payload to an API-specified format. You can specify such mapping by configuring Method response and Integration responses.

    To have the method receive a custom response data format based on the HTTP status code returned by the Lambda function, HTTP proxy, or AWS service proxy, do the following:

    1. Choose Integration responses. Choose either Edit on the Default - Response , to specify settings for a 200 HTTP response code from the method, or choose Create response to specify settings for any other HTTP response status code from the method.

    2. For Lambda error regex (for a Lambda function) or HTTP status regex (for an HTTP proxy or AWS service proxy), enter a regular expression to specify which Lambda function error strings (for a Lambda function) or HTTP response status codes (for an HTTP proxy or AWS service proxy) map to this output mapping. For example, to map all 2xx HTTP response status codes from an HTTP proxy to this output mapping, type "2\d{2}" for HTTP status regex. To return an error message containing "Invalid Request" from a Lambda function to a 400 Bad Request response, enter ".*Invalid request.*" as the Lambda error regex expression. On the other hand, to return 400 Bad Request for all unmapped error messages from Lambda, enter "(\n|.)+" in Lambda error regex. This last regular expression can be used for the default error response of an API.


      API Gateway uses Java pattern-style regexes for response mapping. For more information, see Pattern in the Oracle documentation.

      The error patterns are matched against the entire string of the errorMessage property in the Lambda response, which is populated by callback(errorMessage) in Node.js or by throw new MyException(errorMessage) in Java. Also, escaped characters are unescaped before the regular expression is applied.

      If you use '.+' as the selection pattern to filter responses, be aware that it may not match a response containing a newline ('\n') character.

    3. If enabled, for Method response status, select the HTTP response status code you defined on the Method response page.

    4. For Header mappings, for each header you defined for the HTTP response status code on the Method response page, specify a mapping value. For Mapping value, use one of the following formats:

      • integration.response.multivalueheaders.header-name where header-name is the name of a multi-valued response header from the backend.

        For example, to return the backend response's Date header as an API method's response's Timestamp header, the Response header column will contain a Timestamp entry, and the associated Mapping value should be set to integration.response.multivalueheaders.Date.

      • integration.response.header.header-name where header-name is the name of a single-valued response header from the backend.

        For example, to return the backend response's Date header as an API method's response's Timestamp header, the Response header column will contain a Timestamp entry, and the associated Mapping value should be set to integration.response.header.Date.

    5. Choose Mapping templates, and then choose Add mapping template. In the Content type box, enter the content type of the data that will be passed from the Lambda function, HTTP proxy, or AWS service proxy to the method. Then, enter the mapping template. For more information, see Mapping templates for REST APIs.

    6. Choose Save.