The following integration subtypes are supported for HTTP APIs.
Integration subtypes
EventBridge-PutEvents 1.0
Sends custom events to Amazon EventBridge so that they can be matched to rules.
Parameter | Required |
Detail | True |
DetailType | True |
Source | True |
Time | False |
EventBusName | False |
Resources | False |
Region | False |
TraceHeader | False |
To learn more, see PutEvents in the Amazon EventBridge API Reference.
SQS-SendMessage 1.0
Delivers a message to the specified queue.
Parameter | Required |
QueueUrl | True |
MessageBody | True |
DelaySeconds | False |
MessageAttributes | False |
MessageDeduplicationId | False |
MessageGroupId | False |
MessageSystemAttributes | False |
Region | False |
To learn more, see SendMessage in the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference.
SQS-ReceiveMessage 1.0
Retrieves one or more messages (up to 10), from the specified queue.
Parameter | Required |
QueueUrl | True |
AttributeNames | False |
MaxNumberOfMessages | False |
MessageAttributeNames | False |
ReceiveRequestAttemptId | False |
VisibilityTimeout | False |
WaitTimeSeconds | False |
Region | False |
To learn more, see ReceiveMessage in the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference.
SQS-DeleteMessage 1.0
Deletes the specified message from the specified queue.
Parameter | Required |
ReceiptHandle | True |
QueueUrl | True |
Region | False |
To learn more, see DeleteMessage in the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference.
SQS-PurgeQueue 1.0
Deletes all messages in the specified queue.
Parameter | Required |
QueueUrl | True |
Region | False |
To learn more, see PurgeQueue in the Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference.
AppConfig-GetConfiguration 1.0
Receive information about a configuration.
Parameter | Required |
Application | True |
Environment | True |
Configuration | True |
ClientId | True |
ClientConfigurationVersion | False |
Region | False |
To learn more, see GetConfiguration in the AWS AppConfig API Reference.
Kinesis-PutRecord 1.0
Writes a single data record into an Amazon Kinesis data stream.
Parameter | Required |
StreamName | True |
Data | True |
PartitionKey | True |
SequenceNumberForOrdering | False |
ExplicitHashKey | False |
Region | False |
To learn more, see PutRecord in the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams API Reference.
StepFunctions-StartExecution 1.0
Starts a state machine execution.
Parameter | Required |
StateMachineArn | True |
Name | False |
Input | False |
Region | False |
To learn more, see StartExecution in the AWS Step Functions API Reference.
StepFunctions-StartSyncExecution 1.0
Starts a synchronous state machine execution.
Parameter | Required |
StateMachineArn | True |
Name | False |
Input | False |
Region | False |
TraceHeader | False |
To learn more, see StartSyncExecution in the AWS Step Functions API Reference.
StepFunctions-StopExecution 1.0
Stops an execution.
Parameter | Required |
ExecutionArn | True |
Cause | False |
Error | False |
Region | False |
To learn more, see StopExecution in the AWS Step Functions API Reference.