Promote a canary release
When you promote a canary release, the canary release replaces the current stage settings. Promoting a canary release does not disable the canary on the stage. To disable a canary, you must remove the canary settings on the stage. To promote a canary, do the following.
Reset the deployment ID of the stage with the deployment ID settings of the canary. This updates the API snapshot of the stage with the snapshot of the canary, making the test version the production release as well.
Update stage variables with canary stage variables, if any. This updates the API execution context of the stage with that of the canary. Without this update, the new API version may produce unexpected results if the test version uses different stage variables or different values of existing stage variables.
Set the percentage of canary traffic to 0.0%.
Promote a canary release using the API Gateway console
To use the API Gateway console to promote a canary release deployment, do the following:
To promote a canary release deployment
Sign in to the API Gateway console and choose an existing API in the primary navigation pane.
In the main navigation pane, choose Stages, and then choose an existing stage.
Choose the Canary tab.
Choose Promote canary.
Confirm changes to be made and choose Promote canary.
After the promotion, the production release references the same API version (deploymentId) as the canary release. You can verify this using the AWS CLI. For example, see Promote a canary release using the AWS CLI.
Promote a canary release using the AWS CLI
To promote a canary release to the production release using the AWS CLI commands,
call the update-stage
command to copy the canary-associated
to the stage-associated deploymentId
, to
reset the canary traffic percentage to zero (0.0
), and, to copy any
canary-bound stage variables to the corresponding stage-bound ones.
Suppose we have a canary release deployment, described by a stage similar to the following:
{ "_links": { ... }, "accessLogSettings": { ... }, "cacheClusterEnabled": false, "cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE", "canarySettings": { "deploymentId": "eh1sby", "useStageCache": false, "stageVariableOverrides": { "sv2": "val3", "sv1": "val2" }, "percentTraffic": 10.5 }, "createdDate": "2017-11-20T04:42:19Z", "deploymentId": "nfcn0x", "lastUpdatedDate": "2017-11-22T00:54:28Z", "methodSettings": { ... }, "stageName": "prod", "variables": { "sv1": "val1" } }
Use the following update-stage command to promote the canary:
aws apigateway update-stage \ --rest-api-id {rest-api-id} \ --stage-name '{stage-name}' \ --patch-operations '[{ "op": "replace", "value": "0.0", "path": "/canarySettings/percentTraffic" }, { "op": "copy", "from": "/canarySettings/stageVariableOverrides", "path": "/variables" }, { "op": "copy", "from": "/canarySettings/deploymentId", "path": "/deploymentId" }]'
The output will look like the following:
{ "_links": { ... }, "accessLogSettings": { ... }, "cacheClusterEnabled": false, "cacheClusterStatus": "NOT_AVAILABLE", "canarySettings": { "deploymentId": "eh1sby", "useStageCache": false, "stageVariableOverrides": { "sv2": "val3", "sv1": "val2" }, "percentTraffic": 0 }, "createdDate": "2017-11-20T04:42:19Z", "deploymentId": "eh1sby", "lastUpdatedDate": "2017-11-22T05:29:47Z", "methodSettings": { ... }, "stageName": "prod", "variables": { "sv2": "val3", "sv1": "val2" } }
Promoting a canary release to the stage does not disable the canary and the deployment remains to be a canary release deployment. To make it a regular production release deployment, you must disable the canary settings. For more information about how to disable a canary release deployment, see Turn off a canary release.